No Point in Waiting Until Monday

Hi, y'all. This is the last and final chapter of 'Yours'. I hope that it doesn't disappoint and I hope that it entertains. And as always, thank y'all so much for reading, alerting, reviewing, and making this story a favorite.

Korkiebugg: I do have another story lined up but it's far from complete. I've only been able to do ten chapters so far because of the editing for this story and work. But if y'all don't mind waiting a week at a time for a chapter, I'm sure that I can get it completed. If anyone is interested in waiting a week a time for a chapter, I'll be more than happy to post it.

Anyway, happy reading everyone.

I mingled among Ms. Vardamon's guests and had a great time. The conversations that I had with most of them was wonderful. They were friendly and actually seemed interested in what I had to say. Some of them were more interested in getting free legal advice but who am I to deny them? It's a good thing that I didn't deny them. I think I'd even found a few potential clients to bring over to E&S. They took my business card and wanted to set up appointments for the near future. How fortunate is that? That should make Eric very happy because he didn't look happy at that very moment and it was because of Freyda.

She was standing very close to him and giving him the googly eyes. Every little thing that he said, she laughed at. Every move that he made, she was on his heels. No matter what he was doing, she was determined to be right there with him. She also wanted to make sure that I saw her with him. She would glance at me from across the room and smirk. She'd then place her bony hand on his arm while she laughed at some unfunny thing that was said. She would then, just so happen to glance my way.

"Bitch," I mumbled.

"That she is," a lady said from beside me.

I blushed because I didn't know that someone was standing next to me. When I looked at her, I was even more ashamed of myself. She was also the age of my grandmother. I said bitch in front of a woman that's the age of my grandmother. My grandmother would have swatted me with the dish towel for using such language. I almost expected this lady to do that but to my relief, she did not. I dropped my head in shame before I looked up at her. "Please forgive my language," I said to her. "I thought that I was alone."

She laughed as she placed her wrinkled hand on my arm. "You're never alone at one of these 'I'm for sale' political parties. You have to always make sure that you're alone before uttering the slightest word, dear. Everything that you do is under a microscope." She looked me up and down as she appeared to be nodding her approval. "I'm Heidi Benjamin. You must be Sookie Stackhouse."

I turned to face her full on as I, in turn, looked her up and down. "You know my name. How?"

"McArthur," she answered simply. "He told me to look out for you. I've also seen pictures of you in my daughter's home. I'm Pamela's grandmother, Helena's mother."

My smile broadened as I looked at the woman. I could see where Pam and Helena got their beauty. The woman was gorgeous. She had to be at least 70 years old but she looked like she was fifty. She had to body of a supermodel. Her eyes were the brightest blue I've ever seen. I couldn't tear my eyes from her. She was absolutely gorgeous.

"Are you done staring, dear?" she asked.

I quickly apologized. "Please forgive me for staring. I can't believe that you're Pam's grandmother. You don't look anything like my grandmother looked."

She smiled brightly at me. "Your grandmother was a regal beauty just as I am. The only difference is that I have the money to keep looking like this. I don't have the patience or the will to grow old gracefully. I want to hold on to forty-five for as long as I can." She then winked at me. "Now tell me, Sookie. Why do you dislike Freyda?"

"She rubs me the wrong way," I answered. I glanced at her once more and wanted to scratch her eyes out. She was relentless in her pursuit to get Eric to notice her. "She's just too much of a bad thing as far as I'm concerned."

She laughed out right as she called me a liar. "You are a horrible liar, dear girl. It's hard to believe that you're an attorney. Attorneys are natural born liars. You must be a natural born attorney. The looks of murder that you have been giving to her most of the night should have killed her by now. Is it because of Eric? And don't lie to me again. McArthur has already told me that you and Eric are in love."

"Forgive me for lying," I offered. "I just wasn't sure of what you know. But look at her. She's such a phony. Who does she think she's fooling with that act that she's putting on right now? She's no damsel in distress. She doesn't need to hang all over him like that."

