Aiight guyz I'm back. Part 2 of that story which quite honestly was a hit and miss to readers AND myself. I did the mistake to push the chapters out before my exams and in turn made me screw up myself and I made a shit ton of mistakes. Now after taking a break from writing and having some time to think, learn from my mistakes and read the reviews I made up the outline of this and hand wrote my plans and did make somewhat detailed notes per chapter. I won't be adding characters, but I will remove a few unnecessary characters. These will be long chapters (for sure) and hopefully I can keep the new flame going.

PS: there will be swearing (I'll try limiting f-bombs and the heavier ones. Going to use shit (and everything that goes with that) and dumbass

So without further ado, let's get Part 2 started.

"Goodbye guys. I'll see you when I get back home or in Paradise."

The Start of Something Big

Using his sharp Observation skills, he tried finding the aura of his green haired friend and once he picked up something that felt very familiar all he did was run towards that direction. After running for about 7 minutes, he found himself in a spot where he had once been many years ago. He stood right in front of the very dojo where he met Roronoa Zoro all those years ago. Looking inside quickly he had noticed that Zoro wasn't in the dojo but elsewhere so of course Luffy being Luffy, he ran off to go to where he knew Zoro would be. Walking for another 5 minutes, Luffy found himself at a graveyard and standing in front of a grave was his friend, his first mate and his nakama. Being silent until Zoro turned around, Luffy respected Zoro and his privacy and peace. He just patiently waited for him to turn around.

After Zoro was done, he said "Yo Luffy" with some excitement in his voice. "I couldn't tell if it was you or someone else but you have a strong aura." and the two start to make their way back

"Shihihihihi" he laughs "You got stronger too"

"Of course I did dumbass. I can't become the strongest swordsman in the world if I don't get stronger."

"How's your Haki?"

"It's not good enough." says Zoro very seriously

"It's fine for now. We aren't even in the Grand Line yet. It's not like you'll see Uncle Hawk any time before it or even the New World. And plus, we'll be training a lot. You, me, Nami, Sanji, Usopp and Robin will train and train until we all get stronger."

Agreeing silently and continuing to walk, Luffy and Zoro talk about everything that happened during the time when they first met. Luffy told him about the Nakama, how he met them and what he did after his East Blue tour with gramps, Ace and Sabo. In turn, Zoro told Luffy about his training and what he did after Luffy left and those years spent training.

When they arrived at the dojo, they met with Koshiro Sensei and talked for quite a bit. When it was time to leave, Zoro said his final goodbye to his teacher and father of his rival and hoped to meet him again later on after he becomes the greatest swordsman. When they left, Zoro and Luffy slowly made their way to town and to the docks. After getting lost and going in a circle, Zoro "bullied" a kid into taking them to the docks and when they had arrived, neither of them saw a ship. The only thing that was there was a small rowboat meant for two people.

"Oi Luffy, did you come with a ship or boat?"


"What the fu.. How did you get here?"

"I went through hell to get here okay. Dee-chan told me to hold his hand and boom we went to some place where it was REALLY hot and like there were people being hurt and tortured and we walked through it to get here."

"I don't know how to respond to that."

"Well you responded shihih…" and Zoro smacked him a couple of times "Warry Duro" (sorry Zoro)

"Whatever, let's just get on this stupid boat."

"But it's not ours. We'd be stealing it."

"How the hell do you have a bounty worth 110 000 000 Beli? Like are you a total dumbass?"

"Oh right." Luffy laughs as Zoro really contemplates if going with Luffy is actually a good idea.

After getting on the boat and a few minutes into their journey, Zoro asks "Oi Luffy, do you know where we are going?"

"Yeah, we are looking for Nami who will be our navigator. However, I don't know how to get there, so we'll be here floating on a boat for a while." he says with a smile

"You really are an idiot huh. Whatever, I hope we find this Nami without dying." Zoro fell asleep because he had nothing better to do, so he wanted to get some peaceful shuteye.

He didn't know how long he slept but he woke up from smelling the scent of fish being cooked. When he woke up, he found Luffy eating some fish, bone and all, while there was some left for Zoro as well. "Oh thanks Luffy." as he picks one up to eat. "Wait, how the hell did you get a fire going?"

"Oh that's easy. Here I'll show you." Luffy took a deep breath in and exhaled some fire through his mouth. Zoro was flat out impressed. Luffy told him about the Devil Fruit he ate and Zoro thought it was cool. The two kept eating and talking about a few things and Luffy started singing his famous song Idiots and Islands and Zoro almost knew every word. Now he wouldn't sing it, but it made him feel calm for some reason.

