Heartfilia Mansion and Sabertooth

I don't own Fairy Tail. Sorry for the late update. My family took an unexpected trip to Hong Kong. Then school start.

Lucy walked up to the reception desk and smile at the man behind it. "Excuse me but I am looking for a friend of mine. Her name is Brandish. Can you tell me what room she's in?"

The man looked up and smile at the cute girl in front of him. "Let me just check miss." Looking through the logbook, he frowned, "I am sorry Miss, but there isn't anyone here with that name."

"Are you sure? She told me she was going to be here yesterday. She has green hair cut into a bob and two blue cross ornaments sticking out."

"Oh, we do have a guest staying here that looks like that, but her name is Dimaria."

Lucy face palmed. Oh course. Brandish was trying to kill me. She was covering her tracks by using a fake name." Calling on her heiress training, she gives a bright laugh "Brandish comes from a rich family. People are always trying to kidnap her so she learns to use a fake name whenever she's traveling. Even though she's strong enough to fight them off now, she still enjoys using fake names whenever she travel. "

"Oh I see." The man said. He decided that information made sense since Dima-Brandish had been acting like a spoiled rich brat. The fact that Lucy was stroking her whip menacingly and had a large amount of magic surrounding her that promised pain hadnothing to do with it.

"What room is she in?"

"Room 221"

"Thanks," Lucy place a few jewels on the desk and walk up to the second floor. Coming to it she knocked.

"Who is it?" A voice come from inside.

"It's me Lucy. I made my decision about your offer." Lucy answer. She stepped back as the door shrink. Lucy walks inside. Brandish was lying on a chair as she eats a plate of eggs and assuage.

"You couldn't have just opened the door?" Lucy said sitting across from Brandish.

"Too much trouble," Brandish said, enlarging the door back to normal. "You said you make your decision?"

"Yes, I will join the Spriggan 12."

Brandish's eyes widen. Even though she had hoped, hearing the words said were something else. Dropping her fork, she let over the table to hug Lucy. "I am sooo happy! You are going to love being a member of the Spriggran 12! As a member of the emperor's personal guard, we are allowed to do whatever we want!"

Lucy laughed nervously, "I can't wait to go. But can we stop at the Heartfilia Mansion and Sabertooth first? I have to get some things."

"Sure," Brandish said. "We can leave right after I finish my breakfast."

Lucy nodded. "I will get Virgo to pack your things." 5 minutes later, Brandish and Lucy were walking out the door.

Lucy said, "You said you need to go to Crocus right?" Brandish nodded. "The Heartfilia mansion is in the opposite direction and so is the Sabertooth guildhall, but it's a short train ride. We should be able to visit the mansion and guildhall within a few hours. If we get to the train station within the next ten minutes we will be able to catch a train that will take us to the mansion."

Brandish said, "I have a better idea. Didn't Aquarius give you some silver keys?"

Lucy nodded, wondering where this was going.

"If you have a spirit that can fly, summon it. I can use my magic to make it big enough for us to ride. That way we will be able to get to the mansion quickly."

Lucy nodded seeing the benefits of Brandish's plan. Deciding on Aquila since it was a transportation spirit, she open its gate.

"How may I serve you, master?" A golden eagle said.

"Call me Lucy. I need you to take me and Brandish to my old home. Brandish could make you bigger so you can carry both of us."

"There is no need. Your magic container is large enough for me to carry you both with ease." And with that Aquila grow to the size of an elephant. Lucy and Brandish climb on to Aquila's back.

"We need you to take us to the Heartfilia mansion. It is to the north." Lucy said. During the half hour flight, Brandish entertains Lucy with stories of the Spriggan 12. Lucy was laughing at a particular funny story involving Ajeel and Wahl when Aquila announced "we have arrived."

"Thanks Aquila," Lucy said as she dismounted.

"My pleasure, "Aquila bowed as he disappeared back into the Celestial World with a smile. Yes, he likes his new master. She was kind and treats her spirits well.

Lucy stood in front of the gates to the mansion. The last time she been here was when she come to confront her father and telling him to leave her alone. It was when Natsu- Lucy mentally shook herself. No, she don't want to think about him now.

"Let's go in." Brandish said.

"Right," Lucy said, pushing the gates open. As she did runes sprang to life. "What?"

"Look like security wards only allowing certain people in."

"Does that mean you won't be able to enter?"

"You have to give me permission."


"Just state your name and stated that you wish for me to enter."

"Okay. I, Lucy Heartfilia give Brandish μ permission to enter the Heartfilia mansion." The wards glitter again. Brandish follows Lucy inside. As Lucy walked through the mansion she told Brandish memories she had of different places. When they entered Layla's room, Lucy grow silent, memories of her mother flooding her mind. Brandish places a hand on her shoulder in support.

