Harry had such a horrible feeling about this whole thing. First off, how had he even managed to get pregnant, and with Draco Malfoy, no less? He groaned, taking a seat on the sofa. He had managed to do a bit of cleaning up, but he was sure Draco would still criticize him. It probably wasn't anything like Draco's house.

But, then again, he had no idea what Draco's house was even like.

The doorbell rang at that very moment, and Harry nearly fell off the couch in surprise. Of course, he had known that Draco would be arriving at this time. But for Draco to actually show up still managed to surprise him. It was stupid to think that Draco would back out, especially after the show he had put on at St. Mungo's.

The doorbell rang again, but this time, there was a knock as well. Harry rolled his eyes, getting up off the couch and heading to the door. Draco stood there, a trunk beside him. He had changed out of his lime green robes into a cashmere sweater and black trousers. Harry found his ensemble somewhat...hot. Harry shook his head, trying to get that thought out of his mind.

"Well?" Draco said impatiently. "Are you going to let me in, or am I just going to stand here?"

"Oh, right." Harry quickly stepped out of the way.

Draco strolled right in, like he owned the whole bloody place. He looked around, then dragged his trunk down the hallway. He didn't even stop at the guestroom, heading straight for the door at the end of the hall.

"Wait!" Harry sputtered, trying to hurry after him. "That's my bedroom!"

"I think you mean 'our bedroom', Harry." Draco replied, setting his trunk on top of Harry's bed.

Draco then whipped his wand out, doing a few spells here and there. Harry's bed miraculously expanded, and there were suddenly curtains on the window, though those flew out of Draco's trunk. Clothes folded and put themselves away into drawers, and books began to fill the measly bookshelf in the corner. There was a tiny spritzing sound, and the room suddenly smelled a lot nicer, and less musty.

"You called me Harry." Harry managed to say, still shocked at how much the room had changed in a matter of seconds.

"Well, you and I are going to have to get close, so why not?" Draco said offhandedly, taking his toiletries into the adjoining bathroom. "I don't want any stress on you or the baby at all, so we're going to be nice to each other, and we're going to like it. This pregnancy needs to be as smooth as possible."

"Okay...Draco." Harry said, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

"Good." Draco said, patting his cheek as he came back out of the bathroom. "Now, I'm going to take a shower, and then you and I are going to have a nice dinner that I'll cook. Does that sound good?"

Harry wordlessly nodded, and Draco actually gave him a smile. It only lasted for a second, before Draco slid his trunk underneath the bed and waltzed back into the bathroom, shutting the door. Their whole exchange left Harry feeling flustered, but strangely content.

Harry hadn't even noticed he had dozed off. The next thing he knew, he was waking to a dark room, except for a small lamp turned on in the corner. The blankets had been tucked around him, and his glasses had been removed. Harry yawned as he put his round frames back on, then sniffed the air. Something absolutely heavenly was coming from the kitchen, and Harry's stomach rumbled at that exact moment.

Harry walked out of the bedroom and down the hallway, his mouth watering at the delicious scent. The living room seemed to glow with warm lighting, and there was soft classical music playing from somewhere in the corner. Draco was bustling around in the kitchen, having removed his turtleneck to reveal a plain white t-shirt underneath. He looked peaceful, almost, his movements like a dance as he threw things into bowls and organized plates. He spotted Harry in the hallway, a slight smile coming to his face.

"You look much more refreshed." he commented. "Your pantry is well stocked, by the way. I thought I'd throw together some spaghetti, but then I discovered some rolls and leafy greens, so I'm making salad as well. I do like to cook after work, it relieves stress, don't you think?"

"Yeah." Harry wholeheartedly agreed. "I do that myself, sometimes. Though...Merlin, that smells amazing. Are you sure you aren't a secret cook?"

Harry was surprised to see a soft blush spotting Draco's cheeks at the complement. Draco then turned away from him, going back to preparing their meal. This Draco seemed like an entirely different Draco than he had seen at St. Mungo's earlier that day, and from when they had been schoolmates a few years back. It was interesting, to say the least. But Harry was actually enjoying this nicer Draco. He didn't care if Draco was only being nice because it was his baby that Harry was going to carry. He'd enjoy the kindness while it lasted.

Dinner was soon done, and Harry discovered that it tasted as good as it looked. He actually moaned in delight when he took his first forkful of spaghetti, marveling at the different tastes. Draco merely watched him with a smug expression for a few moments, before eating his own dinner. Harry was feeling starved, polishing off his bowl of spaghetti in record time and also eating half of the rolls.

"Well, someone's enjoying my cooking." Draco said, smirking.

"Sorry." Harry said quickly. "I don't mean to be a pig, I'm just really hungry-"

"It's fine." Draco said gently. "Have as much as you like, I usually don't eat all that I cook, since I lived alone. It's nice to share it with someone else. Besides, you need all the energy you can get for your pregnancy. Eating a lot keeps the baby healthy, so you're definitely on the right track there."

Harry smiled and nodded, getting up from the table and taking his plate to the kitchen to wash it. But he had hardly even turned the tap on when there was a hand on his shoulder.

"I'll do all of that." Draco informed him. "Go ahead and get ready for bed. You must still be tired."

Harry wanted to protest, as it was only nine o'clock and he had planned to watch a movie before he went to bed that night. But he found himself yawning, nodding along with what Draco was saying and trudging towards the staircase. As he got his pajamas on and headed into the bathroom to brush his teeth, he could hear the water running downstairs, and Draco humming something he didn't recognize.

This all felt so domestic, Harry thought as he climbed into bed. Draco making dinner, him actually getting to take a nap for once, and them having a quiet dinner together. It felt all so chillingly normal. But yet, it felt so right, in a sense. Like this was what Harry was meant to be doing during his nights, instead of going clubbing and hooking up with some bloke he didn't know. Harry liked it.

Draco came upstairs a few minutes later, and Harry shut his eyes so Draco could have his privacy. But he couldn't help to wonder what exactly Draco's bare arse would look like in the moonlight. Harry desperately tried to shake that thought out of his head as Draco washed up, getting into bed beside Harry when he was done.

There was a shuffling as Draco got comfortable, Accioing a book from the bookshelf. Upon closer inspection, Harry saw it was a medical journal. Draco noticed Harry peering at him, tilting his head.

"I usually read before I go to bed." he explained. "Did you not want me to? It's fine if you want the light off."

"It's fine. I don't mind." Harry reassured him. "You can read if you want to."

Harry adjusted himself so he was on his side. He noticed that the lamp dimmed, so that the room was mostly dark, but Draco still had light for his reading. He carefully removed his glasses, shutting his eyes.

"Goodnight, Harry." Draco said from his right side.

"Night." Harry answered.

It was also nice to have someone to say goodnight to. That was the last thought in Harry's head before exhaustion dragged him under.