They really should have paid more attention in Runes when it came to binding words. Who knew such a simple question could invoke years of ancient magic?

When asking questions like this one, they really should have paid more attention in Runes. Questions such as these really have no business being anywhere near a Weasley, especially one married to the bachelor life. And answers such as this should never be spoken so simply by a woman as smart as she.

Five simple words were all it took. Without those words, neither would have dreamed of a situation like this.


"Hermione Jane Granger, will you marry me?" Fred asked, fluttering his eyes and making kissing noises.

Hermione rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Really Ginny, why is it that I'm the one who has to stand up here? Can't you do it?"

"Of course not, Hermione. How weird would it be for my own brother to ask me to marry him? Now stand still or your hem will be off again," Ginny said through the pins she held in her teeth.

"I still don't know why your future sister-in-law isn't here. It's her wedding after all," Hermione said with a sniff, resigning herself to acting as the French woman's stand in.

"Not my fault French wizards have strange wedding traditions. Now act as if you were the French cow and say yes for once in your life, you stubborn thing," Ginny muttered as she pinched Hermione's calf. "Try it again Fred."

"Are you sure she'll say yes? I don't know if I can handle such rejection again," Fred teased.

"Oh get on with it you sodding git," Hermione muttered as she crossed her arms and refused to look at him.

If she was going to be forced to be Fleur's stand in for the rehearsal, Hermione wasn't going to make it easy on anyone let alone Fred Weasley. Leave it to the French to refuse to allow the bride and groom to be anywhere near the rehearsal, let alone have their names spoken before the wedding. Despite her protests it did make more sense to have Hermione stand in rather than Ginny, but could they not have picked someone better like Harry or even...

Hermione paused as a blush began to creep up her chest and she refused to let her thoughts go towards Ron. It was bad enough that they were still trying to find their footing around each other after the disaster that was Lav-Lav and Won-Won. If she even allowed herself to think towards that particular future, Hermione was afraid she wouldn't be able to finish preparations tonight. And if she weren't able to finish her final preparations she feared there wouldn't be a future for any of them much longer.

"Well? Get on with it then," Hermione demanded when she realized Fred was more focused on charming the flower vases than on the rehearsal itself.

"Bloody witch," Fred shot back under his breath.

"Fred," Ginny warned, waving a stick pin at him.

He held up his hands and sighed. "Fine, fine. Will you, Hermione Jean Granger, do me the highest honor of marrying me?" he asked, his every word drowning in sarcasm.

"Yes. It would make me the happiest witch in the world," Hermione bit out in a monotone voice.

Fred smirked and leaned towards her, his hand reaching out for hers as he slowly closed his eyes. In her surprise Hermione squeaked and stumbled off the box she'd been standing on, only to trip over Ginny still behind her. The twins began to cackle, their laughs echoing through the cathedral while Ginny and Hermione rubbed at their bruises. The hexes that the witches sent towards them were the subject of many a conversation whenever it came time to bring out the family albums, especially once the viewer realized exactly who the two old, bald men to the right of Bill were.