a/n: These are sidefics for Sasuke's Dream, which is part of the It Started Over Coffee Universe. When I write one, I'll post it here until y-gal comes back. If you're new to Coffee, this is the suggested order of reading: It Started Over Coffee (main fic), Sidefics I, Seattle, Sasuke's Dream, Sidefics II, Merry Christmas/Happy New Year, NYC, Nezumi. Obviously Dream sidefics should be read after you've read Sasuke's Dream.

It was close to 10.30, and Sasuke had spent the night in a downtown club, talking with some band mates about music. Incidentally, it was also prom night for his high school, and while Naruto had been incredibly excited to go... Sasuke inevitably declined any invitation. It was a waste of money, going with a date would be awkward, and he'd already put in enough time planning it that the last thing he wanted to do was be around any more streamers, balloons or crap that glittered. He was gay, but he wasn't that gay.

So, as soon as possible (despite nearly a month of Naruto whining), he volunteered to do a show on the same night for an excuse to get out of it. They weren't being paid much - hardly enough to be split amongst the four of them - but it was how he'd prefer to spend his evening. If Naruto couldn't understand that about him, well, Naruto could shut the hell up. Besides, Sasuke wasn't really in the mood to think about Naruto on a date. Of course, he could do what he wanted, and Sasuke even liked the girl (the red-head from homeroom), but the idea of them dancing, making out, or however Naruto chose to spend their time together -

"Sasuke, you ready?" Chōjūrō, their drummer, asked. "You're spacing out. You okay, mate?"

Sasuke leaned forward, picking up his pick from off one of the high-top tables. "Fine," he answered. "Where's Yagura?"

"Dunno. He was at the bar last I saw 'em. Talkin' to some chicks."

Sasuke ran a hand through his hair. "I'll get Yagura. You find Utakata."


"How long do we have?" He asked as he stood up and stretched, his shirt riding up.

"Uh," Chōjūrō checked his watch. "Ten minutes?"

"Great," he muttered. "Why does this always happen?"

"I dunno. It's 'cause you were spacin' out! We're always used to you bein' the one to keep us organized and on schedule."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "You're all older than me. You should be responsible for yourselves."

The drummer grinned and slung an arm around him. "Why should we grow up when we've got you, Sasuke?"

Sasuke shrugged off his arm. "Just find him and keep him away from the coke that's being passed around in the back room. You know how he gets."

"Tch. You're not supposed to know about that. Jirōbō would kill me if he knew we put you anywhere near drugs tonight."

"Well, what Jirōbō doesn't know won't kill him. See you on the stage." He gave a curt wave before shoving his hands in his pockets. It'd be pretty fucking hard to have a show without their singer.

He headed for the bar, trying to distract himself by mentally running through the new punk songs they'd been practicing in shitty garage about an hour's commute from his house. Still, they didn't entirely suck. Their vocalist had charisma (maybe a little too much), and thinking about music was a hell of a lot better than imagining that girl going down on Naruto in the parking lot after prom, which as of 30 minutes ago, should've been over by now.

They started about 20 minutes later than scheduled, but once they'd set up the equipment, they jumped right into the first song. They did a few covers (The Clash, Sex Pistols, and Buzzcocks) but they also did some original stuff. It wasn't anything amazing, but considering how many women were near the stage, there was more going on than a deep interest in the music. The other two guys were good looking enough, but Yagura was... hot. At least Sasuke thought so, but he was also an arrogant prick. He was a dick to talk to off the stage but he had talent, and once on stage, he transformed into a completely different person.

Sasuke was playing bass tonight, so he was on the right of the stage. Every once in a while, Yagura wandered over to get in his space and, well, flirt with him. It was all an act. Those things happened on stage sometimes when everyone was feeling the vibe. Not that Sasuke ever would've responded otherwise, but, during the second to last song, the older man grabbed the collar of his shirt and dragged him into a kiss. The women (and some of the guys) screamed and waved their arms in the air. Sasuke just shook his head and went back to playing as their singer swaggered over to their lead guitarist.

The lights were always blinding on stage, and seeing out into the audience could be difficult at times. The club was packed. There'd been two bands before them and there was a band that would follow. When they reached the end of their set, the crowd applauded. Sasuke was sweaty and hot. He wiped a hand across his forehead, feeling the rush that came with playing a show in front of an audience. As the lights lowered, he gazed out at the crowd, wanting to gauge their reaction. It was then that he happened to notice a familiar face sitting at one of the high-top tables.

"Idiot," Sasuke muttered even as he tried to suppress a small smile.

It's not like he could rush out to meet him. He had to help disassemble everything, which would take about 15 minutes. He was just leaning the bass against one of the amps when Yagura came up to him and put an arm around his waist.

"I hope that wasn't your first kiss," Yagura said, grinning at him. "Maybe it's somethin' we could add in regularly. I think the girls really like that guy on guy stuff."

"Hardly." Sasuke put a hand to the older boy's chest and pushed him off. "Why don't you try that crap with Utakata?"

"Because," Yagura wagged a finger in his face. "Even if I was into guys, you'd be my type. Not him."

"I hope you don't think that's a compliment," Sasuke replied. "Now if you don't mind. I have a friend waiting, so I'd like to move everything off the stage."

"A friend, eh? Do you have a boyfriend we don't know about? Did you invite him to see you play? I never pegged you as a show off, Uchiha."

"Think what you want. It was a good show. Don't ruin it by running your mouth."

"Yeah, you definitely need to get laid. I have plenty of gay friends. Why don't you let me hook you up?"

"No, thanks," he replied. "I've got standards."

"Do you? Well, make sure to introduce me to your friend. I'd like to see what yourstandards look like." Yagura left the stage without bothering to help them with any of the equipment.

It was Utakata that walked up to him next, swinging his long, dark hair behind a shoulder. "Is that asshole not going to help?"

"I wouldn't count on it," said Sasuke. "It's fine. We'll move faster without him."

"You're probably right." He put a hand on Sasuke's shoulder. "You were good tonight. I'm impressed."


Afterward, the older boy went to help Chōjūrō with the drums while Sasuke was left to disconnect all the wires for the guitars and sound system. The next time he looked out into the audience to find Naruto - the blond was no longer sitting at the table.

When they finally finished putting everything in the van Jirōbō let them borrow, Sasuke made sure he had all of his belongings before returning inside. He didn't know how Naruto snuck in since it was a 21 and over establishment. Well, for everyone else but him at least. While walking up to the bar, he spotted Naruto on one of the stools, having a rather animated conversation with some big-chested blond woman that must've been at least 23 or 24. Sasuke went up behind his friend and placed a hand on his shoulder. Naruto immediately spun around. He was still in his suit from prom, which is probably why he appeared to be drawing a fair amount of attention from the ladies.

"What are you doing here?" Sasuke asked, trying very hard to hide the fact that he was actually pleased to see him.

Naruto scowled. "I thought you'd be happy to see me."

"Where's your date?"

"She's a good girl, Sasuke," he said with a grin and an irritating twinkle in his eye. "She had a curfew. So I took her home."

"It's late, Naruto."

