Ezra POV

We had just gotten back from Malachor, once Hera had Kanan i ran to my room i shared with Zeb on the ghost, I locked the door behind me and ran to the top bunk and cried and thought of everything i had just done. I can't believe i trusted Maul, he betryed us, he wasn't even on our side, he used me, and i didn't even know, i should have known, felt it in the force. But i didn't i trusted him, and now Kanan is blind. Not because of Maul, he may have been the one to strike him across the eyes, but if i hadn't trusted Maul, he wouldn't have had the chance. If I would have realized he was using me. If i could have realized Maul was making me use the Dark Side. I could have stopped it. But i was to caught up in finding the knowledge to defeat the sith, but it was all a lie.

I glanced over at my bag, the bag that had the Sith Holocron. I could feel it calling me, calling me to the Dark Side. I am not going to give in, it destroyed Ahsoka's master, Anakin Skywalker, I had heard about him from Kanan during lessons about Jedi history.

He was the Chosen one. The highest Midichlorian count in history, more than Master Yoda, who apparently used to be the one with the most. In the videos i have watched about him, where he would be showing things that would help me with my training. Then, i can't even begin to understand how Ahsoka feel, Anakin was her master, everyone just thought he had died with Order 66. But then to find out he was still alive, and he was Darth Vader, the one person Ahsoka seemed to trust the most, just to learn he became what he always fought against.

I trusted Maul, now Kanans blind.

Ahsoka trusted Anakin, now he is on the Dark Side, and as far as i can tell, dead.

I trusted senator Trayvis, he was with them Empire trying to catch us and Kanan got captured.

I trusted Hondo, he had kidnapped Vizago, and then was playing both sides of the war, then tried to kill us.

I trusted Tseebo, he was supposed to raise me keep me safe, but he left me out to the streets, my parents trusted him.

Every time I trusted someone, it has backfired, i couldn't trust anyone for years on the street, and i was never betrayed. I joined the ghost and trusted again, and i keep getting betrayed, if i keep trusting, all it leads to is pain, and suffering, which leads to the dark side.

i sensed Kanan and Hera walking this way, they were about to open the door, when they did they realised it was locked, Kana-, no my Master i can't have attachment or trust i keeps causing me pain, called out

"Ezra, open up!" he shouted, i didn't move,

"Ezra! Let us in" he shouted again, i stayed where i was

"Ezra sweetie, let us in we need to talk to you, okay?" Hera shouted in her motherly tone. I still didn't move, when the doors started opening, most likely from either the override code or Kan- no master, opening the door using the force. Once the doors had finally opened, I saw Hera had an arm around Kanan's waist, helping guide him. She had to help guide him because i trusted Maul, and now my master is blind.

"Hey, Kid, how you doing" Kan- my master said in a softer voice

"I'm fine Kana- Master" i said with no emotion, catching myself when i accidentally started saying Kanan

"What's wrong, this isn't like you?" master said concerned, walking closer to me, i slid fully up against the wall, as far away as i could get from him

"i said im fine, K- Master!"

"No your not Ezra, the only time i've seen you even close to this bad is when you found out your parents were actually dead" he had to bring up my parents, that is the one of the worst things he could have brought up,

"I'm fine, i don't need your help master i'm fine, no matter how much you think im not, i am" i told him coldly, jumping down from my bunk and getting into the vents, i needed away from everyone. I crawled thru the vents until i got to the closet i had been locked in whenever i had first gotten in the ghost.

Hera POV

"Kanan give him time, he just needs some time, you know how he is he has a hard time trusting, and when he does, he takes it very seriously, and all of his faith and hope is put into it. And then to be betrayed like he just was by Maul, then put Whatever it is that happened to Ahsoka on top, then add the guilt he probably feels over you becoming blind because he thinks it is his fault for trusting Maul" i comforted Kanan

"But it is not his fault, he trusted Maul because Maul manipulated him"

"That may be true, but no matter what you say to him, he has to understand it for himself, you can push him in the right direction, the direction of the truth, but you can't make him believe, or trust. He has to do that on his own, you can support him and help him in the right direction. JUst be there for him Kanan like the rest of us will" i told him as i stood up and started to walk away to give him space when i heard him speak again

"He called me master" he said weakly, sad and confused

"huh?" i asked slightly confused at why that was a bad thing, Ezra called him master all the time, more often Kanan but, usually it lightened the mood

"He called me master, when he calls me master he usually says it in a joking voice, and manner, but he was being serious there was no hint of laughter or light heartedness in his words, he only ever says it like that whenever he is losing his trust in everything, when he said it this time, he was closing himself off from us, from me." Kanan explained

"Love, when he loses trust, who always brings him back to the trusting side when this happens?... His family" i told him

"his parents are dead remember, there is no one left in his family" kanan said saddly

"no, they were his family, he had no family for years, then you, me, Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper, we became his family, and that is who he needs to help him trust again, and get out of this slump"

"We are his family now, aren't we?" kanan said

"yea, lets go back to your room, i want to see whats under the bandages" i told him, it looked as though he was going to say no or shake his head, but he then proceeded to walk back to his room with my help, once we walked in we sat on the edge of his bed, as i reached up and started to take off the bandaging

i hope you guys enjoyed so far, i will being posting the next chapter soon, depending on how much response i get from this because i have another story that im working on, i hope you guys enjoyed you can send in ideas if you want i will most definitely use them, well please follow favorite and review

Have a sweet read!