Since it was nighttime and he didn't do anything active all day, he wanted to go for a swim but just before he got into the water, the two found a ship sailing towards them. The row boat wasn't being noticed, but it would hit them because it was surprisingly fast approaching. Luffy looked at Zoro and said "I think we found ourselves a ship." and all Zoro did was smile and put on his black bandana across his face and took a sword out of its sheath. Luffy made his wings appear on his back and he told Zoro to quickly get on so they could board the ship. He of course did so and Luffy flew but making sure that whoever was on that ship would not notice them. After finding a safe enough spot to land, Luffy took a quick look while Zoro was hoping for a fight. Seeing no one, they heard a few voices coming towards them. Quickly trying to find a place to hide, they went below deck to a storage room and they heard even more voices.

"Shit, Alvida-sama wants to attack that ferry now. Tell the retards on board to get ready." says one man

Another says "Coby you little shit, make sure Alvida-sama doesn't know about us drinking her sake. She'll kill us of she finds out."

Whispering as quietly as he could, Luffy told Zoro "Yo, there's more food in there. We can beat these guys up quickly and take the food and then take care of this Alvida" Nodding in agreement, the two enter the room quickly and take out everyone in that room. Everyone was knocked out except for a pink haired boy that both Luffy and Zoro tired avoiding when fighting. "Wh.. Who… Who are you guys?"

"Pirates." says Zoro with a bloodthirsty smile and Luffy laughs at the reaction of the kid. "Give us your food and we'll let you live."

"Here, take everything in here." says the really scared boy

As they ate some apples and other fruit they felt a bit more reenergized and wanted to take this ship. As they were talking about their plan, the kid interrupts "You… You guys won't be able to do that. Alvida-sama is the strongest in all of East Blue."

"Huh, strongest in East Blue my ass. If anyone is the strongest, it's me." says a confident Luffy. Now normally Luffy wouldn't boast about being strong, but living with Thatch all of his life made sure that Luffy was a bit boastful. Even if it was on a rare occasion. In the wise words of Thatch "You can't be Pirate King if you are not confident in yourself to someone's kick ass."

"Zoro, let's just go on deck, find this Alvida person and beat them up. Good plan?"

"Great plan." as he walks out. The pink haired kid however, helped them. He knew where Alvida was so he wanted to help. He wanted to get off the godforsaken ship. He had enough of it. Never wanted to be on here, he was just picked up by accident.

Leading the strange duo was an easy task. When they all had arrived to where Alvida was, they found out that the whole crew was there (minus the ones knocked out). With tension in the air and a surprisingly calm Luffy and Zoro, Alvida asks "Coby, what do you have here?"

"Who's the fat whale?" says Luffy getting a reaction of everyone's jaw on the floor. From Alvida to Coby everyone was shocked, except for Zoro but he doesn't count. Then Luffy closed his eyes and waited while Coby wanted to say something to Luffy but no words could come out of his mouth as he saw Alvida lift up her club and she tried to swing it as hard as she could towards Luffy. Both Luffy and Zoro had their eyes closed and only when the club was almost at Luffy's face, Zoro moved to block the attack with his sword (eyes still closed) "You're not gonna hit the future Pirate King that easily."

"Pirate King? Don't make me laugh brat. There's no way a weak kid like you can ever become the Pirate King. Only a strong and beautiful woman like me can become Pirate QUEEN. Coby, tell me, who's the most beautiful woman at sea?"

With some fear in his voice and legs heavily shaking he says "The most beautiful woman in the seas is…" he takes a deep breath after seeing that he has two strong people that MIGHT protect him "Not you, you old fat ugly whale." and both Zoro and Luffy open their eyes. They see the club aimed for Coby and instantly, Luffy releases a wave of Haoshoku Haki and knocks out all the other pirates except for Alvida. Seeing her men drop like flies, she stops swinging and tries to comprehend what just happened. With her eyes widened, Luffy now makes his move. Coating his fist with Busoshoku Haki, he says "Pistol Punch" and he punches Alvida right in the stomach. The punch was so hard that she went back flying and went overboard. The impact of her falling in the sea was heard by the trio and they decided to look at her body; they were looking at a floating unconscious body. Taking a deep breath through his nose to smell the East Blue Sea, he smiled.