Heidi's eyes followed mine. We watched her as she continued to try to get Eric to fawn over her just as she was fawning over him. He would leave her standing and she would follow him. He would completely ignore her but she would take that as a message to try even harder to get his attention. The stares of hatred that he didn't try to hide when he looked at her were well received and were received with loving stares.

"I pity the bitch," Heidi proclaimed. She looked at me and said, "Her life hasn't been a good one. How could it be when the man that raised you is Victor Madden?"

I quickly turned to face her and I could see on her face that she'd meant what she said. I needed to know why. I needed to understand her reasoning for pitying a person like Freyda. "You believe her to be a bitch but you pity her. What does that mean?"

Heidi looped her arm through mine and leading me to the outside balcony. Once we were looking out into the massive garden, she said, "I'd assumed that Judith gave you the file with the information that you needed on that poor girl." She waved her hand before speaking. "I guess it doesn't really matter how you find out the truth. You know that every girl needs her father's love. We all do. We crave it. We have this uncontrollable need to be daddy's little girl. His pride and joy. Our goals have always been to make daddy proud. Freyda was never allowed that. Victor has never been what one would call a loving man. He's not nurturing or caring ... unless your name just so happened to be Appius. Victor is all about Victor."

"So, I've heard," I said. "Whatever happened to Freyda's mom? Why wasn't she there to love on her daughter? Why didn't she give her what she needed? My grandfather was a loving man but Gran was always the one to cuddle us and take care of us when we were sick. Where was Freyda's mom?"

Heidi, brushing a strand of perfectly dyed blonde hair behind her ear, said, "She never knew her mother."

Though I didn't want to, I all of a sudden felt bad for Freyda. She never got the love that she wants from her mother or her father. My thoughts went back to how she kept trying to get Eric to pay attention to her tonight. She's desperate for affection. She wants someone to love her … to give her something that she's never had. She believed that Eric could give her the love that she wants. I looked at Heidi and asked, "Her mom died in childbirth? Is that why Freyda never got to know her?"

Heidi looked at me as if another eye had popped up in the center of my face. "Her mother didn't die, sweetheart. Her mother is alive and well. She hasn't been allowed to have any contact with her daughter. As I told McArthur, Victor has many victims underneath the heel of his boot."

I closed my eyes and said, "Tell me what you know."

Heidi pulled outside with her before telling me everything that I needed to know. And when she did, my heart finally dropped into my stomach. I cried for Freyda as I listened to the sad story that Heidi told me. And as I listened to her, only one thought popped into my mind.

How can I destroy another victim of Victor Madden's especially if the victim his is child?


Heidi went inside while I stayed outside. I decided to walk the grounds of Judith's home because I needed the fresh air and I desperately needed to rethink my plan of action. I can't do to Freyda as I'd planned. I can't lump her in the same category as Victor. She's just as much a victim as the rest of us. If not for Dashell and Victor, her life could possibly be completely different. She wouldn't be so willing to accept whatever attention she can get from Eric. She'd know that she deserves better but she doesn't know that she deserves better. She's never had better.

"What's wrong?" Eric asked from behind me.

I pulled him with me and hid us under the safety of the dark balcony. My eyes brightened as I looked up at him. I wrapped myself in the comfort of his body. He kissed the top of my head as we began to sway along with the music that serenaded us in the background. The laughter and voices of the people faded away. The heartbreaking news that I'd learned about Freyda was gone from my mind for just a little while. I didn't want to talk or think about Victor or Freyda right now. I just wanted to enjoy his company in private.

"Let's not talk about it right now, okay?" I asked. I pressed myself closer to him. Not wanting to think about what I'd learned. "I just want to spend a little time with you before we have to go back inside."

He kissed the top of my head as we continued to dance. "I had dinner with Flynn and Pam before I came."

I laughed at the very thought of it. "And you made it here without a headache? Those two are a train wreck when they are together."

