So this is where I would place all of my one shots for maid sama. I will try to update it as soon as I get a nice idea or a good plot. Reviews and criticism are welcomed. Also, read authors note at end because I got a nice game for us :)


Title- Misaki's Secret Love

Summary – Takumi is baffled when the Sakura suspects Misaki to have a secret crush and he is quite curious to find out.

Inspiration – Just a sudden morning thought.

Pairings – Misaki/Takumi , Misaki/OC, Misaki-Sakura friendship/general feelings,Sakura/Shizoku friendship.

Rating - K+


Takumi had been intently staring at the empty seat which was supposed to be Misaki's. It was NO small thing. No, it must be the end of the world. The student council president is late (there were still a few minutes before the class started but she was there half an hour before everyday so he felt worried)

Is she sick? No! that can't be, she was fine when I saw her yesterday. Takumi thought. But she is Misaki. She would be here even if she gets sick. He was sure of that. It would take hundreds of 'usui's to keep her to bed instead of working when she gets sick.

Suddenly the classroom door opened and Misaki, his Misaki stood there breathing heavily. Her face was red but Usui could clearly tell that not all of it was from the running. She looked as if she was red from some embarrassment. He raised an eyebrow at that and kept on watching (or rather staring) at her minutely.

"Misaki!" Sakura screamed as she squeezed the life out of her, "You are later than usual. I was worried if you've gotten sick"

"No… Sakura, I… am ..fine" Misaki said while panting heavily.

"So what got you this late?" Sakura asked.

At this, Misaki got redder and redder and it felt she will turn blood red at this rate. Usui would had found it entertaining were it not the fact that she was so silent on what got her late.

"Oh my god Misaki! You look like you've caught a fever!" Sakura said as she placed her hand on her forehead to check the temperature. "You're hot!" She commented (on her temperature).

Hot…Misaki was lost in a world of her own on hearing that word. She dreamily thought about the brief encounter she had-

So hot….So sweet. The scent. The look. All was so welcoming that she could barely control herse-

"MISAKI! Hello! Earth to Misaki!" Sakura said frantically waving her hand in front of her. It was then that she realized that the teacher had already entered the classroom and all eyes were on her.

She quickly took her seat as the teacher started the lesson.

Usui was worried.


Misaki was behaving extremely weird that day. He could clearly see that not all of her attention was on her lessons and she had a dreamy look in her eyes. He caught her thrice checking her watch to see the time in a span of five minutes, as if she was getting impatient that the class was not over yet. Something was definitely wrong.

Even at lunch she was unusual. She sat alone under a tree, hardly eating her food as she stared into the sky. She was so lost that she hardly noticed Usui sitting beside her for past twenty minutes as he tried everything to get her attention. She even ignored his perverted comments and how he mistakingly poked her to get her attention. To say Usui was worried would be an understatement.

It was then that he heard Sakura literally shouting to Shizoku wildly as she caught his hand and jumped up and down(which of course, Misaki failed to notice) and what she said next really shook him up.

"See ! SEE! OUR MISAKI IS IN LOVE!~" Sakura giggled as she jumped up and down from excitement.

"Jeez, aren't you commenting on that too early?" Shizoku sighed as she tried to get free from Sakura's grasp.

"She has all signs of love I read in a novel yesterday. Unusual behaviour, Red-faced everywhere, a unsociable spirit, sunken eyes. She is even acting as if she can't pass time! She must be sooo much into that guy. Look at her face, perhaps she is dreaming about him even now!" Sakura wildly exclaimed.

At this, Usui simply stood up, grabbed Misaki by her waist, who snapped out of her dream and immediately started fisting him , he put her on her shoulder and went away from there.

"What is wrong with you Misaki" He finally asked, putting her down, only to notice her eyes looking at her shoes and a faint blush creeping on her face.

"BAKA!" She finally shouted, "I am perfectly fine!"

Usui did not believe her, but the bell for next period rang.


Once the school was over, Usui went to student council room to confront Misaki and find out what was wrong with her. However, one of the members informed him that she already left and told him how she was acting all weird.

He dashed out of the room and started running. Minutes later he was at her house only to find that she had not yet arrived. A very worried Takumi was about to dash the complete path between her home and school when he saw Misaki walking towards her home carrying a box wrapped in pink wrapper and blue bow. To his utter amazement, she was cuddling the box with her cheeks and smiling to herself.

This sent him on fire and with a grim expression he stood straight in her way watching as Misaki walked into his toned chest. She yelped as she collided and lost her balance. She, however, clutched that pink box close to her as she fell. However, Usui was quick enough to grab her by her waist and he pushed her to the wall. He put his hands on wall on both sides of her, blocking her way for exit.

