Wow sorry guys for this. It's an A/N not a chapter but I have outlined the rest of the plot at the end for your closure skip to that if you don't want to ready why I don't want to continue. It's in bold too. I just wanted to get out that I'm NOT continuing this story.

To be honest I had no idea where I was taking it as I hadn't planned a plot beforehand which I'm sure many of you noticed on how random the story was progressing. Sorry about that. I kind of wrote this story when I was in a bad place. I identified a lot with Danny considering his parents literally hated a part of him, the ghostly side, which I equated to my sexuality that my parents respectively hated. So this story was more of an outlet for my frustrations than it was me writing something because I enjoyed it. So if it was seriously angst ridden and kind of pointless it was because of some shit that I had to sort out with myself. Of course I'm in a way better state of mind now although there will always be family issues now I guess.

So as a person who has a seriously bad experience with coming out (although it wasn't really in my terms considering my parents happened to find out themselves) take this advice from me. Do not be afraid to tell people who you really are, and don't be ashamed of yourself. Even if you think being homo is morally wrong it's still a part of who you are whether you like it or not, or chose to act on it or not. This is coming from someone who hated that part of herself for years and only recently began to think 'fuck what I am' and started realising that I'm not disgusting because of one tiny aspect of me. If you happen to have homophobic parents, always have a friend/family you can count on where you can crash for a while. If you don't have family or friends… well I guess you're screwed lol XD. Jks jks, just stash some money for a hotel or something worst case scenario. But my best advice is that you come out when you're financially independent. Until then bite your tongue and hold it all together because risking your safety is not worth it.

So I kind of also want to apologise for randomly turning this story into slash. Yeah let's just pretend that never happened XD. It kind of came out of nowhere now that I read through it again. If anyone wants to pick up this story again just do it. Anyone's free game.

Here's the rest of the plot as I imagined it for people who want some sort of closure.

Plot! If you've skipped to this part you've saved yourself from a sob story so good choice. If you read through that, I am extremely sorrrry but at least you can understand why I want to neck myself sometimes XD!

Danny finds out that Dan has the ability to corrupt ghost souls. Dan confronts Danny in Hogwarts where the two battle it out and Danny loses. Dan lets Danny live because he wants to destroy everything and everyone he holds dear which starts has Danny paranoid at every turn. Danny stops training with Vlad and activates his powers letting MACUSA know of his ghostly half being used. Danny is hunted down but eventually risks his life by cooling down his neck so the chip doesn't work and cuts it out before it explodes. Free from his tracker/death bomb he goes into the zone to confront Dan where the two hash it out and Danny is hit by a spell. Danny learns that Dan has awoken the Dark Lord's spirit and embedded him with more power so they could conquer the world together or something. Danny ends up retreating and allying himself with the Ghost Zones inhabitants when Harry gets hold of the book with Riddle in it prematurely. Harry ends up, with Vlad's knowledge on the subject keeping the diary where he uses it to get a better understanding of Voldy. Voldy's spirit then summons together the death eaters and Dumbeldore is alerted to Voldy's presence by Danny who now has the support of most of his ghostly enemies.

I guess what happens in the next few stories gets condensed down into like 50 thousand words or something where Harry is forced to find the horcrux except this time everyone in the wizarding world takes the threat seriously. So yeah there's a war and stuff, people die. I don't know I didn't really outline this part XD. But yeah that's the gist of it. You have the final battle where Harry and Voldemort hash it out respectively with Dan and Danny.

So yeah I know it's a pretty bad and extremely vaguely outlined plot but I was like fifteen when I wrote this story so pardon it. If you want to read some less angst ridden works try out Heroes (by me) Trans-dimensional Bonds (by me) and Bonds that Transcend Time (also by you guessed it… me!). Here's your shameless dose of self-advertising for the day.

Llama out.