No Beta so all spelling/grammar mistakes are my own.*

*Check out my profile for upcoming stories!*

*Disclaimer – I don't own Supernatural. ): I only write about them and hope one day to move to Texas so I can somewhat stalk them. *

*Sorry the updates are taking a while. I'm hoping they will be more frequent from now on. It will 100% get done though.*


"Hades…as in ruler of the underworld?" Dean did not like the sound of that. He may not know a ton about Grecian lore, but he did know that he was ruler of the underworld, and that didn't sit well with him.

Sam decided to take his vigil by Danny's side again. He felt the most needed by his new charge, as he let Dean and Dennis talk about the Hades situation.

"Yeah, that Hades." Dennis responded. By now all three men had no other options. Although the gods were on their side and favored the mortals winning, they were not willing to help them anymore than they already have. Dean looked over at Sam who was sitting on the floor by the couch, by Danny's side.

"Sammy, what do you know about Hades? How dangerous is this dude, and how do we get to him?"

Sam looked up at his brother, then to Dennis, and back to his brother.

"Ok um, let me think." Sam let out a long breath, and started to think about what he had learned between random research, and that weird Grecian mythology class he had to take in college. "Hades had 3 sisters, and was the youngest of three brothers. The sisters aren't really significant, but our friend Zeus and the god of the sea Poseidon are his brothers. Which, I don't think we have to worry about any of them helping him. Oh! And he kidnapped his wife Persephone. That's all I got."

Dean responded "Alright, see if you can get anything to help us kill him, or disable him, or even how we can summon and trap him. I don't think a simple demons trap is going to do it with him."

Sam stood up and walked over to where his lap top lied. He opened it up, and started to do an exhausting amount of research of Hades.


Dean and Dennis decided to start the dinner. Dennis went to the local lake, and caught some fish, while Dean looked for odds and ends around the cabin. Together they were able to get an awesome dinner together. Towards the very end of the meal, Dean just stopped looking at his brother for one minute, before he saw him slumped over the table. He smiled, and looked towards Dennis who was also smiling. The two older men looked at each other, and Dean made a decision. He stood up, and made his way to Sam.

Dennis spoke up, " Dude, if you're about to do what I think you're going to do, he's going to be pissed."

"He is dead tired, and I'm not leaving his ass at the table." Dean carefully leaned Sam back, and expertly lifted him into his arms.

"He's going to be pissed when he waked up."

"Too damn bad." Dean continues to the bedroom with his brother in tow. Sure he could lift him if need be before, but now with his new strength, lifting Sam was like lifting a feather. Which he would appreciate while he can. He could hear Dennis chuckle in the background. Sam wasn't going to find this very funny in the morning.


Dennis and Dean decided to do a little more research on Hades before bed. What they found wasn't exactly promising, but he was positive that once Sam woke up, he could continue on with the research.

Both older brothers got ample amount of sleep. They all needed to stay awake and alert if they had to go through Hades in order to get to Leo.

Sam woke up the next morning feeling surprisingly refreshed. He slowly realized that he was still in the clothes from last night, and the last thing he remembered was going to take a bite to eat, then being so damn tired, that he just ended up putting his head down on the table, and eventually falling asleep. 'Then how did I get to bed? Unless…' "DEAN!"

Dean came waltzing into Sam's room with a grin on his face. "Yes Sammy?"

"Did you carry me to my room last night?"

"Yeah maybe."

"You could have just woke me up!"

"What fun would that have been?!" Dean backed out of the room laughing, as he could hear Sam growl in frustration. Damn his brother and his new strength. Sam pulled the covers off of himself, and decided to get ready for the day. Catching Hades in a trap is not going to be easy.

It didn't take long for Sam to join his brother and Dennis in the living room. Both men were looking at the walls trying to fix the massive holes put in there so that all the bugs would stop coming in. They weren't going to even attempt, until a black widow made its way in and towards where Danny was laying. Dean smashed that little critter right away, and started talking to Dennis about fixing the walls, or looking for a new safe house. Once Sam came in the room, both older men were snickering.

Sam made a face with his sarcastic comment of "haha very funny guys." Sam went back to his laptop, and the older boys went to work with their strength, and was doing a basic patch job on the walls.

After some time and research, Sam finally got something. "Hey guys." Both Dean and Dennis stopped what they were doing and walked over to Sam. "I may have something. It says only a hand full of people who went to the underworld actually came back, but they were all actual heroes, which gives you guys hope there. I mean, that includes people like Hercules, Odysseus, and Orpheus."

Dennis spoke up, "Ok, so anything on to summon him?"

"Nothing like that. Other than dying, there's a place called Avernus, a crater near Cumae, was said to be the route Aeneas used to descend to the realm of the dead, and from there are a whole bunch of different levels, and a three headed dog named Cerberus, that was said to be defeated by Hercules." Sam drew out a breath. "This whole going to the underworld thing is a long and dangerous process, even with both your god like strengths."

"Anyway to get him up here on our level?" Dennis asked. The idea of dying or going into the underworld did not sit well with him.

