*Starts off with a flashback

Ali's POV: I had just woken up from the strangest dream, I was 4, I had been with my mom for a few hours, I kept thinking that she was being so nice to me all of a sudden, I didn't understand she wasn't my usual mommy.

Up until I saw my other mommy and my daddy come into the park where we were

"Your never going to see her again, You had no buisness picking her up from daycare" other mommy sneered

"No, She's my baby, She belongs with me Jessica please" My mommy says crying clinging to me

"Mommy, why are there two of you? I want you, she's mean, Please don't send me away I've been a good girl don't beat me" I say shaking clinging to her she holds me even tighter.

"What the hell have you been doing to her Jessica?! How could you put your hands up to her after everything mom and dad did to us?" She says holding my head protectively, she's got me on her lap

"Oh please don't act so surprised she's a little brat don't be so bleedingheart, you know I don't like kids why do you think Charles is in Radley" Other mommy says coldly whos Charles?

"Damn it I'm not letting her go, no, she's innocent she's not a brat, she's such a sweet kid and I love her, I never signed those papers and she doesn't deserve to be abused, no one does" She says kissing my hair, I felt her tears fall onto my hair.

"Mommy don't cry, it's going to be okay" I say wiping the tears from her face, why was she so sad? what are they fighting about?

"Oh baby, Alison, I love you so much" She kisses my forehead

"I love you too mommy" I say kissing her cheek

All of a sudden I saw a cop and a gun to her head.

"Let the child go, or there's going to be a bullet in both of your heads" I saw there was another cop and another gun, what was going on?

"I'm so sorry baby, I'll get you back one day" She says letting go of me

"No, MOMMY!" I scream, something entered her neck she fell onto the ground, her eyes were closed

All of a sudden I felt daddy something sharp peirce my neck, I was hit with a wave of pain and it all went blank.

When I woke up daddy was doing bad things to me, it hurt then another thing put in my neck and it all went blank again

I woke up wrapped in my mom arms she opened her eyes slowly I was crying

"Hey, it's okay don't cry baby, I'm right here " She nuzzles her nose against mine.

"You were abused" I whisper hugging her tightly

"How did you know?" She says looking at me shocked

"I remembered the park.. They drugged me too.. Ken molested me, it's all coming back" I say burying my head in my willow, she pulls me closer.

"Oh Ali I'm so sorry sweetie, I had no Idea it was that bad.. She found us the cops were going to kill both of us she must of bribed them I didn't have choice I had to give you back or they were going to kill you" She says her voice shaky suddenly I picked up on the scars littering her back

I sat up and pulled up the back of my shirt turning around revealing the multitude of scars on my back, I was always wearing thick shirts for a reason

I heard her sobs as sat up, she pulled it back down and pulled me back into her arms, I turned around in her arms burying my head in her chest

"It's not your fault.. I just wanted you to know that I understand, I'm so sorry you went through that too" I say softly.

"You shouldn't have to understand, no one deserves that.. I never would of hurt you, I love you too much to ever think about it" She says kissing my forehead

"I love you too mommy" I say kissing her cheek

"Your safe with me" She says holding me protectively

"I know" I whisper.

"I'm never letting go of you again" She whispers softly kissing my forehead again

I hug her even tighter

"I'm not letting go of you either" I whisper.

"She was really mean" I whisper

"I was in her care at radley you know, she had me electricuted multiple times it was so awful.. And then she told me you and Charlotte were dead.. Just because she was my identical twin doesn't mean we had anything in common.. I'm not like her" She says stroking my hair

"I'm so sorry, I'm not dead.. I know, you actually have a heart" I say looking into her eyes.

"Come here honey" She pulls me closer kissing my hair

I snuggle into her arms

"Your the only mom I ever want, your nothing like her" I whisper

"I know I'm not, She was cruel and always stealing my stuff" She says upset.

"Yeah I can see that.. But you've got me back" I say squeezing her

"And I wouldn't trade you for anything" She says looking deep into my eyes

"Come on mom, lets go make breakfast, I'm starving" I suggest feeling very hungry

"You've got it honey" She says softly we get up and head downstairs

We make pancakes and watch tv, The Golden Girls is on, I leaned into her trying to relax, I can't help but feel awful about everything my mom did to her, it's just not fair, how could anyone be so cruel?.