He laughed with me. "And you were right. Pam does have our daughter speaking like an elderly lady. The words that she's teaching her … no nine-year-old girl should know those words." He shook his head at the ridiculousness of it all. "Though it's shocking to me, I admire that Pam does that for her. You ladies have done a wonderful job with her."

I squeezed him tighter. "And you're going to have an even greater impact on her life. I'm so glad that you're here. I'm especially glad that you're here to stay." I then tugged at his lapel. "So, are you going to back our dear Ms. Vardamon?"

"I don't know," he replied. "She has some excellent ideas … some plans that she's already brought forth to some of her colleagues that have been received quite well but you know how politicians are. They're always for the little guy until they get into the office."

As he talked I watched him. And I love him more and more with every word. With every second that I'm with him. The sounds of his voice and his laughter fill me with joy. After all that he's been through, he still has the will to push on. He's a fighter and he's determined. And I will do what I have to do in order to keep him safe. He's mine and I am his. My thoughts soon went to the tattoos that we'd gotten so many years ago.


Placing my hand over my tattoo, I said, "Yours."

He brushed his finger over my arm and is shuddered. He smirked as he asked, "Are you cold?"

My mouth suddenly went dry as I shook my head no.

That innocent gesture, that simple touch, and I was gone. It was as tender and as intimate as a kiss. And the moment and the atmosphere was perfect. The sweet scent of the tulips wafted around us. The protection of the night shielded us from the spying eyes of those that were near us. I pulled his head to mine and kissed him. I could feel his heartbeat through his shirt as he pressed against me. I know that I should have more self-control when it comes to Eric but I have none. There is something about him that conjures up the feelings of pleasure, gentleness, excitement, sex and protectiveness in me. It's because I get those same feelings from him. And he proved it to me as his arms circled around me.

His head dipped as he kissed the hollows of my neck. He tasted me as he licked my skin. My hands gripped the silky fabric of his shirt. I heard myself sigh as I melted into him. He responded by tightening his grip on me. I opened my mouth wider, inviting him to take more of me. Tracing my lips with his tongue. His hands pulled me closer to his pelvis. His feel of his hardness made me rub myself against him. Heat began to build in between my legs and I wanted him. I wanted all of him. The sensation of feeling his kisses and his hardness was pleasurable but extremely dissatisfying.

I needed more.

His mouth was too gentle. My greed was getting the best of me. I wanted all of him … more of him. I moaned as I began to help him out of his jacket. My fingers ran through his hair. My tongue invaded his mouth for the wild kisses that I wanted from him. And he willingly obliged. His hand began travel up the hem of my dress … caressing my thigh … cupping my bottom.

Speaking in my ear, Eric said, "I want to fuck you."

"Oh, God," I moaned.

"Yes, oh God," Victor said. "You just can't keep your dick out of her, can you? My daughter loves you, Eric. You will learn to love her and you will give us what we want. Give my daughter the baby that you owe us and you are free to be with anyone or anything that you want."

"Disrespect her again and I will fucking end you," Eric warned him as he stared at me.

Victor fanned of the comment as he continued. "My daughter is inside waiting for you. Go in there with her now. You will regret it if you embarrass her any further by being out here with Ms. Stackhouse."

Eric released me before standing protectively in front of me. "Go away, Victor. I've already told you, it's over with your daughter. I do not love her. I will never love her. I will never give you what you want. Freyda signed the separation papers. She agreed to end this travesty of a marriage and I've more than enthusiastically given her what she wants. Niall has already filed the separation papers. She is no longer a concern of mine."

Victor looked surprised at the separation revelation. It almost tickled me to see a stunned Victor. Twice in the same month? What are the chances? It's almost feels like my birthday but not too much. I am a little embarrassed.

Embarrassment filled me as he watched me tug at my dress. I'm not ashamed of what Eric and I were doing. The shame is because we were caught by none other than Victor Madden. "You are in love with whore," he said as he glared at me. "Did she not come her with another man but ended up with another man and now you? I can see why she's such an accomplished attorney. It's more than apparent that she's fucked her way to the top."

