Summary: Where it's allergy season and Levi gets it bad, but Eren has no idea. Pure fluff.

Eren was sitting in field of dandelions when he heard his name being called; curious as to who it was, he turned around. Ugh, Horseface. What the fuck does he want? It's our day off.

"Eren! Corporal Levi needs you in his office!"

"What does he need?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know? He probably wants to fuck or something."

Eren blushed when he said that. Everyone knew about the corporal and him, but normally kept quiet.

"Tell him he should just come here."

"Fucking while surrounded by flowers? That is so gay."

"Whatever Horseface. Just tell him what I said."

"Fine." Eren was glad Jean left. Jean had a lot of nerve saying that, but he was probably right; not about flower thing though- I don't think Levi would like pollen up his ass. He giggled at the thought and felt a sharp pain in the side of his head.

"Ow!" He looked up to see Levi wearing a bandana around his nose and mouth. "What was that for?"

"Making me come out here."

"Well sorry." Of course he had to add sarcasm to that, which he got hit again for.

Levi sat down after a few moments. Eren picked up a dandelion, closed his eyes to make a wish, and blew. It was partially windy that day, so it caused a lot of the spores to go in Levi's face, making him sneeze.

"Are you ok, Levi?"

"Fine," the man grumbled. He would never admit to his lover, who was enjoying making wishes, that he had terrible allergies-even if all of those "wishes" went in his face making him sneeze every time despite his nose and mouth being covered. He almost lost it when Eren tried to lift the bandana up to give him a kiss, he allowed it, but his eyes started to water.

"Levi, are you sure you're okay? You look like you're about to cry; what's wrong?"

"I told you, Brat-I'm fine." He sniffled a bit and Eren pulled him into a hug.

"Seriously Levi; what's going on? Who hurt you because I swear I will kill them for doing this."

"Eren! I swear I'm fine! It's nothing and no one!"

Eren looked up with puppy eyes.

"Will you stop that? I promise it's absolutely nothing!"

"But, Levi, you're crying."

"I'm not crying; my eyes are just watering because I have bad allergies!"

"Is that why you wanted to meet in you're office?"


"I'm so sorry Levi! I just really enjoyed sitting here! God, I am so selfish! Please forgive me Levi! I'm really sorry; I really am!" By the time he was finished, Eren was practically bawling.

Why does he think everything is his fault when it has literally nothing to do with him? Levi looked at the crying brunette softly.

"It's not your fault Eren so stop acting like it. You're gonna make me cry if you keep that up." Eren stopped crying instantly and sniffled. I knew it'd work.

"I'm sorry, Levi. Do you want to go back to your office so your allergies won't get worse?"

"Yup." With that simple reply, they got up and walked to the castle hand in hand. Eren looked back longingly, knowing he may not get another day like this in his life, but snickered holding a few flowers behind his back. Levi is gonna hate me for this…

A/N: This is my first one shot so sorry if it'd not up to your standards. –W.E. (Check out my other story-it's not the best, but it's decent...I guess...oh well! Just check it out! please?)