AUTHOR'S NOTE: This new story is going to be co written by my friend who has been a huge help to me since the beginning, and credit to this prologue belongs to him.

Also, this time the disclaimer will be placed at the end to maintain a sense of surprise as to which universes we'll be using in this, but needless to say, I don't own any of them.

Acts of Vengeance


Drakken felt sick to the bottom of his stomach as he stumbled back to his feet. The mad scientist was in a total daze, nearly collapsing back to the ground as he did. At first he assumed that he eaten that ten day old lasagna that he left sitting the fridge by mistake-again—and he was having a food-poising induced nightmare. Though if that were the case, this was by far the strangest trip he had been on. His surroundings had drastically changed from his hideout. The blue-skinned madman found himself standing on a large floating platform of earth in what seemed like an endless void of shapes and creations that no mortal man could ever conceive even in they're most wildest forms of their imagination.

"That is last time I eat that lasagna," he said to himself. "And this time I mean it!"

Just then, Drakken heard a low moan of pain. He then turned around to see his henchwoman, Shego, lying on the ground in a daze.

"Shego, what are you doing in my hallucination!?" he demanded. "Wait, you ate my lasagna, didn't you? I have my stuff marked in the fridge for a reason!"

"Ugh, I don't think this is a bad case of your crappy cooking, Doctor D," his right hand woman remarked as she slowly got to her feet.

"Then where are we?" he boss questioned before adding on. "And what's wrong with my cooking?"

"Well we're sure not in Kansas anymore, that's for certain," Shego mused.

"Oh sure, throw out that old quote why don't you?" Drakken grunted.

"Meh, seemed fitting," his henchwoman replied with a shrug before looking out into the strange environment that now surrounded them. "Either we got abducted by aliens, or—"

"We're in hell!" Drakken suddenly blurted out in terror. "We died and went to hell! Oh, why!? I didn't do anything wrong! I was just trying to take over the world! I'm no worse than the IRS!"

"Well if this really is hell, then it's exactly how I pictured it," Shego commented. "With me being stuck with you."

"Really? That's rather sweet of you, She—" the blue-skinned scientist began before catching on to the meaning of her words. "Oh, now that's just mean."

"And that's why we're here," the green-clad villain pointed out.

"I can assure you you're not dead," a new voice informed them from above. "Not yet at least."

The two villains looked up and saw quite the sight to behold. Floating above them was another blue skinned man with black pointed hair like horns. He was dressed in an all white costume and cape with black boots and gloves as well as had a pair of fangs that stuck out of his mouth. Sensing danger, Shego charged up her plasma bolts in preparation of a fight.

"Oh, don't bother, my dear, I'm not here to fight you," the stranger said. "I am Vlad Plasmius, and like you, I was brought here against my will."

"Uh, yeah, not buying it, spooky," Shego answered as her fists grew brighter with energy. "Now send us back before I kick your ecto-ass all across this...whatever this place is!"

"He's telling the truth," a nasally, gargled voice confirmed.

Several floating rock platforms then slowly rose up next to Drakken and Shego's platform. Standing on them were a strange assortment of people that neither villain had ever seen. One was hulking orange woman with sort of bright orange gem for a nose. Another was what could only be described as talking brain in the stomach giant robot body. Soon enough, more and more platforms began to rise up around them, each with many vastly different faces of all sorts. While Shego was confused as to who all these people were and why they were all brought together, her boss was more concerned with the platforms themselves.

"I wonder if we can make our's rise and fall as well?" he thought out loud before getting a glare from his partner. "Sorry."

"We've all been brought here by someone or something with great power, *gurgle*" the talking brain-like creature known as Krang continued.

"I don't know who took us, but I'm gonna enjoy making them let me go!" the orange warrior named Jasper proclaimed.

"Is that so?" a new voice boomed throughout the strange dimension. "Well in that case I better not keep my guests waiting."

"Okay, I'm getting real sick of all these 'talking before entering' moments," Drakken said. "There is such a thing as overdoing it you know!"

In a flash of bright yellow, a new knew figure suddenly appeared. This newcomer was by far the strangest of them all. It was a yellow, single eyed, triangle-shaped creature wearing a top hat and bowtie, holding a cane in its black, stick-like arms. The collection of villains were in a mixture of surprise, confusion, and above all else, anger at the sight of the being who had taken them from their homes.