Eric went at Victor but I stopped him. "Who cares what he says about me," I said to our enemy. If anyone that mattered had said that to me, it possibly would have hurt my feelings but I felt nothing. I stared at Victor and disgust began to rise within me. Everything that he's done in his wretched life, the things that I didn't want to think about until Monday, appeared on his deceitful yet smiling face. Pretty soon, a smile appeared on mine.

"Why do you smile?" Victor asked. "Is it because you've been caught?" He shook his head in disbelief. "Your married boyfriend will lose everything that he's ever worked to have because he can't keep his fucking hands off of you." He glared at me over Eric's shoulder. "Is your cunt that sweet? Does it really make a man not care about losing billions of dollars? If so, I'd love a taste."

I tapped Eric on his back.

"Yes, my lover," he said when he turned to look at me.

"You gave me leeway. Everything that we need, I have," I said. "Can I use it now?"

Smirking, Eric said, "I don't know. Can you?"

I laughed. "May I use it now?"

"Yes, you may and I won't tell our daughter about the foul grammar that her mother used tonight."

I pulled my cell phone from my clutch and called Niall. "It's time."

"I thought that we were going to wait until Monday?" he asked.

I looked at Victor and said, "There's no point in waiting until Monday. Tonight's just as good as any night."

"I'll be there in five," he promised.

And he held fast to his promise. He was there in three. He was with McArthur, Sophie Ann and Stan and he was carrying his briefcase.

"Sookie, darling," McArthur said as he walked to me. "How are you, my dear girl?"

"Daddy Ravenscroft!" I exclaimed as I went to him and hugged him. Once our hug ended, I said, "I can't believe that you are here. I heard earlier tonight that you were in town but I didn't expect to see you."

He kissed my cheek. "I had every intention of seeing you tonight. I was going to come to your home later to discuss our findings but Niall has all but alerted me that things were going happen sooner than expected." He looked at Eric and nodded briefly. "You are ready?" as he looked at me.

"I am …"

"What the fuck is going on?" Victor yelled.

"Daddy?" Freyda said from behind him. "What's going on?"

Victor rolled his eyes. When she stood next to him, he said, "Maybe I should be asking you that same question, Freyda. Why am I just learning that you and Eric are separated from each other? Do you really sign separation papers?"

Freyda looked at Eric with wide eyes. Instead of speaking, she squeaked.

"Fucking idiot," Victor growled at her before returning his focus back to us.

Freyda's shoulders stooped as her beloved father insulted her in front of all of us.

The anger that he'd just exhibited was gone. The scowl had been replaced with a smile. "It doesn't matter. The separation papers can't supersede the contract. The contract stands. So whatever you did to trick my slow minded daughter into signing those papers, will not stand. If we take this to court, you will lose."

Freyda, again, looked embarrassed.

Niall noticed. "Shall we sit?" He pointed at one of the tables sat in the garden.

Once Eric, Freyda and Victor were seated, Niall placed the files in front of them. Niall and I stood by Eric. McArthur, Stan, and Sophie Ann sat in chairs behind him. Everything was quiet for a moment and I could almost swear that I could hear their heartbeats. I could hear each of them catching their breaths. I could feel their anticipation. They were dying to learn what was about to happen. And I couldn't wait to tell them.

"Eric," I began. "The first thing that I want you to say to you is thank you. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. And Victor," I said as I looked at him. "If not for you, I wouldn't have been able to have this opportunity. Thank you. Everything that we needed, we couldn't have done it without your help."

Victor glared at me as he stabbed the file with his finger. "What the fuck is going on?"

"Open your top file and see," I ordered. "Everything that you need to know is right in front of you."

The first files were the contracts … the original contract and the doctored contract.

"I don't understand," Freyda said. She looked to me and Niall for an explanation. "Why are there two different contracts? What does this mean for me and Eric?" The anxiousness on her face was heartbreaking. "Please. Will someone answer me?"

I watched Eric's face as he read over the contract. If I could've taken the pain away from him, I would have. God knows that I would have.