"It's not that late." Naruto poked him in the chest as he stood up and stretched. "Dad's off on a business trip in Tacoma, so I don't have a curfew. Although, you're one to talk. Do your parents know where you are?"

"They know I'm in the city."

"I see. And where were you plannin' on stayin' tonight exactly? Or," Naruto's gaze shifted to another part of the room, "Will you be spendin' the night with that singer guy?"

Smirking, Sasuke grabbed the bottom of Naruto's blue tie. "It is prom night. Isn't it customary to get laid?"

"No," Naruto said. "Not if you didn't actually go to prom. You woulda liked it, y'know. Kakashi made a fuckin' hilarious chaperone, and the group of people we went with was fun."

"This is how I have fun," he stated.

Naruto looked like he was set to argue, but, instead, he folded his arms behind his head, glanced off to the side, and gave a sigh. "Alright. You're free to do what you want."

"As are you. Aren't you hot? Why don't you at least take off your jacket?"

"Because I rented it, and if I lose it, my Dad's gonna kill me."

"We can put it in one of the storage lockers in the back. I'll make sure no one takes it."

"Oh, really? I get to see the back? Will I get to meet some of the other musicians? Your band looks really cool, and you sound good, too. Even if that one guy was all over you."

"Shut up. It's just part of the show." Although flattered Naruto was apparently jealous, he kept his expression neutral as he helped him out of his jacket and threw it over his own shoulder.

"I can carry it," Naruto muttered, grabbing onto his elbow.

"It's fine. You might end up getting beer spilled all over it if you carry it."

"Beer, eh? Do you think they'll serve me here?" Naruto asked.

"Doubtful," Sasuke replied. "But..." He grinned at the other boy. "They'll serve me, so don't worry. I'll make sure you're taken care of."

"I bet you will." Naruto smirked.

Sasuke didn't want to admit it, but Naruto looked sexy in his charcoal suit pants, light blue button-up shirt, and tie. Instead of slicking his hair back, he'd had enough sense to leave it spiked and messy. He was tan from having started baseball practices, too, so his eyes were incredibly blue. In fact, he was fighting the urge to slip his arm around Naruto's waist and lay claim.

They passed the bar and through a door in the back that was for staff only. He knew pretty much everyone who worked at the club, so they didn't say anything as he made his way inside. While he found a locker that Naruto could use, the other boy leaned against the wall, checking everything out.

"So, you're really not goin' to spend the night with that guy?"

"What guy?" Sasuke played dumb as he opened the locker and hung up Naruto's jacket.

"The one you made out with on stage."

"I didn't make out with him. He got caught up in the moment. No big deal." He gave a shrug.

"Yeah, right."

"I'm sure you made out with your date tonight," he remarked coolly, shutting the locker before walking over to him.

"I don't kiss and tell." Naruto's smile was crooked at first, but when he reached for Sasuke's belt to pull him over, he had a full-blown grin on his face. "I told you, she's a good girl."

"You like good girls," Sasuke replied, gaze dropping to Naruto's mouth.

"But I like bad boys?" Naruto chuckled as he placed a hand on Sasuke's cheek, leaned in, and planted a brief kiss to his lips. "Happy prom, Sasuke. I really wish you would've gone. No one's as witty a bastard as you are. I had to make all the jokes."

"I'm so sorry to have inconvenienced you," Sasuke said in a low voice as he tucked a piece of Naruto's hair behind an ear. "To make it up to you... can I buy you a drink?"

"Yes." Naruto continued to look at him oddly. Or, perhaps he should say flirtatiously?

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like you want me to pull you into that corner over there so that I can have my way with you."

"I think you're projecting."

Sasuke stared, searching his face. "I'm fairly sure I'm not. You've definitely got something on your mind."

"Nope. Just happy to see you."

"Hm." Sasuke decided to drop it for now and began playing with the other teen's tie. "You clean up well."

"Is that you're way of sayin' I look hot? Think I can convince one of these older women to go home with me?"

"Sure, if they're interested in jail time."

"Guess I better go home with someone my age then, huh?"

"Where will you find someone like that in a place like this?" Sasuke asked.

"Stay with me tonight," Naruto said.

He raised an eyebrow. "Why should I?"

"You were planning to anyway, weren't you?" Naruto took hold of his wrist.

"No. I was going to head to Jirōbō's later on."

"Stay with me," Naruto repeated. "You can have my bed since dad's gone. This way I won't kick you in my sleep."

"Hm. You do move around sometimes."

"Or, we could share a bed? You know, so we can stay up and talk."

"What did she do to you that you're like this?" Sasuke asked as he adjusted the collar of Naruto's shirt. "Did you dance with her, get a little too excited, and now you want me to take over where she left off?"

Naruto's whole expression changed, and he pushed him away. "Don't be an asshole."

"Or what?"

"Tch. Sorry that I actually wanted to see you and spend time with you. Y'know I wanted you to go tonight. I practically begged you."

"Okay." Sasuke reached for his arm, pulling the other boy toward him again. "I want to stay with you."


"Don't be mad," Sasuke whispered, resting his head on Naruto's shoulder, lips nearly touching his neck. "I might be... a little jealous."

"Of what?" Naruto asked, sounding surprised.

He closed his eyes. "Because you went on a date."

"To prom," Naruto replied. "You're the one makin' out with guys on the stage in front of an audience. What if someone recorded it and puts it on the internet and your father sees it?"

"Seems unlikely."

"Jerk. For the record, I only kissed her on the cheek when I brought her home."

"You're welcome to do what you want. I didn't mean to imply otherwise. We aren't dating, so there are no... obligations." He lifted his head off of Naruto's shoulder to look at him.

"I know that, but it's still... whatever. You're right. Make out with as many guys as you want. I'm happy for you."

Sasuke sighed and grabbed Naruto's hand. "For the last time, we were not making out. He's straight."

"Yeah, well. So am I, and I've had your mouth on my cock."

"Good times." Sasuke smirked. "Can't wait to have yours on mine."

"You wish." Naruto rolled his eyes. "M'tired of talkin' about it. Take me to the bar and buy me somethin' to drink. You better be a man of your word, Uchiha."

"I am," he said, placing a hand on the boy's lower back to usher him out of the room. "I will take very good care of you tonight. After all, you did dress up for the occasion."

"Ah hah, yeah. I s'pose I'm a bit overdressed for this place tonight, huh? I thought I'd miss your gig if I went home to change before comin' over here on the train."

"I told you," Sasuke finally slipped an arm around Naruto's waist. "No one says giganymore."

"Sorry. Maybe you better keep me clear of your cool friends."

"Works for me." He threw Naruto a cocky look. "I wanted you all to myself anyway."

They were sitting at a high-top table, both sipping on a couple of heavily-liquored drinks. Apparently his band mates thought it would be funny to keep bringing them alcohol, but the joke was on them, because he really was having a good time. Naruto, while amusing sober, was absolutely hilarious drunk.

"Sasuke." Naruto leaned over the table and nearly knocked over his drink as he grabbed Sasuke's forearm. "Seriously, this band is cool. Let's dance. Everyone else is dancin'. I wanna dance. Will you dance with me?"

