
Naruto was walking down the street with everyone looking sad at him and one person even said "Poor kid." And shook his head sadly.

Naruto in this story is not hated actually quite the opposite really. But his parents ignore him for his sister and brother Naomi And Minato Namikaze and his parents are Tsunade And Dan Kato Senju Namikaze and all four of them ignore him but soon he will have their attention! Uh oh! *Slip!* "Ahhhhh! Oh shit!" *Bam!* Naruto slipped and fell into an old Underground building with a weird symbol on the wall it was a circle with a hand holding a sword with the words B.P.R.D. under it and he shrugged and kept walking down the hall.

He came across a sealed door and opened it to reveal several things and some recorded tapes named 'For my Legacy.'

He went near a weird gun object and when he touched it several memories flashed in his mind and every time he touched an item the same thing happened but when he played the tapes he watched as a big red skinned man with a devil's tail and two broken horns sat down in front of the camera and he also had a big stone right hand. The man introduced himself as Hellboy and explained what he was and what he did for a living.

Afterwards Naruto was shocked but started Glowing red with steam coming off him and he gripped his stomach and just as his Family found him he screamed and flames burst from him and reformed himself as Hellboy and he stood up and silently walked over and grabbed a bunch of books and other things and some clothes.

He then gripped his full horns and broke them off and he also grabbed the gun and walked out with his Family being Cautious around him but he said in very suave voice "Relax It's just me." And Made Tsunade and Naomi blush a little.

He went to the armory and pulled his right hand back and punched it over and over making dents until he ripped out of the wall and threw it aside making them drop their jaws.

He walked in and grabbed a bigger gun and two swords a katana named "Sword of storms" and a huge demonic version of the buster sword.

He then walked back to the hole and threw his family up and he jumped straight up and out of it and walked back home with his family following for answers which he gave them and caused Minato to frown in jealousy and Naruto went to sleep for the academy tomorrow.

The next day he got up and equipped his weapons and left but spotted a beautiful red haired girl and immediately ran to her and said "Will you go out with me? Oh wait a second." He pulled his pistol and pointed at a Lycans face and pulled the trigger and blew the smoke from the barrel and spun it and put it in his holster. And the whole time Kushina was blushing and nodded causing him to smile and let her piggyback him and she was blushing the whole time while he was two due to the orange tint on his face.

Meanwhile His family were surprised and sporting small smiles even Minato but Naomi had a small glare in Kushina's direction.

Both Kushina and Naruto spent the whole day together laughing and holding eachother.

To Be Continued.