"We were never married," Eric whispered. He continued to read as he talked. "The birth of my child was to keep me from marrying you. I would've never had to change my life's plans and I never would've met you. You and your family should have never had the opportunity to ruin my life." He looked at Freyda and said, "Our marriage has never existed."

Freyda looked devastated at the revelation. "That's not true," she proclaimed. She looked at Eric with tears in her eyes. "We're married." She looked at Victor and said, "Eric is my husband. He is my husband, isn't he, daddy?"

"Where did you find this?" he growled at me.

I didn't get to answer him because Eric decided to. "Does it fucking matter?" He pointed his finger at Freyda and said, "I've spent five years of my life with her when I didn't have to. Five years of my life was fucking wasted and on her … with her? You stole my daughter and my lover away from me. I will fucking end you, Victor. Everything that you have will be no more. Life as you know it, is over."

Freyda began to cry. "I didn't know, Eric. I swear to you that I didn't know."

He said nothing to her. He wouldn't even look at her. I could see in his eyes that nothing was going to make him see that Freyda was a victim just as he is. Not now. As far as he was concerned, she was no better than Victor. "I don't believe you. You have betrayed me in the past. As far as I'm concerned, you're lying."

Freyda scooted to the edge of her seat. She reached for Eric's hand but he snatched it back before she could touch him. "You have to believe me, Eric. I didn't know. I wouldn't do that to you."

Eric snorted. "You kept my daughter a secret from me." He pointed at the contracts as he said, "Why wouldn't you hide the truth of the contracts from me? You are no different than the rest of the Maddens. You want what you want and you don't care about the ones that are caught in the crossfire. You're just like your father."

Freyda began to sob.

Victor stared at her. Annoyance and loathing could clearly be seen on his face. He glared at her. "You couldn't keep your fucking mouth shut, could you? You had to tell him about the child. Do you realize what you've fucking DONE!" he screamed at her. "You're a fucking joke, Freyda. You're a disappointment and you will always be a disappointment. You make me want to …" He didn't even bother to finish his sentence. He drew his hand back to hit her but he never made contact.

Eric had him by his wrist. "Strike her and I will break your wrist."

Freyda looked just as stunned as Victor.

Eric forced Victor's hand back into his own space before sitting down. "She may be your daughter but you will not hit her … not in front of me."

"She's not his daughter," I said.

Eric looked up at me for the first time since sitting down at the table.

"She's mine," Sophie Ann said as she stood up.

"What?" Eric whispered.

Freyda began to shake head no. "It's not true. I'm a Madden."

"No you're not. You're a Threadgill. You're mine," Sophie Ann said "They took her from me. I was fifteen when I got pregnant with her. She's Peter's and my daughter. Our parents wouldn't let us keep her. I was just entering the tenth grade. The Maddens adopted her. I had to sign confidentiality papers saying that I would never speak of her but for Eric, I was willing to do it. To set him free, I was willing to break that contract." She looked at Victor and said, "I figured that if he can do it then I can too."

Victor stood from his seat and charged at Sophie Ann. He didn't get far. McArthur had him by his neck. "Touch her and I will kill you where you stand."

"It's over, Victor," I said.

McArthur was still holding onto him as he wrestled to try and get away. "You will pay for this, Sookie. I will spend the rest of my life making you pay for what you've done to my family. You are going to lose everything that matters to you. I give you my word. I am going to destroy you."

McArthur's grip tightened on Victor's throat. "Come, Victor," he said. "You and I must talk." He looked at Stan and said, "You, come with me. After tonight, you will be the new CEO of Madden Industries. You may as well get better acquainted with a former employee." He looked at Eric and asked, "That is what you want? You want to relinquish all control of Madden Industries to the Davis family?"

"I do," he confirmed. "I'm done with that. I want nothing more to do with it."

"As you wish," McArthur said.

"Eric," Stan began. "Russell will meet you in Sweden Sunday morning … if you are still interested."

"I am," he said. He glanced at me before looking away.

My heart dropped at the thought of him leaving.

