You guys may think I'm dead, but in fact I'm not! What is dead indeed is my afflatus(facepalming...)


—In Randy's home—

"Pizzas are the best blessing after all those curses!" Danny yelled with excitement, biting the pizza in his hand.

"Along with Grave Puncher!" Randy added, playing the video game with pizza in his mouth.

"I know it right?" Jake took another pizza on the table. "By the way, thanks for the free pizzas."

"No need to thank for helping me tackle Dash."

"But how can you bear Dash? How many times is this for this week? Peace among students, is that too much to ask? Have you ever thought about using you ghost power to do something?"

"Of course I have thought about that, hundred times I will say. But when I thought about it, what makes me different from those bullies?"

"Of course different! You are only carrying out self-defense!"

"Actually there's not. We are both using our advantages for our OWN good."

"You just can't let the sense of hatred and revenge overwhelm you. Remember what's your power is TRULY for."

"But they are really so hateful sometimes…" The purplette muttered, thinking about Bash.

"I know it dude, my school has one too. But we can't let someone we hate MAKE US be the kind of person we hate, get that?"

"Jake gets a point. You said you had once tried to get revenge on Bash, what turns out at last?"

"Worse revenge…" The ninja facepalmed, remembering that how Bash took the weapon from his stepfather Mcfist to take revenge on the whole school. "That was wonk…"

"I know it, right?" The halfa smirked.

"Besides, using powers on personal issues just increases the risk of exposure. That's just not worth it."

"But how can you guys handle the hatred towards those shoobs? Don't you also have emotions?!"

"Of course we also hate people, but not them. They don't even WORTH it."

"Compared to the villains we are facing everyday as heroes, they don't mean a bullshit. The total bad things Brad did don't equal to a single bad thing the Dark Dragon did! We just don't want to put much effort on them."

"I see your point. Compared to his stepfather, Bash really don't mean a thing."

"Remember, a hero CAN also become a villain. They are different but similar at the same time. They both have unique powers, what makes them different is their INTENTIONS. Villains use their powers for THEMSELVES, heroes use theirs for OTHERS."

"Sometimes I think you are really honkin' bruce for saving others while being the Public Enemy Number One."

"Yea it sucks but if I don't protect the world from the ghosts, who will? I AM Danny Phantom. Plus, I just can't ignore a cry for help, that's what a hero is for."

The ninja slow-clapped for appreciation.

"So that's what you guys have learnt in these years?"

"This is just a bit. You still have waaaay more to learn."

"tt, you guys just become superheroes earlier than me by a few years."

"That already makes a difference. You really have a lot to learn, newbie!" Jake patted Randy's shoulder for encouragement.

"I admit I might be new on being a superhero, but I'm surely a master of Grave Puncher! I win again! Piece of cake! Winning with hands clapping is just not a big deal for a master!"

""Damn it!""


"Okay…that loser is finally settled, now back to b…what?!" Nomirandy was surprised by the dazzling light emerged suddenly behind him, where his half was supposed to be.

The enemy turned to see such a scene: his copy was free of captive; the light was come from him; he was walking slowly towards him with determination in his eyes.

A flicker of shock appeared in the enemy's eyes, but he then turned back to the usual evil. "I have to admit you are a bit tough, just like a cockroach. But no matter how many times you stand up, loser will always be a loser!" Every kind of weapons you could think of appeared beside the villain and rushed towards the ninja, but they faded away when they almost touched him.

"A bit tough, huh?" The red-eyed teen licked his lips, followed by a new wave of attack. This time was chickens and roosters.

"I admit people don't treat their hero well, but there's one thing for certain: they NEED me."Randy kept on walking. "As long as they need me, I'll be here." The light from him became stronger with each step forward. "Being a hero is not about being the strongest, brucest or the most popular, it's about helping others when they are in need." The attacks faded away again. "This is what my hero biffers taught me."

"Oh come on! Those stupid statements again?! Can you say of something else?"

"I think the stupidest thing is that we are fighting against each other since we are the same person. Just stop this meaningless fight!"

