Hi! So, this is my first fanfic. Hope u guys like it!

Cammie's POV:

I was walking along the streets of Rome, searching, but for what I don't know. Suddenly, the ground opened, and pulled me inside.

I woke up in a dark room littered with bones. Everywhere I looked, skulls were staring at me, taunting me in my pathetic state. Then I heard a door open.

"Well, well, well," a female voice said, taunting me. "I see that the little princess finally woke up."

The woman then turned on the lights, and I was blinded as if I hadn't seen the sun in weeks. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw the woman's face. "Catherine," I hissed wanting nothing more than to torture her as she'd done me.

She just smirked. "Because I'm nice, I'll give you one last chance. WHERE IS THE LIST?" she screamed, making me curl up into a ball-a feat which is harder than it seems when chained to the wall.

"I. DON'T. KNOW." I screeched through gritted teeth. Catherine fumed and ordered someone to 'bring them out.'

I gasped as I saw Zach, Bex, Macey, and Liz being led in through the same door that I assumed Catherine came through. Their eyes were those of someone that had been tortured, and their mouths had been stitched shut.

"No! Not them! Take me instead!" I screamed, with no avail.

Catherine just laughed manically as they were led to a guillotine that had appeared out of nowhere.

"No! Not Them!" I cried, as tears that I once thought dried out flowed freely.

The executioners paid no heed, as they led Zach to the chopping block. I was in the middle of my crying and begging when the whole room shook, and a voice called out to me.

"Cammie! Cammie, please wake up!" Cammie it's just a dream!"

The voice sounded desperate, and the room slowly faded away, leading me to a dark bedroom, where a familiar boy was shaking me awake. I took in his bright green eyes and worried face as I let myself wail once more before fainting back onto the bed.

Zach's POV:

Three hours, forty-six minutes, and fifteen seconds. That's how long it's been since my Gallagher girl fainted. Every second of that has been pure agony as Cammie refused to wake up. I had just gone to get her yet another pillow as I saw her eyelids flutter open.

"Cammie?" I asked, begging that my precious Gallagher girl was awake. She just grunted and I took that as a sign that she was awake. "Wait here-I'll get the doctor," I said, grinning broadly now that Cammie had woken up.

After I sent the doctor on his way to Cammie, I found Headmistress Morgan and I told her that Cammie had woken up. Together, we rushed downstairs to my Gallagher girl.

When we reached her, we saw her answering questions for the doctor, who then proceeded to talk to Mrs. Morgan as I made my way to Cammie.

"Zach," she grunted, tired but happy, "what are you doing her-"

She didn't get to finish as I attacked her with kisses. "I thought I was going to lose you, Cammie," I whispered, as tears started falling. " I missed you so much, and I thought that you were leaving me."

I missed you too," she said, "And I promise that I'll never leave again

Yay, some Zammie fluff for you there. Please Review to tell me whether or not u guys hate it!