"Are you sure Eclipse is here?"

"I hope so. Otherwise we will have to search the library."

Brandish winced. The library was as large as a two story house. It will take forever to go through it.

After an unsuccessful search (that took a hour), it was determined that Eclipse was not in Layla's chambers. Brandish was about to start crying when Lucy remembered some of her mother's belongings was stored in the attic. The two girls raced to the attic (Brandish dragged Lucy until she realized that she didn't know the way) where they found Eclipse in a box of Layla's belongings (Thank Mavis the boxes were labeled.) As they were about to leave Lucy noticed a doll.


"What?" Brandish said, watching Lucy picked up a doll.

"My mother give this to me for my birthday. After she died, I couldn't stand the sight of it because it reminded me of her. Father must have put it here."

"Do you want to take it with you?"

Lucy look thoughtful, then said, "yes. I will want to have a little piece of my family with me when I go to the Alvarez Empire." She then summons Virgo.

"Punishment princess?"

"No. Can you take this with you to the Celestial World?" Lucy hand Michelle to Virgo. "It's very important to me."

"Of course, princess."

"Let's go," Lucy said to Brandish. "I want to get the Sabertooth guild hall."

"So what is Sabertooth?"Brandish asked Lucy as they were riding on Aquila's back to Sabertooth guild hall. Lucy told Brandish about meeting Sting and Rogue and the Grand Magic Games. As she was finishing the battle between Natsu, Gajeel, Sting and Rogue, they arrived.

"Hey!" Lucy said, pushing open the doors. Brandish walk in after her.

"Lucy, you are here!" Yukino exclaimed. The two hugged. "Who is this?" Yukino asked seeing Brandish.

"This is Brandish. She is a new friend." Brandish was surprised that Lucy introduced her as a friend. They only know each other for a day.

"So why do you want to see me?"

Yukino hesitated, then said "I want you to have my keys."

"WHAT? I already told you I don't want your keys. You are a good master to them. I won't take them from you."

"Things are different now. I am learning a new magic, crystal make. I originally intended to use as my secondary magic. But one thing leads to another and now it's my primary magic. I don't use my spirits much anymore. That is why I wanted you to have them. My spirits also agree with it since they know you will treat them well."

Lucy frowned "If you give them to me, you likely wouldn't see them again for a long time. I planned to leave Fiore."

Yukino's eyes widened, then asked "why?"

Lucy said in a soft sad voice "Fairy Tail disbanded. I have nowhere to go. Brandish invited me to go with her to join the Spriggan 12. This is a great opportunity."

"I see," Yukino said softly. "But I still want you to have my keys. I can't think of anyone better to have them than you."

"Alright," Lucy said, taking the three gold keys.

"Now you have all the gold keys!" Yukino squealed.

Lucy's eyes sadden. "No, I don't."


"During the battle against Tartaros, I had to sacrifice Aquarius' key to summon the Celestial Spirit King."

"Oh, I am so sorry." Yukino said, hugging Lucy.

"It's fine. Aquarius said that a new key will be forged within a year and I intend to found it," Lucy said determinedly.

"I hope you do," Yukino said.

"We have to go now, if we are going to make it to Crocus before dark," Brandish said suddenly.

"Huh, oh right. Bye Yukino," Lucy said, waving goodbye.

As they were just about to leave they bump into Minvera.

"Hey Minvera," Lucy greeted. Brandish groaned. Well they ever be able to leave?

"Lucy. What a surprise! Why are you here?" Minvera asked.

"Yukino asked me to come."

"Oh that's right. She wanted you to have her keys right?"

"Yep," Lucy said holding them up.

"Are you staying the night?" Minvera asked. There was only a hour until it was dark.

"No. Brandish and I have to get to Crocus."

"Oh. Well stay safe." Minvera said, assuming that Brandish had a type of magic that will get them there quickly. "And come visit again soon. I know Sting will disappoint that he missed you."

"I will try my best." Lucy said, knowing she won't be able to come back anytime soon.

"Oh and Lucy. I am sorry."

"About what?"

"The naval battle during the Grand Magic Games."

Lucy smiled. "It's fine. What's past is past."

"SO what happen during the naval battle?" Brandish asked as the two women were flying to Crocus.

I get the idea for Yukino learning a new magic and giving Lucy her keys from the story "Quest for Keys" by Angelxofxanime. I also want to add that there are wards preserving the Heartfilia Estate so it will never get dusty or decayed. Sorry if some of the characters seem OOC, but I was rushing to get this chapter done.