The Fantastic Undead

Summary:- Danny is found to be a half ghost and is quickly deported by his parents to the British Ministry of Magic to stay in Britain because of America's dislike and distrust for Magical Creatures. Danny's parents being Scourers quickly disowned their child from the family. He quickly moves to Britain where he enrols in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Hello Curry-llama here. I haven't made many stories recently, mostly because I'm doing my HSC (High School Certificate) and I thought that would take my whole life up… not! It's actually pretty chill right now and I'm in the middle of my holiday so more writing for me.

Danny will join Hogwarts in the second year.

Normal words

Past tense/sarcasm or emphasis

Magical Creature

Disclaimer:- I don't own Danny Phantom or Harry Potter

Imagine living in a world where every day you were fed that Magical Creatures were bad, that your existence served to exterminate them, that they were abominations. Imagine then realising you were also a magical creature, the very thing that your parents hated the most. Danny was going through just that.

"Y-you're one of them…" Maddie whispered as her feet went numb.

Danny held his ground but even his body couldn't stop the involuntary shiver. The disgust was enough to make him cower in a corner. There was nowhere to go though. Whether he ran or not this was reality, something he couldn't change no matter how hard he tried. Jack's silence was deafening. Danny wanted something… anything. His father simply looked at him, his eyes boring into him, judging him with barely hidden fury. Jazz seemed far more jittery.

"He's still Danny-" she defended only to be cut off by her father.

"He is magical, and worst of all he's a ghost," Jack said shocking both teenagers.

"Dad-" Jazz tried again only to be interrupted.


That was all Danny needed to quietly take his leave. He didn't look his family in the face. He could barely even think with the silent sobbing and the way his father stood silently still watching him like he was a stranger. The house had gone unusually quiet in what was considered one of the loudest houses in the neighbourhood. The tension had been thick in the air. Then slowly the pain turned into a dull throb and soon it left a vacant hole.

For the next 13 months he endured, living in his small apartment, filling out his details, explaining his situation to the MACUSA (the Magical Congress of the United States of America). For 13 months he drowned his sorrow in books. It was finally time he managed to leave the country.

Danny clenched his fist as he signed the papers. The wizards and witches around him watched on curiously and more than a little suspiciously. While it had not been unusual to see an ex no-maj, it was definitely unusual to see one from the infamous Fenton family. The whispers spread across the room. The stares progressed into accusatory whispers.

"You're planning to transfer under the care of the British Ministry of Magic?" the attendant confirmed.

Danny sighed and nodded, losing his patience. The lady had been looking at him with not quite hidden contempt. "Yes"

"Disapproved," she said immediately.

Danny clenched his fist but held in his anger. The plump, rather smug looking old lady gave an infuriating innocent smile. She sat silently mocking his very existence, a thought that Danny knew he was going to have to get used to if he were to stay in America. Being the child of a scourer tended to have that effect on the magical community and Magical Creatures in general was seen as a threat to the MACUSA. All these factors made Danny more than just a little hopeful that he could transfer to Britain.

"You must be mistaken," Danny tried. "I have all the forms, id, and approval to continue with the process."

"That would be the case but you are from an unidentified magical species. I could not send you to Britain without knowing what kind of danger you pose," she spoke slowly as if trying to explain it to a child.

"Is there any possible way of passing the regulations ma'am? You cannot expect this to pass if the regulations are so tight as to not allow a magical creature to pass magical creatures regulations," Danny responded in exasperation.

The pert lady didn't lose her sickeningly sweet smile as she passed the paperwork through the glass counter. She pointed at a section Danny dreaded the most. There were a list of Magical Creatures that spread across a page and a half. On the bottom of the second page read the words 'other'. Having no recollection of another half-ghost in existence Danny had circled that box and specified.

"Your kind isn't even in our systems yet so you will remain detained in your room until the American Ministry of Creature Regulations can fully qualify you as safe and qualified to travel without a guardian."

Danny took a step back. He never lost his cool, never showed how he truly felt, but he felt a rage boil in him that he hadn't since the Dan incident. Who did she think she was treating him like he wasn't even human… like he was a lesser being… His eyes threatened to flash green but he kept his rage in. He wouldn't give her a reason to testify his detention. He was already in shaky grounds.

"Serves that abomination right"

"It's the dead walking in the body of a child... disgusting"

"It's better if they keep it locked up. It's a child of a Scourer you know?"

The murmurs around him increased. His enhanced hearing picked up on every whisper, every hurtful mutter, but he didn't know them. Their words didn't hold an inkling of pain that his father's distrustful gaze or his mother's teary eyes held. They were like a candle to the sun in comparison, but he felt numb. Hope was dimming every second. He would stay in a country that would hate him no matter where he went, whether he live with no-mags or with magical bloods, everything would be the same.

"Would this be the registration slip he needed?"

Danny turned around quickly. He hadn't expected to see Vlad Master's drop in out of all people. The older billionaire turned to the teenager and grinned. Danny couldn't help but grin back as the fat counter lady stopped smiling for the first time, instead she spluttered unable to comprehend what was going on.