I want to hug her so tightly and just never let go, she didn't deserve any of what happened to her, she's such a sweet person and I really want her in my life I can't imagine it without her

She's so much more of a mom and kinder than Jessica ever was, I don't understand why Jessica took me away from her, she wanted me and Jessica didn't, it still hurts

But I know it's not my moms fault that I was taken away, she's not the one who abandoned me and I know that, She didn't choose to give me up.

We've been trying to get past the obstacles and just focus on being close, Honestly we've gotten a bit clingy with each other which is understandable considering everything

I think she's been really traumatized by everything and especially Jessica, it seems like she was just awful to her, which I can't understand how this lady who raised me turned out to be such a psychopath

Jessica is probably rolling over in her grave just knowing that my mom and I know about each-other and have established a relationship

I know Charlotte was technically the one who killed her because she was buried alive and Charlotte was clearly the one who did that because she sent a video as A to me.

Honestly I can't blame Charlotte, though she was just as nuts as Jessica was, and I have a feeling they were both using the hell out of me which I don't like at all

I'd really like to have been able to tell Jessica off to her face and let her be the one in the mental unit instead of my mom

Have her be the one who's locked up and the keys been thrown away on, there's some anger and she really deserved a taste of her own medicine, Death was the easy way ouy.

I just love my mom so much, she's amazing and I really wish I had grown up with her instead of Jessica, my life would of been more normal

But instead I got abused in so many ways and buried alive in the ground.. I wrap my arms around her tightly shaking, she looks over at me

She wraps her hand around my head "Your safe Ali mommy's got you" She says cradling me in her arms

I hug her even tighter breathing unevenly "Why did they do this to me?" I cry into her shoulder.

"Shhh it's okay just let it out" She says softly

All of a sudden Jason comes barging in

"I've got custody of my sister now, get the hell out of my house and away from my sister Mary!"

"No, this isn't happening!" I cry clinging to her, He can't split us up!.

"Like hell you're keeping custody of Alison, she's my biological child and I'm not leaving her, I'm not going to let anything seperate us again" She says holding me protectivly I could feel her shaking against me she was in tears too.

"Don't let her con you Ali, she's playing you" He says icily

"No, Her names on my birth certificate she's not and I HAVE memories" I say defensivly

"Yeah right, She's crazy I'm going to have her sent back to the physch ward and fucking given a lobotomy" He yelled

I pulled her head against my chest and held her head kissing her cheek, she was crying so hard

"NO, I'm not going to let you hurt her, no way in hell your doing that,You get the HELL out of this house Jason!" I say upset how could he say something like that!.

"Like hell I'm leaving my own house!" He barked at me

"Fine then we're leaving, Come on Mom" I stood her up

But Jason went to strike her, I got in front of her and tried to push him away

I kicked him in the balls hard and made a run for it with my mom, We got in the car and I drove off she was hysterical

When we got a few miles away I pulled the car over and pulled her tight into my arms.

"I'm not letting him do that to you, Over my dead body" I say upset I'm crying too

"What are we going to do?" Please don't let him hurt me" She was shaking like a leaf

"Hey, mom it's okay no one's going to hurt you, I've got you, He's not going to separate us I won't let him, we'll go to the judge and get it appealed.. I love you" I say softly rubbing her back gently.

"I love you too my sweet girl" She says, she kisses my hair tenderly her tears staining it

"Come on, let's get back to the Lost Woods,I think that's our safest bet from him" I say softly wiping the tears from her face, she held my hands to her face as I cupped them around her face

We drove off, it seemed to take forever to get to lost woods, I don't know how to keep her safe, Jason's obviously flipped a lid I still can't believe he said that to her.

When we finally got there I went to go take a shower but she told me to leave the door open, I got all defensive like what the hell I'm an adult and want my privacy

"No, I'm not leaving the door open I want privacy mom" I say upset

"Alison it's not safe, Jason's after us" She says gently

"Fine, then I'm leaving, I'll be back later I'm taking a walk because evidently I'm not allowed to shower!" I snapped slightly I walk out the door feeling bad.

I took a walk into the woods, I turned my cellphone off she's probably going to be mad about that, I know I shouldn't of gone off on her like that I just snapped

Everything was spinning I was running, nothing makes any sense right now, Jason wants to take me away from her and were in hiding

He's probably going to figure out she's here and kidnap me or something, I know all too well he'll drag me away from her if he finds me and that's the last thing I want.

