
"Fuck ... Kurosaki, Where the Hell are you looking?" A man with red hair and tattoos asked while his eyebrows were raised frustrated by his teammate's behavior. Ichigo turned quickly his gaze toward him, annoyed that he distracted him from his thoughts.

"It's not my fault that you were not able to catch a ball. If you keep looking at me in that way you will want the next ball to hit to your face. "The orange haired boy said with a grin. Renji got angry, he clinched his fist and he pointed it in the direction of his friend. But Ichigo easily dodged the blow.

"Tsh ... Renji, it seems that the time spent with Rukia it does nothing good to you. If you will continue with these strikes you will not be able to even touch me. "

"Shut up, Kurosaki. Just because you have a bad day does not mean you have to fuck my brain. Damn it and I told you to not talk like this about Rukia. "The red haired man said launching a series of other strikes. Ichigo blocked them all and he was preparing to launch a counterattack when a tall dark-haired man made his appearance.

His hands caught the two men's wrists before they could reach their target. Gray's eyes were trained on them and the both could read the disappointment behind them, and a trace of anxiety. When he saw that the boys were calmed he released their wrists then he relaxed his position.

"What has happened this time, guys? I told you to stop going to fight with each other and to use your energy on the football field. Soon the championship is about to start and I want you want to use your potential to the fullest. "Seeing that his words had almost the desired effect on the two he decided to finish his lecture. "That was all. Now turn to the field and give all your best. Less you Kurosaki, I have something to discuss with you. "

The rest of the team slowly disappeared on their position and Ichigo gave Renji an elbow in his abdomen when he heard him making malicious comments about his hair. It's not his fault that his hair's color is unusual, and Renji is not right person to comment on this.

The man sighed when he realized that the relationship between Ichigo and Renji has not improved. Perhaps it was all Rukia's fault, but the coach was not yet ready for such a discussion.

Ichigo looked up when he heard the coach's voice.

"Kurosaki it looks like your grades have dropped more than usual, your situation is so serious that you could not pass the year. Your teachers told me that you were asked to revisit them, but you have not given at all effort. "Seeing that Ichigo's gaze became increasingly lost, he decided to end his coach-player monologue. "Kurosaki, here's the deal. I am not pleased to say that, but if till the end of the mouth you will fail to revise your marks you will be kicked out of the team. "Ichigo's brown eyes begin to burn on hearing his words.

"Sora, You cannot be serious. Do not tell me you're going to listen to those idiots. "

Sora scratched his neck in an attempt to reduce his stress.

"Ichigo, I really do not what to do this. I tried to talk to them, to make them understand, but that was it. This is the last time what they can give to you. "Ichigo clinched his teeth. "Ichigo, I really do not want to do that. You're the best player in the team and your loss will produce serious damage to us. I can at most to help you find a tutor, but that's it, my hands are tied. "

"No thanks. If I spend another hour with Ishida, listening his shits I cannot guarantee that I will not hit this idiot's face. Thanks for everything you did for me, Sora. It was nice while it lasted, but I think I have to get back in the band again. "Ichigo prepared himself to leave, but he stopped when he heard the words of his coach.

"I was not going to propose Ishida to you. Plus he made clear that he has no plan to help you with any kind of ... uh ... problems. "Ichigo grinned when he remembered Ishida's face when he hang him in the pillar in the front of the university. It was not his fault, he did this because the geek annoyed him so much that he should be really grateful that only his clothes were the only things that have suffered from this accident. "The person I want to meditate you is a little different than ordinary people." The orange haired boy raised his eyebrows, suddenly becoming interested of who may be the person about who Sora finds it difficult to speak. After a pause of several seconds Sora disclosed the person's identity. "It's my sister."

"Your sister?" The boy asked surprised. "I did not know you have a sister." Ichigo was trying to focus to see if he remembered it he ever saw her, but nothing. Anyway his memory was never something on what he could rely.

"Well I cannot blame you for it. She's much younger than me. She was present at some of our games, but only that. " Hearing his explanation Ichigo has remembered about his sisters and he understood why Sora was not eager to let the team to know her identity. But that made him to wonder why did he choose to talk about her with him. Definitely something was escaping, but he was not sure what that could me.

Sora coughed to attract Ichigo's attention when he realized that he was lost in his own thoughts.