"Howdy folks!" the triangle living triangle began in a cheery voice. "The name's Bill Cipher, and I've brought you all together for a bit of a business proposal."

"I don't care what this talking potato chip has to say!" another villain known as Cobra Commander declared, to which several villains agreed with. "I demand you return my troops and I back to our base at once!" Bill's answer to that came in the form of a snap of his fingers. The second that he did, the dictator was turned into glass statue that fell backwards and shattered into in pile of tiny shards much to the shock and horror of his henchmen.

Seizing what she thought was the perfect time to strike, another villain named Master Cyclonis attempted to fire blast of energy from her staff at the demon, but the omnipotent being made a simple wave of his hand and turned her staff into a serpent that constricted around her. Jasper let out war-cry before leaping at Bill, however, instead if striking him down with a punch, the Gem phased into his body before being spat out a few seconds later.

"Enough!" a voice roared. "I will show you the true power of darkness!"

The voice came from a gigantic being of pure evil known and feared as Aku. The shape shifting master of darkness then lunged at the much smaller creature with his claws at the ready. But with another snap of his fingers, Bill turned the gigantic being into a tiny mouse that he proceeded to drop onto another platform. Bill snapped his fingers once more and restored those he had attacked to their original forms. None of the other evil-doers attempted to attack the clearly powerful demon after Aku's failed assault.

"Anyone else got something to say?" he casually asked the rest of the villains, to which he received silence as his answer. "No? Y'a sure? Good!"

"Why have you brought us here?" the leader of the Predacons, Megatron asked.

"Lemme answer your question with one of my own, Megsy," Bill replied. "How many times have you all been beaten by your enemies?"

"Uh...a lot?" a red and black robed skeleton named Lord Hater answered simply to which his sidekick, Commander Peepers, facepalmed at.

"Exactly, bone-head," the demon responded. "And you wanna know why that is? It's because all those heroes you guys fight know all your tricks. I myself have gotten my none-existent butt kicked a few times because the guys I fight are on to my act."

"So, what are you proposing?" a well dressed reptile named Toffee inquired with a hint of interest in his monotone voice.

"It's simple: Let's mix and match all our heroes," Bill explained. "If we all swap each others enemies, then they won't know how to fight us and BAM! We win!"

While some of the rouges liked the sound of that, there was a good number who let their vendettas get the best of their better judgment.

"Yeah, that's not happening, dorito chip," Shego refuted. "If anyone is going to kill Kimmie, it's gonna be me and only me!"

"The green chick's right! Wander's my enemy and only I get to destroy him!" Hater agreed, to which Peepers eye-palmed once again in response.

"Hamato Yoshi and his sons may only die by my hand!" Shredder added on.

"And I only I have the right to snuff out Optimus Primal's spark!" Megatron declared

"Yeah, you guys keep saying that, but have y'a done it yet?" the triangle questioned.

"Well, I like to think that—" Drakken attempted to reason.

"The answer is NO, Blue Man Group!" Bill boomed in a demonic voice as he turned red and white, making the mad scientist yelp in fright and jump into his partner's arms. Bill then settled down and reverted back to original self before continuing.

"It's time that you guys put aside your egos or else you'll be yesterday's news," he reasoned. "And by that I mean dead."

As much as the other villains hated to admit it, Bill had a point. For so long they had been so obsessed with destroying their respective enemies that they had lost sight of their true goals. Perhaps this demon was on to something. It would be difficult to allow someone else to earn the glory of ending the life of the foes they've fought for some long, but as long as they were troubled no longer by their adversaries, then they would overlook the matter.

"So tell me fellas, what do you want?" he asked the villains.

"Vengeance!" they proclaimed in unison, with an added "Yessss." from Megatron.

"Now that's what I like to hear," Bill replied.

The triangle's hand then ignited in blue flames. With a wave of his hand, the void suddenly light up with screens. Within each screen was the image of a different hero and the worlds they lived in.

"So, who wants first pick?" he asked his new cohorts.

DISCLAIMER: Gravity Falls, Kim Possible, Wander Over Yonder and Star vs the Forces of Evil are owned by Disney, Steven Universe and Samurai Jack are owned by Cartoon Network, Danny Phantom and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are owned by Nickelodeon, Storm Hawks is owned by Nerd Corps and G.I. Joe and Beast Wars are owned by Hasbro. Also, this won't be all the universes I'll be using so stay tuned to find out which other ones are involved here.