"No. Stop asking me that."

"Why not?" Naruto whined, pawing at him some more. "First you wouldn't go to prom with me, and now you won't dance with me either. You suck."

"Well," he replied, smirking. "You'd know that better than anybody."

"Heh." Naruto withdrew his hand. "Fine. Maybe I'll go dance with someone else."

Sasuke thought it wouldn't be difficult for him to find a dance partner given how many women kept checking him out, but he also didn't think Naruto would abandon him for a girl either.

"I know what you're thinkin'." Naruto wagged a finger at him. "You're thinkin' I won't do it."

He might have unconsciously raised an eyebrow.

"See, that is what you were thinkin'! Ah, you bastard! You're not the center of my universe, y'know."

Well, why the hell not? is what popped into his head first, but he knew better. Instead, he simply glared.

"Do what you want," he told Naruto.

"Fine. I will."

Slipping off the stool, Naruto made his way through the crowd, stopping every once in a while to talk to complete strangers. It did look like he was chatting up a particularly attractive woman who started toying with his tie, laughing at whatever line the idiot used on her. It shouldn't have been a surprise, but the two of them headed toward the dance floor. Like Naruto said, the band was good. He'd heard them play several times before and thought if he was ever to be some kind of music agent, he would've signed them to a label. Too bad that wasn't exactly what his father had in mind for him in terms of a career. The band was front by a female vocalist whose arms were covered in tattoos. Their next song had a slower tempo, so, much to his annoyance, Naruto and that bimbo were getting even closer. With a scowl, Sasuke finished off the rest of his drink.

"If looks could kill," Yagura said right next to his ear, appearing out of nowhere. He grabbed Naruto's stool and dragged it over. "I guess he really isn't your boyfriend. I thought you were only bein' coy." He pushed another drink in front of Sasuke. "That chick he's with is kinda hot. Want me to go steal her from him?"

"I'm not even sure that you could," Sasuke said, picking up his new drink.

"You think there's a chick in this place I couldn't get?"

"Naruto's a nice guy. He's completely different than you."

"Most women don't want a nice guy, Sasuke. You should know that after hangin' out with us as long as you have."

Sasuke glared. "What is it you want?"

"I suppose there's no chance that if I start makin' out with you that your friend will get jealous and come back, hm?"

"I think you've been watching too many John Hughes movies," he replied.

Yagura stared at him in that arrogant way he often did. He smirked as he set his hand atop Sasuke's. "You know, the idea of sex with a guy doesn't do much for me, but sometimes I have this crazy urge to corrupt you. You're just so..."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow in anticipation.

"Innocent," finished Yagura and laughed. "For such a punk, you still seem so untainted. Makes me wanna... defile you."

Sasuke removed his hand from under Yagura's. "You're sick."

The man grinned. "I know, which is why I put a little somethin' in your drink." He pointed at the glass, laughing when Sasuke's expression turned horrified.

"The fuck?" Sasuke knocked the glass off the table, sending the alcohol in it flying at another table.

Yagura shook his head. "I'm kiddin'. Everyone knows about your big brother and how he'd kill anyone if they fucked with you." He leaned in and took hold of Sasuke's chin.

"Is there a problem here?"

Sasuke's gaze snapped to the side. Naruto was standing there with his arms crossed and eyes narrowed at Yagura. He'd seen that look before, too, so he could imagine what was going on in Naruto's head.

Smiling, Yagura placed a kiss to Sasuke's cheek before whispering in his ear, "See. I told ya that would work. I'll leave you to your knight in shining armor." As he left the table, the singer smirked at Naruto.

"What the fuck was that about?" Naruto asked when Yagura was gone again.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Sasuke sat up, trying to compose himself. "I thought you were busy."

"Yeah, well. It didn't look as though you were all that happy to be talkin' to him from where I stood."

"Mind your own business," Sasuke said. "It's got nothing to do with you."

Naruto stepped closer, putting one arm around the back of his stool and the other on the table. "The fuck it doesn't. If someone's messin' with you, it's definitely my business."

"Why?" Sasuke frowned. "Why does it matter to you if I talk to another guy or if he kisses me or hits on me?"

Naruto scowled instead of answering.

"See," he said. "You can't even come up with a reason. Next time, stay out of it."

"The fuck I will!" Naruto grabbed the front of his shirt. "You're my friend, and Iworry about you."

"I don't need you to worry about me."

Naruto was close enough that one of his legs was touching the inside of Sasuke's thigh. He swore that when they fought and yelled at each other it was their twisted version of foreplay. He really wanted to touch, to put his hands all over him, but he was also a little pissed off. He should be happy Naruto came back to him. But did he do it out of jealousy, or because he really thought Sasuke couldn't handle himself?

"Why'd you knock your drink off the table?" Naruto asked.

"Because he said he put something in it."

Naruto's eyes got big. "He put somethin' in it...? The hell? I am gonna go beat the shit out of him!"

As Naruto turned around with the intention of charging after Yagura and starting yet another fight, Sasuke stood up quickly and caught him by the wrist. "He was only messing with me, Naruto. He didn't actually put anything in it."

"What the hell kind of sick pervert does somethin' like that?"

"He was... proving a point," Sasuke muttered and shook his head when Naruto raised an inquiring eyebrow. "Forget it. Why don't we head to your place? I'm getting tired."

Naruto's expression softened into regret. "Ah, sorry." He scratched the back of his head. "You were havin' a good time, and I just ruined the mood. I... jumped to the wrong conclusion. I'm... sorry."

"It's fine," Sasuke told him. "Let me grab my guitar, and we can get your jacket."

"You sure?" Naruto asked.

He nodded and offered a reassuring smile. "I'm sure. I was getting tired of watching you dance with everyone besides me anyway."

"Wha - ? You bastard. I totally asked you - "

Sasuke covered his mouth. Then, he leaned in and kissed the back of the hand he was using to keep him quiet.

"I'll pay for a cab," he said to Naruto, lingering closer to him than necessary. "I don't want to carry my stuff onto a bus or train, okay?"

Dazed, Naruto nodded, and Sasuke, removing his hand, brushed past him on the way to the back room. He didn't have to look behind to know that Naruto was following. Fucking Yagura. He was a lot more sly than Sasuke had ever given him credit for; in fact, he should watch out for that guy from now on. Even if it seemed, in his own messed up way, the guy had actually been doing him a favor.

On their way to the apartment, Naruto helped Sasuke carry all of his belongings even though he'd told him that he didn't need help. Just as Naruto had said, the apartment was empty. The other boy flipped on all the lights as they went inside. They set Sasuke's guitar and backpack on the couch. Naruto turned on the TV to ESPN, but as soon as he left the living area, Sasuke switched it to the local news. When Naruto appeared again, he was sans jacket, shirt, and tie. Sasuke could all but picture those articles of clothing lying crumpled on the floor so, with a grunt, he got up and walked into Naruto's bedroom. He found the clothes in a pile on the bed.

"How old are you that you can't hang up your own clothes?" Sasuke grumbled.

