Thank you to anyone who is giving this fic a chance. My name is the Enlightened Sovereign, but you can just call me Jalen. This is my first fic so bare with me as I get used to this site. Here is the background of the fic:

1. This is an AU, but not much actually changes from the typical Pokémon Universe.

2. People can start their journeys after high school and receive their starters when they turn sixteen. While some trainer's start there journey immediately after high school. Most people head off to college where they can learn more about the Pokémon abilities and nature, along with advance battling strategies, then after college they start their journey. Now, while many people prepare for their journey's by attending college, only a few are actually on the Pokémon Battling Team a University. These people are basically like college athletes. Gyms and the Pokémon League work the same as they would in the games.

3. While this fic is based around a college trainer, there will be little, if any, class time in the plot. The plot will mostly revolve around the Pokémon Battling at the collegiate level and the emotion that goes into college athletics.

4. This will not be anything like a typical school fic.

- 4:00 A.M. -

Pitch black was the room. No movements were present. There was nothing you could smell. There was only one sound. The sound of a snoring high school senior named Ash Ketchum. Ash wasn't in his bed however, he had fallen asleep on his computer desk. The computer screen turned off soon after. Usually when something like this happened, it would be because Ash was up all night watching meaningless online videos, but this was not one of those times. Ash was up all night watching and refreshing his email. After all, today was the day students throughout the nation would find out whether their dream colleges either accepted or rejected them. This was especially true in Kanto where options for college were endless due to their high quality and relatively affordable tuition. However, Ash had only applied to two universities. One of the two, University of Indigo, he only applied to because his mother, Delia, had strongly recommend it. However, there was really only one place Ash wanted to go: Kanto University.

Kanto University had been stuck in Ash's mind since his childhood. His mother didn't go to college and he never knew his father so it was up to him to take his own path. However, from the beginning of his childhood his mom was always reminding him about the importance of going college and all the opportunities it would bring. For the most part these Delia's efforts were ignored. However, her luck changed one day when she was watching TV and turned the channel to a college Pokémon battle between Kanto University and Johto State University. She was never that into Pokémon battles, so she was about to change the channel again until Ash told her to keep it there. Ash couldn't get enough of the battle. He loved every aspect of it from the college crowds, to the bands playing epic tunes, the trainers locked in a duel of wits, and of course the Pokémon. Kanto University won the battle behind the power of a future champion by the name of Red.

After the match Ash began researching more information about Kanto University. The more he read about them, the more he fell in love with the school. From that moment on not only had Ash declared that he would one day be a Pokémon Trainer as well, but that he would represent Kanto University as well. So for the rest of his childhood all the way to the present, Ash filled his life with anything that had Kanto University's name on it. These items could've been as small as much or as large as his entire room design. Needless to say, he had found his dream college. He had found his future.

Ash's enthusiasm turned into ambition during his teen years. High school felt like a choir to Ash, but he knew his Kanto University dreams depended on his high school performance so he put in the necessary effort. Difficult subjects, such as Calculus and Physics, were extremely challenging for Ash and easier subjects were simply uninteresting to the teen. The only courses Ash ever enjoyed were Pokémon related. In particular, Advance Pokémon Battling attracted Ash's interest, supplying him with countless new techniques and important information. After studying the abilities and characteristics of Kanto Pokémon, Ash found himself of loving them all. So much so that he couldn't even decide on a starter Pokémon when he turned sixteen. Thankfully, Ash didn't end up having to choose since he woke up late the day of his birthday and received the only Pokémon available: Pikachu. While Ash and Pikachu didn't get along at first, they're relationship would grow stronger than any other trainer and Pokémon bond. Because of this, Ash had purposely woken up late on everyone of his birthday since. With his Pokémon partner set and his knowledge of Pokémon battles remarkable, Ash knew the last step was to get accepted into Kanto University. After that, he could start living his dream.

- 2 hours later -

Delia had woke up like any other day. She got out of bed, took a shower, did her hair, and began making breakfast for her son. She finished making breakfast and then set Ash's plate up. However Ash wasn't showing up. Delia became suspicious, Ash usually would race down to the kitchen for breakfast as soon as he woke up. Sometimes he'd be at the table hungry for food before she even began making breakfast. Delia stared at Ash's untouched plate for another twenty minutes before she went up to check on him.

"Ash are you awake yet?" Delia asked as she knocked on his door.

There was no response, so Delia decided to walk in on her own. She was surprised to see that Ash was indeed awake, looking at his computer screen.

"Ash your breakfast is ready. Now stop looking a screen that is hurts your eyes and come down to eat." Delia informed her son.

Ash remained silent. He stayed seated on his chair, looking at the computer chair, and not saying a word.

"What is so important on that screen that you have to ignore your own mother?" Delia asked as she approached her frozen son.