"The same person? Huh! Then I'm the better version of you! People like me more and even your crush thinks I have brucer moves ! I can replace you to be the better 'Randy Cunningham'! I can make 'Randy Cunningham' be the ruler of the world! There's no place for you such a loser!"

"You can't defeat me. In my mind world, I understand that the strongest thing is not any imaginary weapon, it's my faith. With the strongest faith, I am undefeatable."

"Ha! You wish!" The villain transformed into his stanked form and rushed towards his copy.

Just before his clone rushed on him, Randy muttered, "Thank you for backing me up, bro. I know you guys are not gonna like it," he closed his eyes, "but I won't regret!" he opened his eyes again. His eyes at the moment were so firm that as if there was fire burning inside, seeming like some big but difficult decision was made by the eyes' owner.

—Outside Randy's mind—

"I had given you the choices, but you chose the tough one. Now this will be the last attack you can bear! Then you can be a full ghost!" The villain giggled venomously, preparing for the final strike.

The halfa, being stepped by the dragon's foot, making him unable to move; with his both worn-out body and suit; closed his eyes to prepare for the last hit.

But he could not feel any expected huge pain.

So he opened slightly his eyes.

Then he saw the monster in front of him was shivering; holding his head; seemed like there was something wrong with him.

In the next moment he realized the dragon above him was not right either. He felt the foot stepping on him became powerless. Then he looked up and saw the dragon became unconscious and started to fall, so he used his last effort to go intangible and moved away to prevent the further compress.

Danny was shocked by the whole thing, but then he figured out the reason. "Eventually you made it, you shoob." He smiled relievedly.

Both the villain and the dragon went back to their human forms and lied on the floor, being unconscious. Being exhausted, the halfa crawled towards his dragon pal and tried to wake him up.

"Hey? Jake? Are you okay?"

The dragon boy groaned and blinked open his eyes while rubbing his head. "What hit me? I feel like I just took down 50 members of the Huntsclan…"

"Well, you had fought a lot…" The ghost teen said with sarcasm. "Anyway, the battle is over."

"What? Already end?! Sounds like I have missed a lot!" A sense of disappointment could be seen from Jake.

"Oh no, you had contributed a lot in the fight. It's just that you don't know."

"Then why can't I remember…by the way dude, you get so injured. That asshole really got you into a tough time."

"Because this time the enemy is not one but two…" Danny muttered.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. It's not important. I'll tell you later." The halfa was too tired to explain the whole thing.

"So the scrap book…" The dragon boy frowned.

"Yea, it's gone." The ghost chose to expose the fact they had already known.

"That asshole…"

"Don't worry! We can make a new one."

"But the photos…"

"We can check if our cameras or phones still have any of them. We took a lot when Randy is becoming the Tengu, right? Besides, even if we lost those photos, they are already in our memories. We can explain to him detail by detail through our mouths. That will sure be more specific and convincing than pictures, won't that?"

"Even if you say so…"

"That's okay! We have to trust Randy. Even if he loses his memory, there should be still SOMETHING remain inside of him. We should put faith in him."

"Yea, you're right! We should trust him. Although he is an idiot, he sure is not a jerk!" Smile finally appeared in Jake's face.

After simple bandaging, the duo felt strange about the still unconsciousness of their ex-enemy pal.

"Maybe you should go check him out?" Being both tired and hungry, Jake was no more patience.

"Sounds like you are the most exhausted one." Being tired, hungry AND heavily injured, Danny showed strong reluctance.

"Just quickly wake him up and rush to eat something! I don't want to carry this metal AGAIN! Just use whatever way to wake him up, hitting him or showing him a chicken whatever."

The ghost teen groaned, then overshadowed the ninja again.

"Randy? What takes you so long? Come on and head to somewhere to—" The halfa was startled by the scene in front of him that he stopped his sentence.

The place where he arrived was NOTHING, not even a sign of his biffer. Even a thought that he might had gone to a wrong place flowed into his mind, but Danny quickly denied it.