Naruto came in behind him and was in the middle of pulling down his pants. "While you're at it, do ya mind hangin' these up, too?"

He shook his head. "You're annoying." But he took them anyway, folding them neatly before placing them on the hanger. He made sure all the pieces for the suit were hung up together on the back of Naruto's door.

"M'gonna go take a shower," Naruto mentioned as he sifted through one of his drawers to find another pair of underwear. "Help yourself to whatever's in the fridge. I think there's leftover pizza from a few days ago. Might be a couple Bud Lights in there, too."

"Didn't you have enough to drink at the club?" Sasuke asked.

"Ah, found 'em!" Naruto waved a pair of wrinkled green boxers at him. "Huh? Oh. Yeah. Maybe. But I thought maybe we could drink and sit out on the terrace."

"I thought you were going to take a shower." Sasuke sat down on the foot of the bed.

"Well, I'll wait. You don't mind me bein' all sweaty, right?" He grinned.

Sasuke gave him a wry look. "Fine. One beer."

"Yay. Cool."

"Why don't you at least put on a sweatshirt first. It's getting cold out there." Sasuke got up and walked to the closet, picking out something for him.

"You take such good care of me," said Naruto. "What would I do without you?"

"Hard to tell." Sasuke slipped his hands into his jean pockets, glancing around the room as Naruto got dressed.

"Ready?" Naruto asked when he was finished, but he left the room without waiting for an answer.

Sasuke followed him to the kitchen where they grabbed the two Bud Lights. Naruto opened both bottles and led the way to the balcony. The sliding door squeaked a bit. They sat at the small bistro table, and, for a while, simply enjoyed the view. The traffic was a little loud but not as bad as it could be for a Friday night.

"When's your dad coming home?" He asked.

"Tuesday, I think." Naruto started peeling at the bottle's label.

"He's been going out of town nearly every weekend it seems."

"Told ya he doesn't like to hang around here."

"Well, it's a new job, right? I'm sure it'll take some time to adjust. He probably has to do everything they ask him."

Naruto shrugged, which told him he clearly did not want to talk about it. At first, Sasuke thought Naruto was being overdramatic about his father, but it began to strike him as odd when it came to how often Minato left his son alone. However, he also attributed it to the fact that, deep down, the older man trusted Naruto to stay by himself without doing anything too stupid. That or he'd picked up on the fact he and Naruto were always spending time together and Sasuke wouldn't let something happen to the idiot.

"How's Itachi?" Naruto asked after a couple of minutes. "He comin' home anytime soon?"

"Not soon, no," Sasuke answered. "I'm sure I won't see him until his birthday."

"June 9, right?"

Sasuke frowned. "What are you, his stalker?"

"Nah. I texted and asked."

"Does he always answer your texts?"


"Tch." Sasuke began picking at his own label.

"So, are you and that singer really not...y'know?"

He looked up, raising an eyebrow. "No, I don't know."

Naruto shrugged. "Well, he kissed you," he ticked off one finger, "he seems to enjoy teasing you," he ticked off a second finger, "he's a musician," a third finger, "and he's not the most hideous douche I've ever seen," finger number four.

"What's your point, Naruto?"

"You would tell me if you were fuckin' the guy, right?"

Sasuke had a very strong inclination to pour his beer on Naruto's head. "I am notfucking the guy, but when did my sex life become any of your business?"

"It's not," Naruto said matter-of-factly, "But if you are gonna fuck with someone, you can sure do a hell of a lot better than him. There's somethin' about him I don't like."

"You just don't like that he kissed me."

"True." Naruto smirked. "He shoulda at least asked my permission first."

Sasuke shook his head. "You're such an idiot."

"So you say, but my intuition's pretty good."

"Well, your intuition can suck it." Sasuke gazed up at the sky, watching a plane making its ascent.

Naruto chuckled. "That sounds like somethin' I'd say."

"That was sort of the point," he mumbled.

"Are you sure you don't wanna hear about how awesome prom was?"


"Everyone asked where you were. I told them you had some all-male orgy you had to get to."

"I bet."

"I mean, you put all that time and effort into the thing. Didn't you wanna see it all come together at the end?"

"No," he answered. "That's why learning to delegate is important. I made sure everything was taken care of and all the most competent people were in charge. Besides, all of the senior and junior council members should've been there. They didn't require me to be present."

"I bet your mom woulda liked you to have gone."

"I'll go next year," he said distractedly.

"With me?"

"It'll never be 'with you'," he said, getting irritated. "It'll be some group. The people will be annoying. The girl I go with will wonder why I'm not trying to feel her up, and..." He stopped himself because he was about to say something regarding not wanting to hang around while Naruto mooned all over some girl in their class.

Unfortunately, Naruto caught onto his hesitation.

"And?" He asked Sasuke. "Are there really any more excuses for you not to wanna have a fun, normal time with people your age?"

"Normal?" Sasuke snorted. "You sound like my father now."

"You're the one who always says your dad has your best interests at heart. Besides, y'never know. You may have a good time. I'd make sure of it."

"Why are you pushing this? Did Itachi tell you to get on my case about being more social?"

"No, he didn't. Don't be paranoid."

Sasuke wasn't so sure. "So, what. Do you two talk about me when you're on the phone together?"

"...Sometimes." Naruto cocked his head and smiled like it was all a big joke.

"I think I'll go inside," he remarked, standing up.

"Don't be like that, Sasuke. He worries about you. It's what brothers do."

"How would you know?" He asked coldly.

Naruto stared in surprise. "Uh... I guess I wouldn't."

"I'm taking this. You don't need any more." Even though it was half-full, Sasuke picked up Naruto's beer and went inside the apartment. It was no shocker that Naruto came after him, trying to snatch his drink back.

"No," Sasuke repeated as he poured everything down the sink. "You talk too much when you start to drink. It's getting on my nerves."

"You bastard," Naruto said, watching in horror as the beer went down the drain. "Those were the last ones!"

"Are you trying to get drunk?" Sasuke narrowed his eyes.

"What's it to you? If I can't worry about you, then why the hell should you worry about me?"

"Don't be a child," he said.

"Dick. I'm takin' a shower. M'tired of you raggin' on me."

Sasuke watched him go, knowing that he was being especially hard on Naruto but not entirely sure why. Why couldn't Naruto just take 'no' for an answer? Why did he always have to push him about this kind of crap? Naruto was always trying to get him to do stuff that he wanted to do. What the hell was so wrong with them liking different things? Going to prom, or whatever else Naruto thought he should be doing as a 16-year-old boy, was just uncomfortable. Circumstances were different when you were a gay kid in high school, and it annoyed him that Naruto... didn't get it.

Frustrated, Sasuke ended up cleaning all the dishes left in the sink (not that there were many). He grabbed his bag and guitar from off of the couch and brought it into Naruto's room. Sasuke figured if he took this room, Naruto would go sleep in his dad's bed or even on the couch. He probably needed a shower, too, but wasn't in the mood to wait, so, instead, he stripped off everything except his underwear. He borrowed some shirt of Naruto's that at least smelled kind of clean. Annoying how everything smelled like Naruto. It was... very distracting. Why'd he have to act like such an idiot about that stupid stage kiss anyway? It didn't even seem like Naruto was jealous really, just acting as if Sasuke was his property or something. Time to stop thinking about it. There were finals to worry about, homework he needed to get to this weekend, and also a couple of college application essays that he should write soon. This was why he couldn't wait to go to college. Hopefully there wouldn't be all this silly high school drama. He'd come out to his parents and then he'd date and fuck as many guys as he wanted!

