Just another plot that I came up with on a whim, so it's probably not that great but oh well, let's see where this will lead to...

A tall dark brick building stood proudly on a twenty acre piece of land. Fancy trimmings, pillars and hints of not only Roman and Greek architecture but also modern, and oriental, made Fairy tail University a majestic, if not a bit eclectic, sight. The sky was a pristine blue and there was not a cloud to be seen. Birds sang happily and the green leaves of the many trees dotting the courtyard soaked up the bright rays of sunlight as they swayed in the slight breeze.

Or at least that's how it should have been.

There were trees with green leaves in places, but they were a ghastly dark green and some fir trees whipped their needled branches around as if searching for someone to slap. There were no happy singing birds, no blue sky, and definitely no sun. And as for the clouds, thick dark nimbus clouds hung over the dreary campus, which though still tall and proud, boasting worldly architecture, now seemed menacing. Not a soul was in sight, save for a girl or better said, young woman, with long white hair, pale skin, and a long red dress, pulling an old brown suitcase behind her as she quickly walked along the cobblestone path that was adorned with naked, dark trees.

The atmosphere rumbled with thunder and she wondered why the campus had to be so large. She was still a good distance away from her destination inside the University when the first drop of rain fell.

"Oh no..." She sighed, and as if on cue, rain fell in in buckets and she had to run the rest of the way. The girl had just made it to the white marble steps when lightning lit up the dark sky, startling her and resulting in her slipping on the very wet marble and slamming into the heavy wooden front door. Which unfortunately for her, was a pull and not a push door, therefore not giving way and greeting her head on with full impact.

She was drenched, slightly muddy, and sporting a red mark on her forehead that matched the red bow that pulled her bangs back.

So far the day was going great.

After struggling to pull open the heavy mahogany doors she stepped inside the cool, air conditioned building. The first thing she saw was the lounge. It was square room, with a red velvet "L" shaped sofa in the corner from which students, had there been any there at the moment, could immediately see who came in and out. A low, brown coffee table stood in the middle and to the right corner there was a counter with a coffee machine that made more than just coffee. The floors were hardwood, and a rich mahogany and gold wallpaper adorned the walls on which gold framed portraits and paintings hung.

To the white haired girls' immediate right was a dark wooden bench in front of a grand window through which grey light from the rainy outdoors shone in. It was a serene sight gazing at the individual rays that made up the whole, and the dust that danced only able to be seen because of the light.

"I'm sorry, but you may not go any further" A tall girl with dark red hair, a white blouse and navy blue, knee long skirt suddenly appeared.

"Um might I ask why?" The soggy newcomer asked.

"For one, you do not look like any of the students I know here, and since I am on shift as student monitor I will have to ask you for an I.D. for security reasons." Was the strict answer.

"Oh, yes" the white haired girl knelt down to open a small pocket on the side of her suitcase. "Here you go." She smiled handing over her I.D.

The redhead took it, her brown eyes scrutinizing both the card and the newcomer, before handing it back. "Everything seems in order, you're a new student then, do you have a letter?"

"Right here." The other offered a neatly folded letter that she had received in the mail, confirming her acceptance to the school and instructions.

"Well I'm impressed, you've got a full ride, " the student smiled. "My name is Erza, I'll take you to the headmaster,"

"Thank you"

"Just follow me, and hurry, you're dripping all over the floor." She called behind her, already moving forward through the wide hallway on the left.

The new student looked down at her feet to see a dark puddle on the carpet. Thank goodness she had stayed on the mat rather than walk onto the wooden floor.

"Oh dear." She murmured before following the scarlet haired girl down the hall, and to the right, into a small office.

"Mavis I have a new student here." Erza said to a small woman with long light blonde hair, green eyes, and an angelic face who was scribbling away.

"Great! Just go right in!" She said cheerfully.

"Well I must take my leave, that hallway won't monitor itself." Erza waved, exiting the front office." Maybe I'll see you later."

Now left alone, the blonde timidly knocked on the door and opened it once she heard a friendly," Come in"

She stepped onto the dark green carpeting, looking down she hoped she wouldn't leave too much of a water stain.

A short little man with a grey mustache and grey hair that was missing on the very top of his head sat in a brown wooden swivel chair, behind a messy desk full of papers, paper clips, pens, and a small picture frame whose picture the girl could not see.

She soon realized he was not the only one in the room, for it was hard to miss the large, blonde man with his arms crossed, standing to the side.

It seemed like they had been discussing something but, they had gone quiet once she had opened the door.

"Hi, my name is Mirajane Strauss" she smiled, giving a slight bow.

Her rain soaked dress clung to her, and the cold stare from the silent, muscular man in the corner who seemed to be shrouded in shadows, made her a bit uncomfortable.

"Whatever happened to you my dear?" The old man asked earnestly.

"I just got caught in the rain."

"Well let's make this quick so you you can change out of those clothes. We don't want you catching a cold." He chuckled.

She smiled at his words, and handed him the letter to refresh his memory of the specific details of her enrollment.

"You received this years freshman full scholarship, hmm beautiful and brilliant." The old man murmured in approval, glancing over the piece of paper. "Laxus, I'm putting you in charge of showing the nice girl around" he instructed the large man still silently watching from the corner.