Nami was trying so hard not to get caught by the Pirates on the ship she was on. She knew it belonged to Alvida because well she did do her research so she knew to stay away from her at all costs. She was known to be vicious but Nami knew worse. But since she didn't want to be in a situation where she was stuck, she needed to be very careful. When she found out that the pirate group was going to raid a cruise ship, she had a chance of getting in the rooms and to where the money was.

Now, being able to find money was a thing of beauty for the cat burglar. It was her sworn duty ever since her mother died. After Bellemere died, Nami was in a flux. Her concentration for her Observation Haki was in a state where some days she wouldn't be able to concentrate to other days where she could notice the littlest of things and that would annoy her because she could see everything. Some days she wouldn't know how to think and other days she would sense and literally observe when Arlong decided to go walk around town. It wasn't necessary the aura, it was more so knowing everything going on and already paying attention to detail.

It didn't take too long before she found the money and as he was putting the money in a bag, she felt something. Something that made her heart race, but on the inside made her feel calm. It made her feel safe. She was confused and took no meaning to it and decided to leave this ship as quick as she could and when she made it out to deck, she saw a boy wearing a straw hat, a green haired man and a pink haired kid all having their backs towards her like they didn't notice her. However, when she saw the Straw Hat, her heart again raced, but she felt calm. At that moment, she took a wild guess and said "Luffy?" very quietly hoping the man wouldn't hear it but nope, she was greeted with a smile but her eyes didn't show any bit of life. Even though she had a fake smile and hoped to God that no one would notice the fake smile.

But Luffy saw through it "Nami, why are you sad?" he asks innocently. She felt her heart skip a beat, staying still she didn't know what to do, what to say. It's as if she forgot how to function. Not knowing how to respond to that, Luffy understood something was up. But not to dwell on whatever it was for the time being, he said "It's been a long time Nami. How've you been?"

Seeing that Luffy moved on from the first question she tried to show a bit of happiness, even though ever since Arlong came into her life and took away all the life and joy away from her, she genuinely tried to be happy. With a deep breath and she answers carefully, she said "I'm fine"

Trying to keep the conversation going he asked "So what's up? Why are you here?"

"Ah you know, just stealing from Pirates." she tries to casually say but on the inside she really wasn't feeling well. Seeing Luffy for some reason made her feel like she was seeing a ghost. "You know I love money, and since I was bored, I got on this ship and took 3.8 Million Beli. They were a cheap bunch so they didn't have much." I still need much more. Maybe two more runs and I can head back she thought to herself.

"Ah okay. Oh hey, there's an island not too far from here. Wanna go to it and get some food?"

"You already ate Luffy-san." says Coby as he fixes his glasses

"You don't know him as long as we've had" as Zoro points to himself and Nami. And when Zoro did so, Luffy just realized that he had to introduce Nami & Zoro.

"Yo Nami, that's my swordsman friend I was telling you about all those years back. And Zoro, she's going to be the Navigator for the crew."

Sighing first she said "I'll join your crew after I do a few things first. Not before that."

"Hey that's not fair. You promised me." as Luffy makes a pouting face to which Nami ignores

"I know Luffy, but I need to do this first okay. It's important to me." she says with some emotion shown in her eyes and suddenly Luffy figured something out. Now he hid his reaction but when he looked into Nami's eyes, they looked like she was asking for help. But all Luffy would say for now was "We'll help you, but you still need to help us get to places. Zoro gets lost all the time."

"Oi you don't know where any of the islands are and yet you want to lead you numbskull."

"You don't know directions, Santoryu"

"Luffy-san, I don't think Santoryu is an insult."

"Ugh shut up you guys. I'll take you to some islands. And there better be some places we can steal from." as she pushes away the guys and bosses them around.

By the time it was morning, they were almost nearing the docks. Luffy was awake the whole night and Zoro was getting doing some training. However, Nami on the other hand was sleeping. Before she went to sleep, she knew she didn't have any blankets on her but when she woke up, she found a blanket on her and she knew it was Luffy. He would always take care of his Nakama and even she knew that. But the pain of Arlong was still in her. She really didn't want to leave Luffy, but she had to. She wanted him to live his life and become Pirate King. Not lose his life fighting the fishman.