Naruto could just go back to Illinois and -

Sasuke glanced at the picture of Kushina Uzumaki on the dresser.

"He's your son," Sasuke said to her. "It's not my fault he has all these abandonment issues. Trying to keep me on a leash. Always leading me on, drawing me in, and then going off and doing what he wants when he knows I'm wrapped around his finger."

He rolled to his other side so he wouldn't see the photo and, reaching over to the nightstand, turned off the light.

For a while, he listened to the sound of the shower. It seemed like Naruto'd been in there forever, but after such a long day in the city, Sasuke couldn't help but fall asleep.

Even though he couldn't exactly remember what had happened in the dream, Sasuke started awake, left with an odd impression it involved something horrible happening to his family. It took him a second before he realized he was at Naruto's place. He was the only one in bed, too, but, odd thing, he could still hear the shower running so maybe he hadn't fallen asleep for that long. Knowing full well he couldn't get back to sleep otherwise (and because he'd left his phone in the living room), Sasuke got out of the bed with the intention of asking Naruto if he was ever going to be done in the bathroom. He leaned against the bathroom door, but all he heard was the sound of the shower. He knocked, and not getting any response from Naruto, grabbed the doorknob. It wasn't locked, so he decided to go inside.

"Naruto. Just how long are you - "

He stopped when he saw Naruto sitting on the shower floor with his knees drawn to his chest and head on his arms. There was no steam on the mirror or the doors, and when Sasuke pressed a hand to the glass stall, it was cold to the touch. The water was still falling over Naruto, who looked like he'd totally passed out under what had to be frigid water by now. He flung the door open, calling his name, but Naruto still didn't respond. As soon as he stepped under the spray of the showerhead, Sasuke was shocked by the biting temperature of the water. In a rising panic, he turned it off and dropped to his knees. He grabbed Naruto's arms, shaking him. He looked like he'd simply fallen asleep, but his skin had turned extremely pale. Even touching him, Sasuke could tell he must've been in here for a lot longer than he'd thought.

"Hey," Sasuke said, lifting Naruto's chin. "Can you hear me?"

His breathing was slow, and not knowing what else to do, Sasuke gave him a hard slap across the face.

Naruto coughed at first and, very slowly, opened his eyes, apparently trying to focus them.

"Sasuke," he said weakly. "Did you just... slap me in the fuckin' face?"

"I'm about to slap you again. What the fuck happened?"

"Huh?" Naruto rubbed his face. "Dunno. I came in here, and I was feelin' kinda dizzy so I sat on the floor. I must've fallen asleep."

"Just when I thought you couldn't get more stupid," spat Sasuke, throwing up his hands. "I told you to stop drinking so much and getting angry over stupid bullshit. What, weren't there any windows around for you to break?"

Instead of arguing with him like he'd expected, Naruto simply closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the tiled wall.

"Naruto?" Sasuke, who remained on his knees, reached forward and gripped the boy's shoulders. "I'm not going to yell at you anymore. Can you stand? You're going to catch pneumonia if you stay in here."

For some reason unknown to him, Naruto laughed.

"You think this is funny?" Sasuke started to drag him to his feet when Naruto wasn't offering much help. He was finally able to get him to stand, but he had to lean him against the wall. Sasuke's own clothes (well, and Naruto's shirt) were now soaked, too.

Suddenly, Naruto clung to him, wrapping both arms around his shoulders.

"M'cold," he said near Sasuke's ear, teeth chattering loudly.

"That's because you're naked," he replied. "I'll get you a towel." However, as he tried to pull away, the other boy clung tighter to him.

Sasuke held him for a while, ignoring the way Naruto's fingers started digging into his back. He placed a hand on the blond's hip to keep him steady.

"You're wet," Naruto said to him. "Who comes into a shower with their clothes on? I didn't ask you to do that."

"I was worried," Sasuke whispered, moving his hand up to Naruto's waist. If he didn't know any better, despite all the training the other boy had been doing lately, he thought he felt a lot skinnier than even a week ago.

Naruto lifted his head, looking at him out of the corner of his eye. "You're not allowed to worry. 'Bout me."

"So, what then? You did this to teach me a lesson? You can't even take care of yourself, so who's going to look after you?"

Naruto snorted. "I told you. I fell asleep. I was tired and drunk."

Sasuke thought there was more to it than that, but at the moment, getting Naruto into some dry clothes became the priority. Gently, he put a hand to Naruto's chest and told him to stay still for a minute. Sasuke got out long enough to grab one of the large white towels hanging nearby. He returned, briskly drying Naruto off (almost) everywhere before wrapping the towel around his shoulders.

"M'fine," Naruto kept saying as he followed Sasuke out of the shower. "Just cold."

"I'll turn the heat up. Let's go to your room first." Sasuke led the way and before he picked out some clothes, he urged Naruto to get in bed and pull the covers up around him.

"Feels warm in this spot," Naruto slurred. "Pillow smells like you, too."

Sasuke ignored that comment and rummaged through the drawers until he found a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. He brought the clothes over to Naruto, who had curled up onto his side and was watching him.

"I'm going to need you to sit up," Sasuke said to him.

"M'tired," Naruto whined.

"Naruto," he said more firmly. "Sit up."

The boy did as he was told, and Sasuke's gaze was drawn to the bluish tint of his lips. He wondered if he should call Naruto's dad. Or maybe his own mother or even Itachi... but he didn't really think it was hypothermia since Naruto was pretty responsive. After a bit of a struggle, he was able to get the shirt on him but considering Naruto was naked from the waist down, he thought he'd at least give him the option of dressing himself.

"I'll go turn the heat up and make you something warm to drink," he said as he left the room.

While waiting for the kettle to boil, he went in search of a hair dryer, which he thought might be in Minato's bathroom. He'd left Naruto's door partially open so on his way back to the kitchen, he checked on him again and found him already under the covers. The heat finally kicked on as he poured some water into a mug for tea. He brought the mug, along with the hair dryer, to Naruto's room.

"You didn't fall asleep yet, did you?" He approached Naruto's side of the bed.

"Too cold to fall asleep." He sat up when he saw Sasuke holding the mug.

Sasuke sat beside him, watching as Naruto took his first few sips. He pressed a hand to the blond's forehead. It had all happened so fast, and while he reallywanted to be angry with Naruto for doing something so stupid - whether accidental or not - he could only think about how scared he'd been. Naruto, he'd come to realize, was a complicated person. Looking at him, you'd think he was this happy and carefree, but that was only one of many sides to him. In fact, Sasuke knew and often felt there was something darker there, but Naruto often kept it hidden - even from him.

