Hi everybody, the idea of this story come to me one night , so I wanted to write it down, this story happens in httyd world, with dragons and all, I added my own character as an OC with other characters from my own creation, enjoy reading.


I woke up one morning feeling dizzy, maybe because I slept on the ground, again, for few months, I slowly opened my eyes looking around, there was nothing but the trees of the forest I took it as my home since I am thief and a hustler, I couldn't stay in town because if I did I will end up in jail, I looked around again looking for my friend, my only friend, you see when you are a thief you can't have a lot of friends, and my friend was one of her kind, she was beautiful, dangerous, and she was holding all the money I had!, great, I get up and walked to a near rifer I washed my face and caught some fish and went back to the place where I camped, when I arrived my friend was nowhere to be found I lighted a small fire to cook the fishes, it took me some time to cook them properly, I wasn't a good cooker, but the fishes where delicious- yami-, I hope my friend was here to taste the best fishes I cooked, I waited a while for my friend to show up but she didn't, I wasted I lot of time waiting for her, I had plans for the day, so I decided to go and maybe I will meet her later when I get back, I checked the little shelter I made before I go, and yes I found a bag of fake coins I have hidden it for emergencies, and well this was emergency.

I took the coins bag and went down to the village, it was far away because I didn't want them to found me easily, it was a beautiful day for a walk into the woods but I kept going ahead to the village, when I arrived the town was crowded with people, trades costumers the noble people, Vikings, non-Vikings, the village was on the archipelago borders in the land they call Germany, it wasn't was cold and snowy as the archipelago but it wasn't worm neither. the northern part of the village was the castles of the noble the rich people and the southern was the workers, the poor people's simple homes, and the middle was the market, the shops, where the poor people try to wark to feed their families and the rich people try to spend their endless money, and there where I was heading.

I was one of the most wanted criminals of the town, even they putted a high prize on my head but they won't catch me because I have been trained by the masters of the thievery and stealth, the bog burglars, you think that's impossible to them to train a male but they did, and more then that the trained a foreign, yes I'm not a bog burglar, I am not even a Viking that's all they had told me, but they accepted me and I'm very grateful.

I sneaked between the shadows without being seen like a ghost, I was passing this particular house, a boy a young boy showed up from nowhere, I was afraid that he will recognize me and he did.

"Aren't you that mister from the wall pictures?" he said looking to me, my heart beats was accelerating, I looked around, he was young his parents must be near.

"you are with the circus from the last week, right?" what he's talking about, oh now I remembered something about a circus poster, its awkward to see Vikings watching a circus, but that wasn't what worried me, but the fact that I may get caught made me answer him right away.

"Yes I am, little boy" I said to him with a cocky voice I didn't knew I had, but the boy looked back to me with a sad eyes and said.

"I would love to watch your show but dad doesn't have enough money to buy me a ticket." I felt sorry for the boy, what he did wrong to deserve such a miserable life, I opened my money bag and asked him "how much you need to buy a ticket?"

"five silver coins."

"here's ten golden coins, by two ticket, one for you and one for your dad, and also buy some good clothes." He looked at me very happy and then he thanked me and went after his parents.

I continued my way until I reached the market, it was one of the best markets I saw through my travels, you find the small tight eyes people from the east, I forgot what they call them, with their medicine and writing material, they are known for their knowledge and wisdom and also their fighting skills and style they call kung fu, and the African from the far south with their expensive stuff such as the horns of an animal they call elephant, I bet they are huge considering the size of their horns and its expensive, and the Romans of course.

The first trader in my way was a jewelry trader, he had this amazing necklace, I get near to him covering my face with cab, if I managed to fool the little boy, this man won't believe easily the circus owner trick, he said even before I asked him about the price.

"Ninety gold." I looked at him very confused "ahh…."

"The necklace" like he knew what I was thinking, could he read minds or what. Wait wait what, ninety gold, seriously I can buy a ship, a whole ship with ninety gold.

"It's very rare, it worth every single gold you pay, but you don't look like you have any gold" what, now I am sure he can read minds, wait if he can read my mind, does he now I am the thief that the whole town looking for.

With all that thoughts, I walked away to another trader who is selling weapons, I don't need weapons, I have the most deadly weapon in the world who left me this morning all alone.

I kept going until someone shouted "YOU, STOP!" my heart stopped for a moment; I turned around to face the man hoping that I wasn't who ordered to stop.

At the first sight of the man he was one of the town guards and he was young, he must be new recruit, I relaxed a bit, he asked.

"How are you? And why you are covering you face? Are trying to hide your identity or something"

"No, I am just walking through, and the face cover, I am sick and I don't want to spread the sickness." I answered him.

"Good, good continue" with that simple I get away again, I can't believe how stupid people are these days.

It was midday, the next shop I entered was the what I wanted, it was a very fancy shop the worker was new, I know that, as soon he saw me he tried to kick me out "hey get out, what you're doing here"

"Relax, I have money." I showed him the bag full with golden coin.

"Where did you get that?" he questioned me suspicious, he didn't believe that I had all that money and I wearing old clothes and looking like a homeless man.

"It's my money" he calmed a little, and then he asked me "what do you want"

"Is that how you welcome your costumers?!" I said then I continued "I need to by some proper clothes, you know, clothes make me look like real noble man" I turned around myself as I finished.

"I think we have what you want, follow me!" he went into other room full of boxes, and brought a huge box, "that's the last what Italy wearing, very popular, and expensive" he said the last part gazing at me.

"I will take it, how much?"

"twenty golden coin" what, I must came in the wrong day;" here it is your twenty gold."

I took my new suit and went back to the street, at the way out I hit a man accidently, sure I took advantage of the accident and stole his wallet, "watch your steps fool, and take a bath for Odin's sake." A bath, he was right I really need a bath.

The store owner saw me leaving his store, he asked the worker about me, and he said that I took an Italian suit for twenty golden coins.

"You checked the coins? Because there is a thief walking with fake money?" the owner asked the worker.

"Ahh… I didn't check the money" the owner looked at him very disappointed "give me the money he gave you." The worker did, the owners took glass of water and throw the coins in it, after few minutes the gold disappeared and only pieces of metal remained in the bottom of the glass.

"you see" he said to him very angry " if you weren't my nephew, I would kicked you out. I must report this to the city guards, and next time make sure the gold is real, or there won't be next time" with that walked out the store.

Back to me I had some gold left so I went to the local bath, the man from the suits store was right if I'm trying to be a noble I should look like a noble, and smell like one too.


Well that's the first chapter, it was a challenge to me to get it done, I apologize for any mistake, I am new to this language, I only started to learn English six months ago or less, and some of you may question, what this story had to do with httyd world, I say to them keep reading and you will find out, and thank you.

To the next chapter, peace from Algeria .!