Severus watched as his wife, brother in law and godson cross the stage. After graduation Severus took his wife to the hospital cause her water broke during the graduation ceremony. Harry was in the hospital to giving birth to his baby.

Fenrir was by his side the whole time and Severus was by his wife's side. Draco and Voldemort went to the doctor.

" your pregnancy is coming along nicely." The nurse said smiling at Draco and Voldemort kissed his husband

Draco got to the hospital with Voldemort, Narcissa, Lucius, Bellatrix, Rabastan, Rodolphus, Sirius and Wormtail.

" I will personally kill Snivellus if anything happens to my godniece and then I'll kill Fenrir." Sirius growled angrily and Draco rolled his eyes

Fenrir came out with there baby girl. Fenrir showed the baby to Sirius and family. Fenrir cooed at his little girl as Sirius went to see his godson.

" What's her name?" Sirius asked as Harry smiled and sat up

" Luna Lily Grayback." Harry said as Fenrir came in and gave the baby back

Severus was in the living room showing everyone his twin son's. Draco, Voldemort, Narcissa, Lucius, Bellatrix, Rabastan, Rodolphus, Sirius, Fenrir, and Wormtail followed him to the room. Jade reached out for their son's and Severus handed her their baby boy's.

" Tobais Luke and Robert Sirius Snape." Jade said smiling and Severus looked at her

" Great I got a kid named after Black." Severus said as she laughed and kissed her son's cheek

Sirius got the baby named after him and cooed at him with a smile. Jade smiled as Severus kissed looking at their son's.

" I'm glad we're married and two beautiful boys." Severus said as she smiled and everyone left