Regardless of the reason, he felt unsettled. It was also true that Naruto never slept well, and that, for the last few weeks, he'd been doing nothing but getting up early for baseball practice, working out, and going to parties and clubs on the weekends (either with Sasuke or his new sports friends). Since Minato was gone so frequently, he wondered if Naruto was eating enough?

"What's that for?" Naruto asked suddenly, pointing at the blow dryer.

"For your hair, idiot." Snapping out of his thoughts, Sasuke found the nearest outlet, and despite Naruto's protests, proceeded to dry his hair for him. Occasionally, he picked out the stubborn pieces that refused to dry or ran his fingers through all the tangled strands of blond. When he finished 10 minutes later, he turned it off, wrapped up the cord, and set it on the floor.

"Feeling better?" He asked.

"Mm." Naruto nodded.

"Drink your tea." Sasuke brushed his bangs out of his eyes. "You need a haircut."

Naruto gave him a look before taking a few more sips from his Starbuck's mug.

Not knowing what to say, Sasuke glanced at his hands and then out the bedroom door, into the lighted hallway. Now that Naruto seemed to be okay, he finally felt like he was calming down.

"Thank you," said Naruto.

Sasuke looked back at him. "Don't scare me like that again."

"You were scared?" Naruto started to grin.

When Sasuke didn't answer, Naruto began to hum.

"M'sorry. Really. I just felt... so tired all of a sudden, and... then it was so hot in there it made me dizzy. I guess I sorta fell asleep."

"Fell asleep or passed out, I wonder." Again, Sasuke felt the other teenager's forehead. "You feel warm. I'll get you some Tylenol."


He went into the bathroom again and found a couple of tablets in the cabinet. Before heading back to the bedroom, Sasuke checked the front door, unable to remember if they'd locked it earlier. He flipped off all of the lights and returned to Naruto's room. He handed him the pain relievers, and Naruto took them with what was left of the tea. The boy set the mug on the nightstand, rolled to his back, and looked up at Sasuke enquiringly.

"Get in?"

Sasuke blinked at him. "It might be better if I sleep on the couch, don't you think?"



Naruto reached for his arm. "Are you still mad at me 'cause of whatever reason you were mad at me for earlier?"

"I was mad because you were concerning yourself too much with my personal business."

"I was not," Naruto started to argue, "I was only - "

Sasuke gave him a look.

"I... maybe you're right. It's none of my business what you do, Sasuke. I know this, but I still worry. I'm sorry. I'll try to be better about it if it's botherin' you that much."

"No, it's..." Sasuke rubbed the back of his head, feeling guilty now. "It's just...it doesn't make sense to me. You're out on a date, and then you come to the show without even telling me and get on my case about some guy kissing me. I don't know how to process it all sometimes. I've told you that before."

"That guy thinks it's funny to tell you he roofied your drink. You realize, if it was Itachi there and not me, he would've broken that asshole's kneecaps."

"I know." Sasuke smirked a little despite himself. "Good thing he wasn't there."

"Yeah, well maybe I'll call and tell 'em tomorrow," Naruto said bitterly.

"No, you won't." Sasuke leaned over him. "Since we're going to work on boundaries, I think."

"I don't want boundaries." Naruto pouted. "I don't think we need any."

"I think we need some. Not just for your sake, but maybe a little for mine, as well."

"What do you mean?" Naruto pulled back the covers. "Are you not gettin' in 'cause it's crossin' boundaries?"

"I do believe that would fall under inappropriate, yes."

Naruto gazed at him seriously. "I don't understand the problem."

Looking at him, Sasuke sighed. "That's a problem in itself."

A couple of minutes passed with neither of them saying anything. Naruto kept looking at him like he was trying to work out everything in his head, and Sasuke almost felt sorry for him because, for Naruto, everything he did was mostly impulsive - he didn't think first before he got angry, or when he got into fights, or when he said some of the things he did. Maybe for Naruto all the fooling around and jealousy wasn't a problem, but for Sasuke it was becoming harder to keep the line from blurring at times. Then again, maybe Naruto didn't see it as a problem because he didn't take the stuff that happened between them seriously. Sasuke thought he hadn't been either, but when Naruto showed signs of... possessiveness, it really did his head in.

"I don't feel like sleepin' alone," Naruto said. "You can put pillows between us if you're that bothered about sleepin' with me."

"Idiot." Sasuke lightly and affectionately punched him in the cheek. "I'm never bothered about the idea of sleeping with you."

Naruto grinned at him. "I'll let you spoon me."

"Oh joy," Sasuke said sarcastically.

"By the way, you might wanna change your clothes. They're all wet. And, is that my shirt?"

Sasuke glanced down, having totally forgotten that he'd gone into the shower with his clothes on.

"You can borrow somethin' of mine," Naruto told him.

"Duh. What else was I going to do? Sleep naked with you?"

"It's an option." Naruto waved a hand at him. "I've seen you naked a few times already, y'know."

"That was before you started dating what's her face."

"We're not dating," Naruto groaned.

Sasuke rifled through Naruto's wardrobe for a new pair of pants and a shirt.

"You can borrow boxers, too," Naruto said. "Don't mind. Unless wearin' my underwear is crossin' more boundaries."

After sending him a glare, Sasuke did find a pair, and as he turned around again, noticed Naruto watching him.

"Are you going to watch me get dressed?" He asked.

"I was thinkin' about it. Why are you all shy and weird tonight?"

"I'm not shy," he argued. "I'm... trying to be modest."

"Want me to close my eyes?"

"No, I just want you to stop watching me like you're some priest eyeing up one of his altar boys."

Naruto chuckled. "Sick."


Sasuke proceeded to strip off his wet clothes and pulled on the boxers, shirt, and pants. Then he got into bed with Naruto, switched off the lamp, and rolled to his side. It felt very warm under the sheets and comforter.

Naruto shifted onto his other side but remained kind of quiet. A few minutes later, with Sasuke staring at the back of Naruto's head and his whole body itching to get closer, he shuffled over and put an arm around him. He brushed his nose above Naruto's shirt collar and sighed. He hated himself for being so weak to this.

"Were you... really that bothered I went with her to prom?" Naruto asked.

"No...," He replied hesitantly. "I know I told you I didn't want to go. I'm glad you went."

"I really wish you would've gone, but I get it. I know that stuff isn't your scene. You could've at least told me you had a show, though. I had to hear about it from Itachi."

"Why would I?" He asked. "I knew you had other plans." He let his hand start to wander up Naruto's t-shirt.

"I thought we weren't gonna kiss anyone for the first month," Naruto teased.

"It's been more than a month since that time." Sasuke brushed his lips across the back of Naruto's neck and felt him shiver. "It's not like I knew he was going to kiss me."

"You seemed pretty willing to me."


It was half a minute before Naruto admitted, "A little."

Biting his lip, Sasuke's hand roved higher until he had his arm wrapped around Naruto's chest. "You don't like other men kissing me?"

"It's not like that," Naruto mumbled. "You're not my property. But I just... can't help it. I mean, I don't wanna keep you from datin' or kissin' guys, but don't kiss thewrong guys. That guy was just bein' a dick."


