Hey guys, StarsetSwampert here! Sorry for taking so long with the next chapter. I have a good amount of this story planned out already but there are still some plot holes I have to make my way around. Sadly I am also experiencing writers block so even if I sit down and write for an hour, I will end up deleting everything I worked on because I just don't like it. I don't want this chapter to just be me complaining about my problems so I figured I would make this a little info chapter.

First off, I am planning a new story that will be pretty long and really cool. Personally though I think it would be more beneficial for me to find my groove with this story before I work on something else though so be patient with that. I will still try and sprinkle a one-shot or two here and there while you wait.

Second off, I figured since this story has a lot of questions surrounding it, I would make a Q and A every once in a while. Just post a question in your review and as long as the answer won't give away major spoilers or plot details I will answer it. There already seems to be one question/request that is showing up so far.

"Its sad that Ash's legs are paralyzed. But I do have a suggestion. Maybe Clemont can invent something to help Ash walk and run again."


"If you do want to continue I'd love to see Serena try to help ash try to walk again or at least go with him wherever he goes so he can continue to travel."

King Nintendo

That is a something I am actually asking myself personally. Leave a review and tell me if you think Ash walking again would be cliche because that was my main concern with the subject. Don't worry though, if I am to do this I have an idea of a good plot for it. I just want to stay queit and see what you think before I start progressing in that direction.

Thats all for now! Thanks for reading!