"She will be here once the training is over. She may be sometimes dreamy, or even quite clumsy, but in spite of those she is a wonderful person. "Sora's eyes were lighting thing that Ichigo has not noticed about him before. It seems that his sister was a really important person for him, so he should better give his best.

"Well, I thing at least I can try." Ichigo replied, making the coach to focus again on him.

"Kurosaki, I'm counting on you. I hope that you will not screw up this time as well. The team needs you so I would advise you do your best. " Sora smiled friendly then he beat him on the shoulder. Ichigo was not sure how to respond to his friendly gesture. They were never too close, though the boy respected him for his achievements. A chill included Ichigo's body when the coach clashed his hand on his shoulder. His face became dark bright and his voice became thicker. "I hope there's no need to say that if I try to do something to my little sister the leaving from the team will be the last of your worries, no, Ichigo?" The boy was not sure whether to be horrified or be impressed that the coach has an evil part. Up until a few seconds ago he could swear that this man does not have even a bad bone in his body, but it seems like you can never be sure. When his hand exercised more power over Ichigo's body, the boy decided to shake his head, not sure why coach would need his confirm. Seeing that the boy understood his words Sora freed him then he invited him to continue his training.

... o(2)o ...

The end of the training finally came after several hours of running, assists and practice. All were grateful because they have never remembered Sora to be so demanding in terms of ordinary preparations.

After 15 minutes of shower Ichigo finally felt less tense and he prepared to change his clothes. Somehow he thought that today Sora's attention was always on him and maybe it was just in his mind, but he thought the man trained him a little harder than the others.

But perhaps this should be the last to care at the moment. Now he had to behave as civilized as he can be, not frighten. It's been a while since he tried to act normally around someone and not like a big idiot, maybe with some luck he will be able to pass over today.

He had never thought that the team means so much to him till Sora spoke of the possibility to not be a part of it. Perhaps because of this he dealt the courses with such frivolity and perhaps he behaved this way because he did not think he has something to lose.

The truth was that he did not want to return to the band. He never liked the things that he did. But somehow he does not regret that he was a part of the band, because of it he could go further, to overcome the death of his mother. It gave him a purpose, even if it was a destructive one.

Maybe if it had never been a part of it he would not be here. Ichigo sighed remembering that now is not the time to remember how destroyed his life is, because he must do something to fix it.

He closed locker door slamming it, then he went to search his tutor.

... ( ) ...

Orihime was some time off and she was comfortable sitting on a bench near the football field. She was looking at the field, the place where her brother taught her how to play football. Of course it was a bad game for a lady, but it was his favorite and they spent numerous hours playing together.

But now everything is different. Sora is concerned about his team and he has little time to spend in her company. Sora never involved her in his work. She was very surprised when he asked her for help for one of his team members.

Her belly was heated and millions of butterflies began to tickle her when she realized that she can be helpful. Her gaze left the land, and it focused on her watch. It's been over half an hour after the end of training, but it seems that nobody came here looking for her. Maybe she did not understand well the meeting point?

It was true that the little green man was distracted her attention on the apple pie with wasabi which was waiting for her in the oven, but only that. She moistened her lips and she decided that it would be good to look around. Maybe, maybe she can find him.

... ( ) ...

Ichigo started to run like a crazy man while he was swearing. He had not realize how late it was and, in addition to this, he had not never asked Sora how she looked like or about the meeting point. So the only thing that was left to do was to run through the campus and to hope that he will be able to find her.

... ( ) ...

Orihime was walking slowly admiring the surroundings. Over a year, she will probably attend to this university and this simple fact always brings her smile on her face. She has the opportunity to see Sora more often and who knows maybe she will be able to help him.

Her eyes were moving from one individual to another trying to find him, but all seem pointless. Orihime raised her eyebrows then she closed her eyes trying to remember the description made by her brother. Everything seems so foggy and the adolescence sighed, realizing that she should probably asked for more explanations.

Her body lost its balance and she became conscious of this when she felt her body slammed to the asphalt. It was a very strong blow, strong enough to make to lose her conscience for a few moments. When she opened her eyes she winced at the sight of the young man in front of her.

... ( ) ...

Ichigo tried to stay calm, but it seemed impossible. Probably Sora's sister is already gone, and now he needed to be concerned about the teenager what he hit by mistake. Could his day be even better?