"Tch. No maybes about it."

Sasuke leaned over, biting down on Naruto's ear before whispering into it, "No matter who I make out with, I'll always come back to you if you ask. If you beg."

"Like I'd beg," replied Naruto, shifting up against him.

"Oh, you'll beg for it alright. Maybe not now... but eventually."

Naruto chuckled. "You're such a cocky bastard."

"You already keep coming back. You came to find me tonight."

"Yeah, and look how that turned out. You nagged me so much I had to flee to the shower to get some peace."

"That's not fair," he said, unable to keep himself from tugging at Naruto's shirt so that he could have access to a bare shoulder, which he kissed wetly. "You were being unreasonable."

"I just can't turn that side of me off. You should know that by now. Look at you. You came to my rescue in the shower. I bet if you saw someone givin' me a hard time, you'd show up just like you did that time in the locker room."

"I thought you were going to get expelled. That's a bit different than beating up some guy for kissing me during a show."

"I was okay-ish with that. I was more mad about when I thought he was doin' somethin' you didn't like, and then when he said he put somethin' in your drink... Apparently when the hot, older guys bat their eyelashes at you, you lose all common sense."

Sasuke gave that thought, partially amused Naruto could come up with such ideas. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"Please, I know what it's like when an older woman pays me attention. I doubt it's much different with you, especially if you look at your first time. I bet you slobbered all over that Yahiko guy, too. 'Oh Yahiko, be gentle with me. It's my first time'!"

Sasuke withdrew his arm from around Naruto and rolled him over so that they were facing one another.

"Yahiko sounds nothing like that," Sasuke told him, shaking his head. "That was a terrible impression."

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "What are you, his fanboy?"

"What if I am?"

"Ah, I see. You're just usin' me until you get to go to Stanford again and have a chance to shag him?"

"Hardly. He has a girlfriend."

"I wonder if that would stop you."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes. "What are you trying to say?"

Naruto shrugged. "Nothin'. Nothin' at all."

"What about your friend? Since you took her to prom, she probably expects for you two to go out."

"I think she's aware we're both just friends." Naruto placed his hand on the bed between them. "At least for now."

"Is that so."

"We both should date if we can, right? I mean, if you actually wanted to date, y'know you could. Obviously other guys are interested in you."

But not the one I want.

"I have standards," he replied haughtily.

"Good. Then I won't have to beat them up for treatin' you like crap."

"I wouldn't let anyone treat me like crap. Maybe all I'm looking for in a relationship is sex."

"Are you?" Naruto searched his face. "Is that why we do the stuff we do?"

"Don't you," Sasuke licked his lips, slightly afraid to ask, "Want to have sex? Not necessarily with me, of course, but... with women."

"Sure, I guess. Or at least my penis does, yeah. It reminds me all the time of how good sex feels. But..."

"But?" He watched as Naruto started pulling at the sheet.

"I want things to be cool with us first."


"Yeah... I just. It doesn't feel right that you've decided not to date, and then if Istart datin'... Well, we wouldn't be able to do this anymore if I was datin' somebody is what I wanna say."

"I know." Sasuke cupped Naruto's cheek and smiled at him even though thinking about Naruto being intimate with someone else really sucked. "You're very loyal."

Naruto smiled back at him. "Thanks for noticin'."

"You're also very stubborn."

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

"You look really good in a suit."

"Damn right I do."

He leaned in some more and pulled Naruto to him by the collar. "You're...a very good kisser."

Both moving in for it at the same time - they kissed - and all of his notions about putting some distance between them completely flew out the window. Because. Kissing Naruto was always addictive. The instant their lips touched, Naruto's whole body turned into a ball of fire... not literally, but the sparks... he was so confident in all he did, and all Sasuke had to do was initiate it. Then, most of the time, he was fine with letting Naruto take control because he was just so fucking good at it. Naruto had gone on about someone kissing him, but Sasuke had also noticed how many of the girls at school were into Naruto. Even when they would go out, women were always coming up to him, but it was Sasuke that he went home with.

To be kissed by Naruto, to have his attention when he was surprisingly selective about who he gave it to... it always left him wanting more.

When they finally broke apart, Naruto had rolled Sasuke onto his back - a thigh between his legs. He looked down at Sasuke's face while fingering a few pieces of hair to the side. Eventually, he tucked it behind his ear.

"You forgot good in bed," Naruto said with a grin and slowly rubbed his thigh against Sasuke's crotch.

His eyes fluttered shut, and as Naruto pushed up his shirt, he began to run his tongue in circles around his nipple.

"I know I'm not supposed to act like you're mine," Naruto breathed seductively against his collarbone while running a hand up under his shirt and along his side, "But I'm not too thrilled with the idea of lettin' anyone else do this kinda stuff to you."

"God," Sasuke let out when Naruto continued rubbing against him, "Then don't."

"Sasuke," he murmured, crawling on top of him completely and latching onto the side of his neck.

Naruto started to rock his hips into him - more slow than fast - and all Sasuke could do was open his mouth to take in small gasps while Naruto lavished kisses on him everywhere he could reach. Sometimes, he pushed his hand under Sasuke's shirt to touch him, to pinch a nipple, or tease him by skimming fingers above the waistband of the pajama pants. The way Naruto kept panting near his ear was sending a rush of blood to certain areas already responding to having a hot body pressed on top of him. He gripped one of Naruto's hips and pushed his other hand under the back of Naruto's shirt. No longer cold and clammy like before, Naruto's skin felt burning hot against his, and while he would've loved for them to strip and rub up against each other in a naked, writhing mess - he was still worried about a draft causing Naruto to get sick.

Humming questioningly, Naruto stopped moving and took hold of both Sasuke's pants and boxers. "I should reward you for comin' to my rescue, don't y'think?"

"What?" Sasuke's brain had stopped comprehending the English language.

Smiling, Naruto knelt between his legs and yanked everything down to his ankles before pulling them off entirely and throwing them on the floor. There wasn't much time to lodge a protest between the shock of the cool air hitting his skin and Naruto's hot mouth as it started running all over the lower half of his body. Out of all the times they'd hooked up since that first weekend, Naruto had never once gone down on him. The way things were looking right now, it seemed that his 'reward' would involve Naruto (yes, thank God!) sucking his cock. If Naruto did anything, it ended in a handjob. Or, sometimes they dry-humped each other until one or both reached a climax. Sasuke, of course, was always happy to suck Naruto off. Not to say they did stuff every time they slept over at each other's houses, but it was pretty difficult not to given an opportunity. He only wished he would've left the light on. He could feel and touch, but he wanted to see Naruto's mouth on him.

"Fuck," he muttered, shutting his eyes when Naruto settled in between his legs and started stroking him.

Yahiko had gone down on him, and even if it hadn't lasted long, he could tell the older man was experienced and confident at what he was doing.

On the other hand, Naruto - at least for the first few minutes - seemed to be experimenting and (maybe adjusting to the idea of another guy's dick in his mouth?). At first, he sucked and mouthed the head, but then he began to use his tongue. He took Sasuke's cock in hand and licked the sides of his shaft... flicking the tip of his tongue against the tip of his penis while using a hand to continuously pump him...and then with Sasuke using a hand to guide him - Naruto took the hard length into his mouth again.