Knowing just how strong Arlong was, she wanted Luffy to stay away from that hellhole. But it was difficult. Luffy was stubborn and an idiot. But he was an interesting idiot. He cared for people, wanted to befriend them and he wanted to be free. His goal was absolute freedom and that's something Nami would kill for. She did know that being a part of his crew, you too would get the goal of freedom. I mean Luffy isn't much of the "my word is the law" type of person nor would he be the "whatever you guys want" type of person. He does whatever he wants because that's who Luffy is. He couldn't care less, if he wants to help, he would do everything in his power to help Nami, but her job was to make sure he didn't do anything. Luffy was always that special kid she met all those years ago. And she wanted him to have a long and happy life.

When the group arrived at Shell Island, they realize that this place was a Marine base. "Oi Luffy, do you think this is a good spot for you?" says Zoro

"Yea why?"

"Well you do have a bounty worth 110 000 000 Beli." and that's when Nami and Coby nearly choked.

"110 000 000 Beli?" they both say, looking very surprised Holy shit is Luffy really that strong? Nami thinks to herself. "Why haven't I heard of you having a bounty?" says Nami

"I don't know. I mean this is East Blue, it's the weakest of the Blues."

"So you're actually serious in becoming the Pirate King huh. But even still, there are Marines who can bea.." and before Coby could finish, Luffy hit him.

"What's that for?!" to which he got a serious reply of "Felt like it. And plus, you can say whatever you want, it won't stop me from chasing my dream."

Looking for a place to find some food, the four people go into town and find a place to eat and they enter a place that wasn't full but wasn't empty and decided to eat. As they were eating, a man suddenly enters the restaurant and he has a few Marine bodyguards with him. A woman hurries to take the order of the man who just entered and he bosses her around. He complained that she was taking too long with his order and when the food came out, a little girl handed him a plate of the Rice Ball special they have. When the man took a bite of the rice ball, he spit it out and was angry at the little girl "Rice balls shouldn't have sugar in them. No wonder you have no business, they taste like garbage." and the little girl starts to tear up "Oh boo hoo, go cry to your mom." and he smacks the plate.

Luffy, Zoro, Nami and Coby could not stand the guy. He seemed like the snobby rich kid living off of his parents and Luffy hated it more. Zoro was about to beat the guy to death because he did just insult a little girl who quite frankly made some pretty good rice balls. Nami wanted to hug the girl so bad. She wanted to tell her that he's just a mean brat who doesn't appreciate different variations of food. She also wanted to give that man a kick or two in the face. Coby was mad, but seeing the two Marine soldiers do nothing to at least stop the guy from doing so made him mad.

When the man had smacked the plate, it was quickly caught by Luffy because he had used his speed to make sure that no food goes to waste. "Zoro since you like them, here you go." and he gives the rice balls to Zoro. Nami saw Luffy go, so she went to the girl who was crying and gave her a hug and said "hey, don't listen to that guy. He just doesn't like things out of the box. The rice balls were delicious, our idiot friend Zoro loves them." as she point towards Zoro and she sees Zoro devouring them as if this was his last time eating. Coby stayed at his spot because he didn't know what to do.

After Luffy had passed the rice balls to Zoro, he looked at the guy and said "You did two terrible things today." and before Luffy could speak again, he was cut off by the man.

"I am Helmeppo, son of Captain Axe-hand Morgan. You can't tell me what to do. Guys, shoot him." and before they could point their guns towards him, Luffy released a small wave of Conquerors Haki to knock out the two bodyguards. Now Helmeppo was scared. His bodyguards were out cold without anyone touching them. Before Luffy could do anything, Helmeppo ran out of the restaurant saying "I'll tell my dad to shut you up."

"Shihihihi okay." as Luffy waves at the guy. When he noticed Helmeppo go a faraway distance, Luffy said "Yosh let's go kick some ass guys!" as he looks at his two crewmates. Well one official crewmate and one unofficial crewmate. Coby decided to follow the group because might as well not miss the action.

The group of four make their way to the direction where Helmeppo was running towards and the walk there wasn't mostly serious. Luffy was confident in his abilities to fight a group of Marines from East Blue without much trouble and this would be Zoro's first time having an actual fight as a pirate. The two remained really calm while Nami was a little bit on edge because she didn't know what to expect from Luffy and Zoro and the Marines. It's not every day one goes to a Marine base and fight the highest ranking official. As they were walking, they had noticed a large force also walking towards town and at the front of it was Helmeppo and Captain Axe-Hand Morgan. Point at Luffy, Helmeppo told his father that Luffy was a criminal tarnishing the name of the Captain and dared to hit the son of the Captain and who had mercilessly assaulted two Marines because they were doing their job.