His face softened as he looked deep into her amber eyes as they stared back at him. He noticed her hair, her lips , her flushed cheeks and was about to tease her when his eyes fell on that damned box, reminding him of her weird behaviour. He frowned.

"So.. looks like my Misa chan has got a new boyfriend" He muttered darkly, his emerld eyes boring into her very soul.

"W-W-WHAT?! BAKA!" said Misaki a she attempted to push him but failed. "I have no boyfriend" she added.

"Then….."said Usui as he stared at the pink box. "What's that?"

Misaki flushed a deep shade of red at that. She was never this red even when he teased her. He was sure of it, someone, or rather, some guy must have gifted it. He was on peak of his jealousy as he remembered how lovingly Misaki cuddled the box on her way home.

What the hell is in that?! He thought, and was about to snatch the box from her when he noticed that Misaki had already made use of him being distracted to slip under his arms and reach home. She struck out her tongue at him and said "BAKA! You shouldn't harass a girl on her way home." And with that she entered the door.

Usui was so much going to get to the bottom of this.


When he went at Maid Latte in the evening, Misaki was almost back to her normal self. The only exceptional thing he noticed was her constantly checking the clock, as if wanting her shift to end early.

So she is too eager to meet that Mr Special eh? Usui thought as his grip tightened around his coffee cup.

However, his speculation was proven wrong immediately when Misaki agreed Satsuki's request to work for another hour after her shift, till Satsuki doesn't return. Apparently she had to go somewhere urgent.

"I'm so sorry Misaki! I will make up for this to you," Satsuki said in an apologetic tone.

"Its no problem at all!" said Misaki, smiling brightly.

"You're a real saviour Misaki!" Satsuki said as she gave him a bone crushing hug.

The fact bugging Usui now was how Misaki agreed a bit too quickly, like she was waiting for the question to come up.

Is she meeting up with him in the cafe? Usui's detective mind began to make another theory. Why is she meeting alone with him? Is she hiding something from us? From me? What if he tries to- Usui panicked as not-so-decent-thoughts came up to him. He quickly shrugged them off as he knew from his experience that Misaki would not leave any such person good enough to walk on his own feet. But what if..what if she agrees too.

Usui cursed at this. This thought just had to come. He knows his Misaki is not like what he is thinking but there is this big 'but'. There was only one answer to all of his ifs and buts. To find out the truth.


Misaki was humming a soft tune to herself while washing the dishes (It never hurts to do anything extra to help others!). She had already locked the front door. She wondered what she could do next when she wondered that she should check the back door. And as she suspected, it was not locked.

I should had been more careful. Anybody could have entered from here. She mentally cursed herself for forgetting to close the door after taking out the trash bags. She reached for the keys and locked the door shut.

She was sure that she was alone now. She decided that it was the best time for it. She went out of the staff room and went to the dark serving room where all the tables and chairs were neatly on their places. Without switching on the lights, she sat on one of the chairs with that pink box in her hands.

Her heart was thumping wildly in her chest. She scanned the room once again to check if she was alone. If she gets caught while doing this, that wouldn't be nice.

Especially Usui. She thought. If he finds out what I am doing, that would be the end of me…..

She scanned the room once more, and sighed. But hes not here, right.

And with excitement of a child, she tightly clutched the pink box and started to open it. However, just as she was about to tear the wrapper, the lights switched on, revealing a very serious Usui near the switchboard.

"Is my Misa-chan upto something she doesn't want me to know?" He said, his emerald green eyes boring into her very soul.

"BA-BAKA!" She shivered under the gaze, "What?! How?! Whe-"

"You don't have the best vision in night I suppose Misa-chan…" he said coldly.

"How did you even enter her-"

"Apparently someone did not lock the back door."He said, coldly in a matter-of-fact way which made Misaki shiver. "Perhaps you wanted someone to enter from it? And judging by your reaction..." Usui said as he took a step towards her,"That the person….." he said as he clutched her arm and yanked her close to his chest " not me." He said coldly.

"WHAT?" Misaki asked bewildered and confused, to his surprise. "Just what soap opera are you watching these days?" she replied.

"So you think I am lying?" He asked, trying to maintain his cold demeanour. "Well then, care to explain.." he said snatching the pink box from her hand, "that what is inside this that you're opening it so secretly?"

Misaki's face changed from that of confusion to beet red of embarrassment.

"GIVE IT BACK BAKA!" She said , struggling to take it from his grip, but failing hard. "Just WHAT do you think you're doing?!" she shouted.