"Won't you be hurting your reputation talking to an ex-Scourer and Magical Creature in public?" Danny whispered trying to hold in his relief.

"You were the one who revealed your real identity to the world. You didn't reveal mine when you had the chance so I'm just paying you back. This isn't a charity," Vlad replied coolly before he handed the documents in. The crowd watched on trying to hide their obvious gazes and focus on their own paperwork.

"I'm sure that would be enough for his departure," Vlad stated with a handsome smile.

Danny tried to hold in his disgust when the counter lady swooned over his arch-nemesis. She hastily took the papers with her stubby fingers and got to work documenting them and signing what was left. Danny handed in his passport and couldn't help but smile a little knowing he had silently triumphed over the irritating lady even if it was mostly Vlad's doing.

The paperwork was done and Danny finally made his way out into the street. He took in a deep breath and let it out preparing himself. He looked at the old billionaire and smiled. Maybe Vlad was the last person in this world that could possibly understand some of his pain, and that was a fact he could appreciate.

"Thank you," Danny acknowledged as he shook the elder halfa's hand.

"Good choice in transferring to Britain, but you didn't think it through did you?"

"I have all the paper work done, all the files filled out, my ticket booked… what am I missing?"

Vlad sighed. For such a resourceful person sometimes Danny could be a little thick headed. He took the teenager's hand and put a bag on it. Danny took the bag and opened it before he blushed. He felt so stupid. How could he have forgotten the little issue involving money? His father had reluctantly given him enough to leave the country, and enough to renounce his family name, but he hadn't done any more than that.

"I guess I'll just have to find a job," Danny said looking a little sheepish.

"Hogwarts only provides boarding facilities," Vlad reminded.

Danny stood still in shock. He looked at the bag of money in his hands worriedly. This would be enough for housing facilities until school term started but more than that it would do nothing. He didn't have enough to even send himself to school.

Vlad noticed the halfa's distress. He sighed as he patted the teen's shoulders. The boy stiffened under the touch but slowly relaxed knowing it was meant to be comforting.

"You need to learn to trust adults a bit more Danny. We're all not out to get you as much as it can seem that way sometimes. Even I'm not evil enough to stop you from leaving. The fear of magical creatures exposing magic and creating another Salem event is a real threat. It blinds us with fear but it's still just as real. It would be better for you to continue in Britain despite their own social problems," Vlad sighed before he realised he got out of topic. "The point is that I'll pay for the boarding fees. Anything else you're going to have to earn for yourself."

Danny looked at the older man and just stared. Vlad noted the look of utter disbelief and rubbed his temple in irritation. How did Danny manage to get under his skin even when he wasn't looking to do it? Danny noticed how he was rudely staring and looked away quickly. A comfortable silence fell on the two.

"Sorry, it's just that I didn't know you were nice… w-what I mean to say is that… I'm grateful," Danny spluttered unable to find the words.

He had fought with Vlad countless times on the case of his family. The older man sought for the love of his mother and to do that would have meant to break up a family that he loved. He just didn't realise that he didn't need Vlad to do it; he would just do it himself after all. The unbearable pain resurfaced. Danny felt like giving up and sleeping in a corner. He felt like just forgetting everything in the world and leaving it behind. He felt so many emotions but he couldn't run. He was trapped in a body he couldn't run away from so he needed to continue to move even when it felt too painful to continue.

"It isn't a gift Danny, it's a present. You've earnt it."

With that being said Vlad walked away leaving behind the only other half-ghost in existence. Danny watched the sky as the last known comforting presence he knew left him. In the end Vlad was only repaying him. Even if there was no real love it was as close to a friendly gesture he had received in a long time.

The cloudless sky left blotches of light even when his eyes closed to the darkness. The weather was nice and for the first time in a while he felt like things were maybe looking up. There wasn't a large wall blocking him from his destination anymore. He knew he would make a new start in Britain.

Curry-llama here!

How was the first chapter? Like it? Love it? Hate it? Lol if it's confusing it's probably cause I didn't want to explain in bulk knowledge that some of you know and some of you don't know. I'm writing this story hoping you've got basic knowledge on the new Fantastic Creatures book which J K Rowling is releasing based on America's wizarding world. If you don't know much about it then read the next section in which I will give you a crash course.

So basically American Indian's have wizards as well except they don't use wands and are instead well versed in herbology and potions and things like that. Colonists rock up and find it hard to settle in on a world with no established magical communities and no wand shops. They end up creating a police force to enforce laws depending on the situation and they were called the Scourers. Suddenly you have these people with absolute power and absolute power corrupts absolutely. They end up having their powers stripped from them and then they start hating on the magical world resulting in the Salem witch burnings. This and the distrust towards magical creatures and their risk of revealing magic to the world has caused America to fear magical creatures as well. They have no blood purist problems but magical people aren't allowed to marry or mix with no-mags which as you can guess are basically muggles.

Can you understand why Danny's been having such a hard time now? His parents are Scourers and he is a Magical Creature so double hate. I'm just setting the scene with this chapter. The next few chapters will show his new life in Britain. This is going to be one of my more slower paced stories so if you want a quick read then this is not for you. XD

Anyway review if you have any questions to ask!