"Naruto," he moaned, wanting to hold back so that it could go on forever.

But, making it difficult was Naruto's inability to keep quiet. No surprise there, as he was loud in everything he did. However, the enthusiastic little sounds, the purposeful slurping and wet noises that were happening were pushing him closer and closer to the edge.

"Naruto, I'm going to come if you don't stop." He tried to tug the boy up by the hair, but Naruto reached up and batted his hands away. He pushed Sasuke's legs up into the air, holding them behind the knees.

Sasuke only managed a few more thrusts inside Naruto's mouth before he came, pulling at the blond's hair until - when he could no longer take any more - he was able to yank Naruto off in order to have a reprieve.

After placing a few more kisses and licks to his cock and inner thigh, Naruto crawled over him on all fours, leaned down, and kissed him sloppily. Reaching for the back of Naruto's head, he kissed the other boy hard and with such wanting that if Naruto rolled him over and fucked him into oblivion right this second, Sasuke thought he could die a very happy man. He snuck a hand between their bodies, cupping Naruto, and finding him at least half-hard, rubbed and squeezed until the other boy grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand away.

Naruto settled on top of him, continuing to kiss him on the mouth while still occasionally grinding his hips against Sasuke's.

Following an especially long series of kisses, Sasuke placed a hand to Naruto's chest and pushed him up. "You know what you taste like, don't you?"

"Yeah." Naruto bit his lip, eyes searching Sasuke excitedly. "So much for boundaries, huh?"

"I figured you did it on purpose. You really hate being told what to do, don't you."

"I couldn't help it. You give me rules and stuff, and I end up just wantin' to break them."

"Rewarding me with sexual favors once again..." Sasuke took in a deep breath before gently touching the side of Naruto's face.

"Stop sayin' stuff like that," Naruto told him. "I wanted to suck you off, so I did."

"Believe me," he said. "I'm not complaining."

"What? But you like to complain about everything."

"Shut up, Naruto."

"Make me," he said, so Sasuke pulled him down again and shoved his tongue so far down Naruto's throat that it would've been impossible for him to say a single goddam word.

He would've loved to have gotten Naruto off, but when they were done making out and he was able to finally get out of bed so that he could put on his pants, the other boy was on his back, beside him, and looking incredibly tired.

Naruto let out a heavy breath and glanced over at him. "I can't seem to get myself to stop doin' stuff with you. What do you think that means?"

"I doubt you want me to answer that."

"Heh." Naruto ruffled his hair. "This is gonna get complicated at some point."

"Probably," he agreed. "Maybe you should date that girl. That way we may learn to keep our hands off of each other."

"Are you tellin' me to go date someone?"

"Not someone," he said. "A girl preferably. If you start dating Sai, I have to be honest and say I may bludgeon the both of you in your sleep."

Naruto chuckled. "I'm not gonna date Sai."

"Because you're not into boys?"

"Because I'm not into Sai that way."

"What other ways can you be into Sai exactly?"

Naruto laughed and swatted at him. "Maybe the same way I'm sometimes into you?"

"You've yet to be into me."

"Hmm. Your first time you fuck a guy should be special, Sasuke. I'm sure that special guy is around somewhere."

"I'm sure," he replied, giving Naruto a meaningful look.

Naruto coughed. "I'm probably not that guy. You can do better."

Sasuke gazed at him a long moment before sighing. "I think I'll go to sleep. You should rest, too. It seems your body isn't exactly keeping up with your daily routine these days. Maybe you should take better care of yourself."

"Why should I when you're always takin' care of me? Besides, did that just seem like my body's not able to keep up with me?"

Sasuke shook his head. "Don't be ridiculous. I only want to take care of that special man out there that's going to let me fuck him. As for what just happened now, at least if you start dating someone, I'll have some great masturbatory fodder."

"Heh, I bet. And if that special man ever shows up, I'll try to like him and not immediately want to punch 'em in the face."


"Funny, huh? Guess people really do get laid on prom night."

"It's your prom night, idiot. Not mine."

"Doesn't matter." Naruto gave him one last kiss before flopping onto his back and then onto his side again and then onto his stomach.

"Are you going to move around all night?" Sasuke asked.

"Maybe. Unless you spoon me and hold me in your arms," Naruto joked.

"We'll see. I'll wait until you're asleep first."

"Why would you do that? I like to cuddle. I like when you cuddle me."

"Okay." Sasuke gave one of his sleeves a yank to get him on his side again and slid up against his back. "You can be my date until morning since I didn't have one tonight."

"You should at least ask me first," Naruto replied, snuggling up against him.

"No. If I see something I want, I go for it."

"That's what I always say!"

"What are you complaining about then? You like it when I'm forceful," Sasuke said. "You practically came in your pants that one night at my house. When I shoved you against the door and said those dirty things in your ear."

"Y'know how I feel about the dirty talk. Get over it already."

"Maybe next time you can try it out on me."



"I thought you'd hit me if I ever tried that."

"Hardly. Sometimes it's difficult just to talk to you on the phone late at night."

"Huh? Why?" Naruto took hold of Sasuke's hand and laced their fingers together.

"When you're tired and your voice gets all... low and husky. It's very sexy."

"You said I'm sexy."

"I said your voice is sexy." Sasuke squeezed him from behind. "Go to sleep, Naruto. Hopefully you don't wake up sick."

"Can't be sick. Got practice on Monday."

"You have practice every day."

"Feels like it. Will you come see one of my games this summer?"

"Of course," he replied, resting his chin on Naruto's shoulder. "I want to see you in your uniform."

"Maybe I'll wear my jock strap for you some time."

"Please do," he groaned, making Naruto's body shake with laughter again.

Both settling down, Sasuke already felt his eyes slipping shut. Always when they ended up like this, there was such a wonderful feeling of warmth and contentment he got from having Naruto in his arms. Maybe it wouldn't be the end of the world if Naruto dated. It might mean they wouldn't be doing stuff like this anymore, but he also knew Naruto would still be a close friend. He would've said best friend, but he didn't want it to go to Naruto's head just how important he'd become in such a short amount of time. It was rare that Sasuke ever worried about anyone outside of his family and, yet, when he'd seen Naruto sitting there in the shower like that, it definitely occurred to him that this was one more person he wanted to protect and keep safe and be there for...

At least for as long as Naruto would let him.

If Naruto found someone else he wanted to be with romantically, then he would try his best to let go of that small bit of hope he still sometimes had when they got together. After all, Naruto deserved to be with someone who wasn't afraid to let their feelings for him be known.

He squeezed the other teenager one last time and placed a kiss near his shoulder.

One day when he finally was ready to come out for real -

Would Naruto be there waiting for him?

God, he hoped so because if it wasn't Naruto, he'd always be wishing that it was.

a/n: If you're desperate to read more, I did write something called "Valley of the Endings" on y-gallery. It has a bunch of endings/continuations of various WIPs I've done over the years. There is one that takes place for the dream universe when they're about 22/23.