However, everything else after tarnishing the name of the Captain wasn't heard by Morgan. He couldn't care less about anything else. Instead, he told his men to fire at the group but to leave the Straw Hat boy so Morgan himself could kill him. Zoro took out a sword and put his bandana on while Luffy cracked his knuckles and Zoro was the first to make his move. Using a two sword style, Zoro had used a move he had been working on just to disarm Marine soldiers of their guns and this would be a perfect place to try it out so he would know how to improve it. He started by running at the Marines, dodging the bullets due to his quick reflexes and with help from his Haki. When he got close enough, he raised his two swords in a shape of an x and with power put in the slash he said "Axe cut" and the slash went through all 15 guns and they were cut in half. Not hitting a single soldier, he was impressed that the move worked pretty well for the first time in a fight. He would of course build on that attack as time went on. When the Marines had no guns, they all rushed towards Zoro with their swords and all he did was just smile.

Luffy and Morgan however were still having a standoff. Neither would move a muscle but you could easily see the anger in Morgan and fear in the eyes of Helmeppo. Standing still for too long, Luffy yawned and that was like a shot towards the pride of the Marine captain so he came running towards Luffy and swung his axe. Luffy dodges the attack and saw an opening to land a punch and he did so. Morgan was surprised that he was actually hit by this kid. Even angrier, he was swinging his axe recklessly and was leaving open spots for Luffy to hit him. Then with one swing, Luffy barely moved and there was an opening to punch Morgan in his face and when that moment came, Luffy without using Haki or his devil fruit powers, he hit Morgan as hard as he could and you could see a few teeth fly out.

Luffy's punch was pretty hard to the point where Morgan's eyes rolled back and he was unconscious. While that "fight" ended, Zoro ended his fight with the Marines who came to fight Zoro. He sheathed his sword, took off his bandana and he was happy leaving that fight without a scratch. Luffy was done fighting and he went up to Helmeppo and grabbed him by the shirt and gave him a hard punch and he too was unconscious, just like his father. You could see teeth fly out and his eyes rolled back, showing that he was unconscious.

The remaining Marines that didn't fight had no idea what to do. They let the group go and Luffy told Nami to lead them back to the restaurant because Luffy was feeling hungry. When they got back to the restaurant, the little girl had made the special rice balls for them and the four of them happily ate them. Zoro loved them, Nami enjoyed them, Coby was eating them and Luffy was asking for more but Nami told him not to eat more. About half an hour later, the remaining Marines that didn't join the fight entered the restaurant and told Luffy that they were thankful for ending the tyrannical reign of Morgan, and that he had to leave because he was a Pirate but they would not do anything to him and his group. Luffy requested that Coby stay and become a Marine but the Marines were hesitant until Luffy was talking about Coby's past and then he came and punched Luffy. Of course to sell the act, Luffy needed to react and he started to beat him up one last time and then Zoro dragged him out saying "You overdid it Luffy" to which Luffy just laughed.

At the docks, Luffy noticed that Alvida's ship was no longer there so they needed to find a replacement and they saw a rowboat big enough for the three of them. They would need to find a ship soon but for now this would do. Nami put the bags of gold where she could see them, Luffy was in the middle of the boat and Zoro was at the other end.

"Nami, is there another island nearby?"

"There should be one East from here. About a days journey."

As they drifted off, they saw Coby saluting them and then the Marines came and saluted the three pirates. Shocked at this site, Luffy wished he had a camera so he could show his family back wherever they are. He didn't realize how much he missed the Whitebeard family until he noticed that his two crewmates were silent. Usually the Moby Dick would never be silent (due to Luffy) but it was odd for him to have two quiet crewmates he hoped would be close as family. Then he thought of that moment where Nami looked like she wanted to ask for help and then he realized that it would take time for her to open up to the crew about everything. All Luffy had hoped for was that Belle-mere san was still alive.

Drifting his eyes to sleep, he wakes up the next morning to see that this group arrived to a certain island and Luffy knew exactly where he was again. He smiles and said "Just wait a bit more Usopp. I told you I'd be back." And he got off the boat and ended up waking Zoro up and a tired Nami

Boom first chapter done. It was fun writing this and I know the pacing may have been off but I want to form the crew up to Robin a bit fast because well it is my story and take on One Piece so I hope you guys do not mind. However, I will skip the Buggy arc because well Buggy (imo) is a useless character only used for comic relief and I don't know what to do with Buggy so I'm leaving him out for now.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and of course it would be appreciated if you left reviews, likes and follows.