All of a sudden a masked figure came at me out of the middle of no where, Before I could react something hit my head I fell onto the ground

When I woke up it was dark out, Had I been passed out all day? I felt the back of my head it was bleeding, I struggled to get up

My pants were gone and so were my shoes I was all bruised up, I start to panic, Mom was she okay? Oh god I shouldn't of just left her like that, She was right it wasn't safe, I see my phone in the corner out by a tree.

I pick it up and turn it on, there's a bunch of worried text messages from her and missed calls

I'm just going to walk myself back I can't handle responding to her, it takes me a little bit to walk back my legs keep getting shooting pains and their weak

I finally get back and turn the door knob, I was crying, She runs into me crashing into my body hugging me so hard I almost fall over I cling to her for dear life.

"Are you okay? What happened? Oh god your heads bleeding" she sits me down on the bed

"S-S-omeone att-acked -m-e I- don-t kn-ow w-who" My speech was coming out all slurred and stuttering was was going on?

She pressed a rag into the back of my head looking into my eyes I saw tears run down her face, one hand was over her mouth, I could tell she was in shock from the sight of me like this

"I-l-lo-ve-yo-ouu" I slur out.

"I love you too sweetie, I'm taking you to the er, Let's get some pants on you" She says softly

'N-N-O p-llea-s-ee d-oo-nt maa-k-ee mm-ee g-oo, J-jaa-ss-oon" I slur

"Alison, I have to take you, if you've got a concussion which I think you do, you could die in your sleep and your pants are missing you could of been raped, Your my daughter and I love you too much to take any chances" She says kissing my forehead holding me for a few seconds before getting up

She helped me slip on some stretch pants and walked me out to the car buckling me in, I was so disoriented.

"M-oo-m-m-yy" I slur out, All of a sudden a wave of pain hits I can here her voice distantly telling me to stay with her but, I black out

The next thing I know I wake up in the hospital, Where's my mom? I start to panic

Jasons in the doorway "Where is my mom, what did you do to her?" I hyperventilate

"I told you, I was going to have her given a lobotomy, and your brain dead, the doctors are pulling the plug" I saw a syringe in his hand.

All of a sudden I jolt awake, I'm really in the hospital but my mom reaches over and grabs my hand

"I'm right here deep breaths, You've got a concussion, I'm going to go call for the doctor" She says I see her press the button "She's awake" she says into the microphone

I keep hyperventilate I can't breathe

She climbs into bed next to me and hold me close.

"You need to breathe sweetie, just take deep breaths shhh your safe I've got you, calm down" I sob uncontrolably into her shoulder clinging to her for dear life

"I'm so sorry I should of listened to you" I cry

"It's okay, I'm just glad your going to be alright, you nearly gave me a heart attack, I don't know what I'd of done, I love you so much" She says kissing my hair

"I love you too mommy" I say softly snuggling into her.

She was holding me so tightly

"Oh my baby" She smothers me with motherly kisses

"It's gonna be okay" I say wiping the stray tears from her face

She pulled me even closer "You are just the sweetest person and don't worry I got the power of attorney fixed, He can't split us up, All it took was your birth certificate, it was very quick" She says softly.

"Good, I don't want us getting split up again" I whisper

"Me either sweetie" She says.

The doctor comes in and explains to me that I have a concussion, no sign of rape thank god but evidently I had been beat up pretty bad my body was littered with bruises, I had a fracture in my ribs

"Now I see you've also been cutting, I'm going to have to make you sign a safety contract when you leave, Both of you!" He says eying my mom

What does he mean both of us?!.

All of a sudden I see the cut marks on my moms wrists too

"Don't tell me you self harm too" I say shaking my head, I understand why she does it but really now I've got a 51 year old mom who cuts?

"Guilty" She says looking down shamefully

"Hey, were going to get eachother through this okay?" I say gently tilting her head up

She responds hugging me so tightly, I hugged her back, I just can't believe she's cutting too.

They were holding me overnight for observation, my mom refused to leave my side, even when they said visiting hours were over and they tried to kick her out

She fell asleep snuggling with me, I just lied there holding her for an hour, my mom had been through so much, I had been through so much.