As soon as Delia's eyes met the computer screen, she understood Ash's dilemma. Ash had an email from Kanto University open and Delia didn't even have to read it to figure out what the university had just informed him. All she had to see was the word 'rejected' written in the first line of email.

"Oh Ash, it will be alright." Delia announced in an effort to console her son.

"I didn't get in." Ash said with an emotionless tone.

"Ash, you tried your best and at the end of the day that's all we can do."

"I didn't get in." Ash repeated.

"I know this must be hard for you, but please understand that Kanto University's doesn't change who you are."

Ash got up from his seat and took a look around his room. Every corner of the room had something, whether it be a sticker or furniture, that represented Kanto University. Everything that Ash had done in school and in community service had been accomplished for Kanto University. Every dream Ash ever had involved Kanto University. In reality, attending Kanto University was Ash's dream. The realization that his dream was dead was too much for the teen. Ash stood there and began to cry. He always made sure to never get too down on himself, in order to avoid crying. but this was simply too much for the teen.

"Ash please. there's no need to cry." Delia pleaded.

Ash ignored Delia's words and continued to cry. He didn't care what anybody would say about him, he just needed to let his crushed soul out.

"Ash listen to me," Delia announced as she hugged her son. "Everything's going to be alright."

"No it won't be!" Ash yelled back.

He then viciously shoved her off of him, sending her to ground. Surprisingly, Delia got up without saying a word and simply approached her sobbing son with another warm gesture. Ash looked back at her with confusion as to why she wasn't going to yell at him. However, just as he lowered his guard, she slapped him in the face and sent him brutally to the ground.

"Now listen here you little brat! I don't care that get rejected by your dream college, you can never disrespect me, your own mother, like that ever again! Have I made that point clear yet?"

Ash's sadness were soon turned into fear. Tears were no longer coming down from his face, he was finally ready to listen.

"Yes." Ash responded as he was trembling in fear.

"Good!" Delia shouted. "Listen, you know you're my baby and will always be my baby, but there's no denying you're nearly a grown man. A real man takes what's available to him and makes the most of it while still finding happiness in the outcome because he knows there's always a tomorrow. He knows one bad break isn't the end of the world. You, right now, are acting like a spoiled brat who just found out his favorite toy had been taken away. If you want to be treated like a man, act like it! Do I make that clear?"

Ash quickly picked himself up and wiped away his tears.

"Yes." He replied.

"Good," Delia responded. "Next, if you claim to truly love Pokémon, then this will not be the end of the road. I'm not sure if you will ever be able to get into Kanto University, but you can still go on a journey and become a great Pokémon Trainer. If you feel that you need to study more about Pokémon before you go, you could always enroll at a community college. So don't tell me your dream is dead because it's certainly not. Unless, becoming a great Pokémon Trainer wasn't your dream after all and you were only in it for the University."

While Delia awaited to respond, the sound of an email notification was heard. Ash looked at the screen and saw he had just received an email from The University of Indigo, the only other college he applied to. The email read:

Dear Mr. Ketchum, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into The University of Indigo. The school capabilities that you displayed in school, particularly in subjects related to Pokémon, combined with your outgoing interest of becoming a great Pokémon Trainer are exactly the kind of qualities we look for in all of our students. Most people know us best for our excellent academic departments, but we have also been working towards establishing stronger sports programs as well, especially in Pokémon Battling. That's where we feel you could make your presence felt the most. We don't often receive students who are interested in Pokémon Battling, so that makes students like you all the more special. We sincerely hope to see you in the upcoming fall, both enrolled as a student and involved in our Pokémon Battling program.

Even Ash had to admit he was impressed. The message seemed sincere, and specialized for him only. For most people, this would an opportunity they would jump at in an instant. However, Ash was not most people.

"Mom you know I only applied there because you practically forced me to," Ash said breaking the silence. "I don't even know how I got in to be honest. I don't think such an academically focused place would be right for me."

"You got in because they were looking for ambitious people with dreams and goals that make them unique. They were looking for people who wanted to be Pokémon Trainers and they are willing to give you a spot in their campus in order to help you pursue and achieve your dreams. So I ask you this Ash: is becoming an amazing Pokémon Trainer your real dream? Or was going to Kanto University your real dream?"

Delia looked at her son as he mentally debated the question. It was clear that if Ash's dream was more about Pokémon than about Kanto University, then he surely would go to Indigo. For any person with sense, this would be a no-brainer. However, Ash found it difficult to imagine himself becoming a great trainer, even at the collegiate level, without being a part of Kanto University. Ash knew he was being irrational, but frankly he didn't care. This was a genuinely difficult decision for Ash. He could either pursue his being a Pokémon Trainer at Indigo, or not go and think of a plan for his future after high school. The choice was obvious for the vast majority of people. For once, Ash was one of those people.

"You know what my decision already is, don't you Mom?" Ash said without enthusiasm.

So there it is. Constructive criticism is always accepted.