Usui (after a lot of struggle) managed to clutch both of her arms with one hand and then proceeded to unwrap that box.

"NO! You can't do it BAKA!" Misaki screamed.

Usui, making her face him, gazing into her beautiful amber eyes and holding her chin with his free hand said, "I can…because I have every right to know anything about my Misa chan" he growled a little at the end of statement.

Misaki , too stunned to say anything, did not struggle as Usui unwrapped the box with a thumping heart.

It could be anything… he thought. Gift cards, stuff toy, or…. even a proposal ring. His last thought made him close his eyes out of sheer heart-ache of the possibility of his Misaki being courted by someone else.

His hands touched the box inside the wrapper. It was something cold..something made of steel. He gathered courage to open his eyes to see, what could possibly be something he is dreading, and saw what would appear to a normal human eye as a lunchbox.

"WHAT?!" He literally screamed. "No diamond ring? No cards?! A LUNCHBOX?!"

"I told you that its NOTHING! Now give it BACK..NOW!" Misaki literally screamed in his ears.

However, Usui, whose curiosity had overcome his dread, had already opened the box to reveal nicely smelling…. hot… tempting… SWEET POTATOES. One of which was half eaten.

He blinked once. Twice. Thrice. He saw Misaki's beet red face.

"So…your new boyfriend gave you…sweet potatoes?" he said dumbly.

"MY WHAT?!" She screamed.

"Your boyfriend…" he said like a total idiot.

"I bought those myself after school. I had to practically run the entire town searching for that truck vendor.." She said as she told him what she saw before coming to school.


Misaki was just outside school gates when she encountered a tempting smell. She closed her eyes as she inhaled it deeply in her lungs, the smell making her salivate.

"Sweet potatoes! Fresh , hot , sweet potatoes!" the truck driver announced from the in-truck mic.

It was just too tempting for our Misaki. But when would she eat it? What if someone saw her with it? Her chain of thoughts was broken as she heard school bell.

"Oh no! I am late!" She said as she saw the receding figure of the truck. "Even that truck is gone!" she screamed.

However, with a determined and fierce expression, she pointed her finger in the direction the truck went and shouted "WHOSOEVER YOU ARE! I WILL FIND YOU, AND I WILL BUY ALL OF YOUR SWEET POTATOES!"


"So that's why you were late….?" Asked Usui, finding it hard to believe.

"Yes…" Misaki answered embarrassed.

"And let me guess. You wrapped it pink so that nobody could figure out that the box had sweet potatoes out of all possible things…" He said.

"And I would had succeeded if it wasn't for some perverted-stalker alien from planet pheromone." She replied sharply.

Usui, whose dread was now replaced with a smug smile, asked "So did you buy all of his sweet potatoes or…"

"STOP BAKA!" she shouted, turning redder every moment.

"Hmm, I was wondering what this smell was about in the café all day." He said, his grin from ear to ear.

"I will KILL you If you tell that to anyone else." Misaki said, attempting to sound threatening but her statement ending up as an embarrassed whisper.

"I know my Misa-chan won't do that." Usui said closing the little gap between their bodies.

"Baka what are you doi-" She couldn't complete her sentence.

"Because I know that my Misa-chan loves me alot" he said holding her chin and slowly bringing their faces closer.

"Baka, I-" she triied to say but he put a finger on her lips.

"love you with all my heart." He completed her sentence.

Usui said as he placed one of her hands on his chest. "Just see what you do to me…" His voice getting huskier, his embrace warmer and more comfortable every passing second. "I love you so much Misaki. Please don't hide anything from me next time." He said pleadingly.

Misaki could see a sincerity in his eyes which made her heart skip a beat. Usui slowly brought her face closer, and closer, and closer and even more clo-

"Hey Misaki! I am bac- OH MY GOD!"

They both turned to see a very much shocked (and at the same time nose bleeding) Satsuki who just returned to the café.

"Did I interrupt something important?" she teasingly asked wriggling her eyebrows at Misaki.

Oh god. Bury me somewhere…" Misaki thought. There will be no end to the teasing now. It just can't get any worse!

"Well," Usui said smugly, " What can you possibly interrupt between two lone people who love each other?" said Usui suggestively. He held Misaki closer now, refusing her attempts to break free.

It did got worse.. Misaki inwardly face-palmed and looked menacingly at Usui.

"Oh Oh OH!" said Satsuki excitingly, "Did you just confess to Misaki that you love her?" One could easily imagine all the flowers and stars in her eyes….

Usui suddenly knelt down and held her hand, as if, he was going to propose her. (Misaki's face might have melted with that blush!)