Stan noticed my face too because he said, "My offer still stands, Ms. Stackhouse." He winked at me and smiled as if he was really going to change my mind.

McArthur cleared his throat as he looked at me. He didn't wink and he didn't smile. He's never been the type to pity someone. And this time was no different. "Pam and Amelia are cooking a magnificent breakfast tomorrow morning. I will see you both there?"

"You will," I answered for me and Eric. "We'll be there bright and early."

And that's when I saw it. The look between Niall and McArthur. Niall nodded at him; never speaking. McArthur did the same. I knew, though I don't know how I knew, but I knew that things weren't going to fare well for Victor. I had a strong feeling that Victor was going to end up like Appius.

As McArthur and Stan carted Victor away, Freyda continued to cry. "Forgive me, Eric, Sookie. I didn't know." She quickly added, "I don't expect either of you to forgive me right away after all that I've done. I just want you both to know that I'm truly sorry that this has happened."

Eric took my hand in his as he looked at the crying woman. I could see that there was on mercy in his eyes. No pity. He wasn't there yet. He may never be there.

"I'm nobody now," she said. She looked at us as she swiped the tears from her face. "I have always believed that I'm a Madden and that my life would get better … especially after I married Eric. I thought that finally, someone was going to love me. I would be a mother and I wouldn't be a disappointment. I would have a purpose. I would finally have a purpose." She sighed. "I have no purpose."

Sophie Ann quickly went to her. "But you do," she said. "You have me and your father. You have three brothers. You have a family that has loved you from afar for many years. You have a purpose, Freyda. You can come home with us. You have a home with us."

Freyda cried as Sophie Ann cradled her in her arms. There's nothing like a mother's love and Freyda was finally going to know that. Sophie Ann caressed Freyda's head as she held her.

Niall stood up from his chair and beckoned Sophie Ann and Freyda to him. "Come," he said. "Let's get you ladies out of here. There's a lot that you have to discuss." To Eric, he said, "I've called the airlines. Your jet is fueled and ready."

Eric and I were finally alone. He stood up and stared down at me. "You are an amazing woman. It's no wonder I'm willing to give up the seat as the CEO of Northman Enterprises. I can't bear to have to go back and forth to Sweden and leave you behind."

"Are you serious?" I asked. "You're letting it go?" I rapidly shook my head no. "I can't let you do that. You've lost so much …"

"But I've gotten it all back," he finished. "That company means nothing to me. And as you said, I have more than enough money. If we live to be a thousand years old, we'll want or need nothing. Russell can take over. I'll still be on the board but the company will no longer be under my rule. I don't want the headache. I want more out of life. And I'll finally have it."

He kissed me before continuing. "You and Flynn are all that I need. I don't need that company. I want to be here with you. I want to love you and marry you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So many years ago, Sookie, I promised to give you all of my days and all of my nights. And that's what I'm going to do. Now, to get the ball rolling, I've called Flynn's school to let them know that she's going to be out for most of next week."

The butterflies in my stomach began to flutter wildly as I waited to hear what I wanted him to say.

"We're going to Sweden for our first family vacation," he said. "I know that it's not Disneyworld but it's just as great. Flynn doesn't know it yet. I wanted it to be a surprise for you but Stan ruined it. At least he didn't tell you that Pam and Amelia are coming with us."

"They are?" I asked. I was smiling so hard that my cheeks were hurting.

"Yeah," he said. He wrapped his arms around me and said, "Our first family wouldn't be complete without our entire family."

I kissed him hard. "I love you," I said into his mouth. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Sookie," he said.

I broke the kiss and asked, "What would you have done if Niall, Stan, and Sophie Ann hadn't helped me with getting you out of this life? You would still be stuck, you know."

"No," he said. "It never occurred to me that you would fail. I never doubted you. Not once. But since you brought it up, if you had failed me, I would've fired ya."

Our laughter filled the night air.

Eric nuzzled his mouth with mine as his hold tightened on me. "Yours."

"Yours," I repeated.

And just as he promised, we have been together ever since.