"There is nothing on how to summon him. However we may be able to come up with a simple something to get his attention at least. In a lot of different types of lore, water and mirrors are gateways to other realms, and I found out something interesting. Hades was said to be in love with a nymph named Minthe, and even though he kidnapped Persephone, she was jealous, and turned the nymph into the commonly known mint plant. Now this is my theory, place a mirror under water, place an ample amount of mint into the water, put that rock that Zeus gave you in the middle to kind of charge it, and it should get his attention. At least in theory. Other than something like that? It's a ticket to the underworld."

"Let's make the underworld plan B then." Dean said. The whole thing was absurd, but if they needed Hades to end this fight once and for all, then he would take that chance.

"Alright then, I'll go collect some mint, some clear river water, Dean grabbed the mirror from the bathroom, and make room on the floor. Let's get this done and over with."

Dennis made his way out of the room. No one wanted to travel to the underworld, so everyone hoped that Sam's plan was right. That they could somehow contact Hades, and get him to help them with their fight against Leo.


Everyone was in place. The large bathroom mirror was in the middle of the kitchen, there was water droplets all on the mirror, and fresh mint on and around the mirror. They had placed Danny in one of the bedrooms for his own safety, while the other three men stood around the mirror.

"Ok, so you say if I place the stone Zeus gave me on the mirror, it should catch his attention right?" Dean asked with some hesitation.

"Yeah, that's my theory." Sam replied.

"Let's hope this works out or else we have to go to the underworld." Dennis said while running his hand threw his hair. He was beyond frustrated at this point.

Dean took the necklace off that was holding the stone, and looked at it. Just holding it he could feel the power coming off in waves. This was just crazy enough to work. He kneeled down, and gently placed the rock on the mirror. At first nothing happened, but it only took a second later for a bright blue light to explode off the mirror, and throw the three men backwards until they hit the nearest object.

"Son of a bitch! Sammy you alright?" Dean asked.

Sam groaned out a response. "Yeah…I'm ok."

Dennis was already by Sam's side helping him up, just as Dean was standing up holding his own head.

"What the hell just happened?!" Dennis yelled.

Sam responded, "Something worked, just not sure what."

Suddenly, a voice sounded from the kitchen. "Well lads, I would say you got my attention." All three men jumped in surprise at the new comer. Dennis immediately stood in front of Sam, while Dean quickly grabbed the stone from the mirror, and put it back around his neck.

They took in the new comer. He was tall, well dressed in older leather clothes, and had a long beard with dark olive skin. They all gulped as they realized who it could have been.

"Hades?" Dean asked.

The man bowed towards Dean and smiled. "Precisely. I was intrigued when I felt my brothers' power. I knew it couldn't be him summoning me, he only does that once in a while on Mount Olympus. So my question is, why would he give mortals any of his powers?" The man took in the sight of Dean who was wearing the rock, then his attention shifted towards Dennis and Sam. He saw how Dennis was standing tall like Dean, and how even though Sam was squaring off his shoulders, he was still behind Dennis. He took a long whiff of all three of the men before him, and smiled. "Well, you're all human from what I gather, yet you all have powers. None of them from birth, so they were acquired in some way. I can sense from you two that you have Herculean strength. Well done. Yet that lad off to the back can heal, almost to the point of bringing the dead back to life. That doesn't quit sit well with me considering I like my dead to stay dead." Hades took just one step forward before Dennis completely put himself between himself and Sam. Dean noticing the threat also started towards Dennis and Sam. Hades saw the power moves Dean and Dennis made, that told him 'this person is off limits to harm,' and took a couple steps back. He held up his hands in a surrender gesture. "Ok guys I get it. I am not one to step on the toes of people who have super strength. Did not bode well for me in the past, and I don't plan on making the same mistake again." Hades put his hands down, and became less threatening in his manners. "So…what can I do you for?"

Dean and Dennis decided not to leave Sam's side, if anything they completely closed his six foot four frame off from Hades' view. Dennis spoke up. "We need a way to defeat a villain."

"Anyone I know?" Hades asked.

"He's the son of Hero. His mother gave me his father's powers, so he got pissed and took powers from a witch. He's out for revenge."

Hades took a moment to think about it. Then it struck him.

"Ah yes. I remember Hero. Not so much of a threat to me. Never really came on my radar. I've only heard snippets of his adventures. I have however have been hearing about this Leo fellow that's been causing some mayhem on Earth. Same guy?"

"Yeah that's him." Dean answered.

"And you need a way to stop him?"

Sam spoke up. "To make him mortal."

Sam had to deal with glares from both Dean and Dennis, but he didn't want to stay completely helpless. Just because he didn't have super strength didn't mean he was completely useless. The two older men looked back at Hades as he spoke.

"I see. And I take it my dear older brother gave you that stone to somewhat put you on even playing grounds?" All three men nodded a 'yes' "Leave it to my brother to help without actually helping. Alright. I know this potion I can give you. If you can get him to drink it, he'll become a mortal." Hades reached into his pocket and pulled out a glass vial with glowing purple liquid in it.

Dean responded, "Great! We'll just take that off your hands…"

Just as magically as Hades had the vial appear, it disappeared.

"uh uh uh. Not without a price."

All three men deflated.

Dennis answered, "What do you want?"

Hades smiled, and the men didn't like where this was going.

*So what could Hades possibly want? And everything in here was from personal information (My step-family is Greek) as well as help from Google.*