"Misaki," he said, " I love you. I love you for who you are, what you are and what you do to me." He said looking up in her eyes. " I don't care what dress you wear, what make up you do or anything. I love your spirit, your pure soul.." he continued (meanwhile Satsuki got carried away in her world of flowers at this romantic gesture of Usui while Misaki was getting redder every second.)

"My love for you won't lessen, no matter what goes into you or what comes out of you" he said giving her a smug smile, and Misaki absolutely getting the sweet potato reference in that. At this Misaki felt her face would burst.

"YOU CREEPY PERVERTED STALKER!" She shouted breaking free of his embrace.

Seeing her reaction, Usui couldn't control his laughter. With a smug smile, he launched his next comment, "So, what will you have for tomorrow's breakfast Misa-chan?" he wriggled his eyebrows at that, causing Misaki to lose her temper.

Misaki doesn't care if Usui would be hospitalized for what she did. Or how would she explain it to Satsuki or even how painful it would be for Usui. Heck! She doesn't even care if they couldn't have babies after marriage cause of that. Usui did deserved that kick in his groin.

Apparently, Usui's search for Misaki's true love got him a week off the school on medical grounds…XD


So how was it? Do rate and review!

Author's note-

Well, so I have read countless fictions in and I always had one common complaint.


We all have at one point, faced this feeling where we feel a certain void after a fanfic we had been swooning over is complete and ended. Similarly when the latest chapter of fic you like is complete and read by you, you just cant help but want more, and that too, without any delay. So, what I propose is, I would give you people something to do after each of my one shot and I do hope its an interesting exercise for all of us!


Q- So what will you give us?

A-I would give you people questions. Questions to answer on your favourite anime maid sama and the one shots I write. Its just as interesting as giving an exam of the game you play!

Q- Questions? Ewww….My school homework is enough…

A-Its nothing like your school work. Just imagine if somebody asked you to pin point things which indicate a takumi x Misaki pairing in the anime…..

Q- I could write an encyclopedia on that!

A- Of course! And top the exam too! :P

Q- How will we find whose answers are best and where to submit answers?

A – I will personally read each and every answer, I will announce the names of people writing best answers if you want. You can give me answers on my pm or in review, but pm is always preferred.

Q- Jeez, why should we bother?

A – You should! Because it has many advantages for you and me!

Q- Like what?

A – For you, the advantages include-

No more lingering feeling/void after finishing a chapter. You'll be instead focussed the questions and how you could answer them.

It greatly improves the way you view literature. It becomes from something to "only mug up" to a new world of fantasy where you want to explore more and more to get more interpretations

Writing skills are greatly improved. You learn how to write better as you are able to see what or how the events you write will be interpreted.

It adds a hell lot of fun in reading! Getting every reference, every hidden/double meaning, and every message between the lines improves the quality of chapter tenfold!

If you're a student, you will see that overall studying is not as repulsive as it was before.

You will find fun almost anywhere in life if your literature skills are developed.

You might be the next Shakespeare. Who knows?

Advantages for me-

Gives me an idea about the audience.

Tells me if my hidden references/meanings etc are being noticed or not.

Gives me an idea of what vocabulary I should use in my fictions to be most comfortable to you guys.

Idea for a new one shot can come from anywhere. Even your answers.

Guarantees that there is no gap between expectations and delivery, what I write and what you interpret.

Q- I don't have much time.

A – There is no deadline for answers, write them when you're free. Generally, no answer should take more than 5-10 minutes. Along with Essay type questions, I also include reference to context types which might be comparatively shorter for you.

Q- Will they be of any other use?

A – Good that you times we have a request for authors to write a oneshot or a fic on an idea occurring to us. I believe that the loyal readers must be served first and your participation is a good measure of how long of a reader (of my fics) and how helpful of a reader you are.

Q- So where are the questions?

A – Now you're talking!


You are requested to answer ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS-

Q1-At one point in the chapter, Sakura said that she could see 'signs of love' on Misaki. What according to you are the 'signs of love' shown by TAKUMI (that he loves Misaki)?

Q2-"Misaki's one true love is a rollercoaster of emotions". Justify the statement OR You can also argue against it.

Reference to Context-

"So…your new boyfriend gave you…sweet potatoes?" he said dumbly.

Why did Usui said that 'dumbly'?

What actions of Misaki led Usui to believe that she has a boyfriend?

Who turns out to be that boyfriend in the end?

Why do you think Misaki hid her actions from everyone, especially Usui?

What do you think, is 'Misaki's one "true love" 'and why?

How did Usui's search for Misaki's true love ended for him?