He was scratching his neck and nervous and with his other hand helped her to raise herself up. His focus moved on her when he heard her giggling. Or maybe all was in his mind? It was so frail that it would be impossible to realize. Her gaze was warm, innocent and it did not seem to be at all upset about what had just happened. Her lips began to move, forming words, but he was unable to understand. The girl giggled again then she repeated the previous words.

"Are you, Kurosaki-kun?" Her voice was gentle, calm, slightly playful, perfectly reflecting her appearance. The boy needed a few seconds to process the information before he nodded. Fortunately it seems that the girl was absorbed in her thoughts and apparently she did not notice that. "My name is Inoue, Inoue Orihime. And starting today I will be your tutor. It's nice to meet you. "Her cheeks took a reddish tint when she introduced herself, probably because she felt uncomfortable around him. And who would not feel? She did not know him and he has already made her wait for him, besides he hit her and he almost managed to hospitalize her. It seems that he already managed to behave like an idiot before lessons could begin. Ichigo closed his eyes remembering that he's a lost cause, so he should try to not do silly things from now on. Perhaps he has to thank God because the girl is so patient and she still did not mention anything about how stupid he can be. Ichigo sighed then he moved his hand through his hair trying to make a normal introduction.

"Kurosaki. Kurosaki Ichigo. "

... ( ) ...

Orihime was humming happily while she was heading to her favorite Coffee shop. Ichigo was following her a few steps back to not make her feel uncomfortable. The adolescence turned head back occasionally to ensure herself that he didn't get lost.

But that was just an excuse. The real reason was that she wanted to admire him from time to time. She has never met a person that has the hair lighter than hers and in addition to this he have cute scowl.

He walked with his hands in his pocket and occasionally he looked at her to ensure himself that he never lost sight of her. Orihime turned her head away in case their gazes crossed. Since they introduced themselves to the other they had hardly exchanged a few words, which made Orihime to not insist on, at least until they can be in a more secluded space.

A wide smile was imprinted on her face when she arrived at the much desired place. The teenager was stopped and she waited for him. Ichigo did not seem at all impressed by her choice. It was a small local, quite close to her home, where she and her brother spend their time together whenever they have the opportunity. Usually she would have ordered a hot chocolate and he would order a coffee with milk. Then they would have spent their time talking about sweet nothings.

The waitresses greeted Orihime with a smile and they gave glances of admiration to her partner. Orihime tried hard not to blush when a woman with orange hair like hers was bent and she whispered something in her ear.

The teenager managed only to whisper her name, and the woman left with a satisfied smile on her lips.

... ( ) ...

Ichigo did not know what to do. It seems he can behave just like an idiot. He answered short at her questions and he killed any attempt of hers to make a conversation. He could not respond in a more optimistic tone when he saw the building and he was surprised by the familiarity with which they were greeted.

Some waitresses addressed him indecency gazes which managed him to get angry and he failed any attempt to remain calm. However he was somewhat curious what the waitress with huge breasts could tell to Orihime to make her blush so hard.

But perhaps it will be a question that he will keep it for later. A small smile formed on his face when he saw how Orihime was looking trying to decide what to choose. She was biting her lower lip repeatedly while he was curling her hair with the spoon tail. Ichigo wondered how he can find such a weird behavior so cute.

He startled short when the menu hit loud the surface of the table and Orihime started to applaud happy. Ichigo began to doubt the girl's ability to be able to get him to learn something and he also seems to understand why Sora described her in that way.

The big breasted waitress came back and she noted the adolescence's order on a notebook. Ichigo tried not to look horrified when he heard the strange combination which she demanded. He never thought he would hear someone ask for a hot chocolate with red bean paste, cream, wasabi and marshmallows. At least this combination is edible?

He closed his eyes again trying to take off from the mind the monstrosity what he had just heard after what he said his order. The woman looked somewhat disappointed and she made a sound of gruffness. She did not say anything when she heard Orihime's order but when she heard that he was a simple coffee she was miffed. Surely this is not his best day.

His scowl was stressed, thinking that now Ishida's lessons do not seem as stupid as ever. Maybe has he a chance to go back? Any possibility disappeared when he saw that the teen was placing on the table a pile of books.

Her eyes brightened and she became even happier. She opened a book that Ichigo has somehow supposed to be mathematics. When he looked up at her Orihime was wearing a pair of cute glasses and she had a ruler directed on him.

Her lips began to move pronouncing unfamiliar words, but in spite of he tried to listen to her every word. Maybe this will give him more troubles than he could imagine.