"Aw come on old man you know I got stuff to do." Complained the blonde, finally allowing Mira to hear his voice. It was deep and masculine but not terribly deep. It was how her younger brother Elfman might put it; manly.

"Look at it this way, you can be her... what do they call em? Senpai?" The little headmaster furrowed his thin brows in thought ignoring the man. "Let's see, is that the word those girls were saying? It's so hard to keep up with young people and their slang" He muttered before turning to the girl, " Anyway, I give you Laxus as your Senpai so don't hesitate to ask my grandson for help with anything. All right?"

"Thank you" she bowed.

He nodded and dismissed the two.

"See you guys later!" Mavis told them cheerfully as they walked out.

Though as soon as the pair entered the hallway -

"So, this is the school. That was the headmasters office. I think we've pretty much covered everything, so see ya." Laxus stated, waved and walked off, leaving Mira alone and lost.

"Wait!" She called out, " where are the dorms?" She asked, smiling sweetly, still soaking wet and with her suit case in tow.

He paused, giving her a once over, seeming to be judging whether she was pretty enough to waste his time with, before shrugging, "Ah, right this way." He strode to the lounge and pulled an black umbrella out of the holder.

"We have to go out again?" She asked incrediously.

"Well unless you have magic you ain't getting there any other way." He laughed at her.

"Halt!" A familiar authoritive voice called out.

"Oh, Hello again Erza" Mira greeted.

"Greetings" replied Erza, before pulling Mira off to the side, " I'd be wary of him if I were you" nodding toward the darkly clad man who had his arms crossed. "I've only been here for a few months, but it's been long enough to know who's trouble."

Looking at him as he stared nonchalantly into the distance, with his studded leather jacket and fine fitting reddish jeans, Mira nodded, "I will."

Erza gave a supportive smirk before letting them continue on.

Laxus strolled leisurely through the campus, holding the umbrella in a way that ensured his own rain protection first. That left Mira trying to gain some ground under the umbrella while keeping a good distance from the man. This resulted in a sort of dance for he would occasionally decide he needed more space under the umbrella, forcing the girl to step closer, if she didn't want to get any wetter than she already was. When they neared the dorms she almost tripped again, and struggled for a bit as she tried to roll her suitcase over the now muddy road. Laxus merely watched with an unchanging expression.

The dorm Mira would be staying in was a rectangular two story building of old European style, because there were still a few weeks before the semester started there was virtually no one around.

The opposite sex was not allowed in either of the dorms but Laxus didn't think that bit of information was absolutely necessary to reveal at the moment, as he opened the doors and waltzed in. Besides, he was helping the girl find her room. If anything he was being a gentleman.

He quickly led her past the entrance hall, going into the living room, straight up on of the two staircases that were opposite each other, and down the carpeted hall to the second door on the right up, making it obvious to anyone else he knew his way around the place. "Here we are, need anything else?" He asked after she reached him. It had taken a bit longer for the younger girl to drag her tattered suitcase up the steep stairs.

She took a moment to consider before nodding. "Just let me get changed," she said as she unlocked the room. He moved to follow her but she slammed the door in his face. She had little time to look around the small dorm as she didn't want to keep the man waiting, not to mention she wanted to get this day done and over with. But, from a quick glance the room was a decent size, with cream walls, and even a window seat giving access to the view of the spanse of greenery behind the dorm. She had packed very little, and had planned to go out the next day to buy clothes with the money she had brought, and to look for a part time job. There was only one piece of clothing she thought was suitable for the chilly, rainy day, that wasn't too summerly or revealing, and of course that hadn't gotten wet. There were two doors that led to a closet and a bathroom. After opening the second one she found what she was looking for, smiling in satisfaction when she saw that among other things, a hairdryer was included.

As Laxus waited outside the door leaning against the wall, he mind wandered back to a memory of a girl from high school who everyone called The Demon. Normally he wouldn't care to remember people, but that girl had been the one to give him the scar that cut through the top of his right eye and cheek. He'd been a senior and she a freshman, and after that he graduated who knows what had happened to the kid. However, if they ever met again, he would have loved to get her back and taught her a lesson about messing with Laxus Dreyar.

He sighed in boredom, putting his hands behind his neck as he leaned against the light aqua wall paper. He looked like he was trying to tan standing up. The girl Mirajane was the right age, and could've been the demon girls' older, hotter sister in looks, but her persona was the complete opposite. The demon girl was dark and hostile, always wearing dark gothic and sometimes skimpy clothes, this girl was sweet and quiet and if her red dress hadn't been wet and clingy it probably would've needed some imagination on his part.

When she finally opened the door, for a second he thought he was seeing things, the white hair pulled up with a black bow, the long black dress and pale skin. Granted the Demon didn't usually wear dresses but other than that , he decided she would have looked just like Mirajane were they in an alternate universe.

"You in mourning or something?" He sneered.

"Not anymore" she responded.


"So are there any stores nearby? I didn't bring much stuff, and I thought I'd buy some food too." She smiled, ignoring him.

"Yeah, I was planning on meeting a friend in town anyway." He responded.

After that, there was silence as the pair strolled towards town.