A/N: I am so sorry! The divorce was even longer and complicated than I thought! But I'm back now!

Disclaimer: None of the recognisable characters or plot points are mine. They either belong to JK Rowling or Marvel

After chasing Peter around with the sheet of gold stars Harry finally settled in to explain the situation to the poor confused Guardians.

Harry was thoroughly impressed with the way the universe as a whole had accepted homosexuality so most of the team were chuckling warmly at the flirty antics of the pair and the Master of Death so hated to do anything to break the mood. The conversation began with a brief explanation of his position and Thanos' obsession with every Death since his lover followed with a very angry Peter trying to throttle Harry for allowing all these deaths.

"Do you think I wanted this? I did everything I could to stop him before it came to this!" forcing deep breaths Harry quashed the growing anger then sighed and admitted why he came to see the team. "I need you to make sure that while we talk he doesn't have a chance to do anything. I doubt he will but I need the reassurance."

"Why would you doubt he would go through with his plans?" Peter knew in his gut what the shorter brunette was planning but he couldn't bear to think of Harry handing himself over to the Titan. He didn't know why the thought bothered him but it really did.

Harry wore his sad little smile finally showing his centuries of life on his face when he pulled the man aside, "I'm so sorry Peter. I wish we hadn't met this way. It would have been easier for you."

"What do you mean?" the furrow deepened in Peter's brow and Harry reached a pale hand up to smooth away the creases. He hated doing this to himself but the pseudo-god knew he couldn't fight the bonding pull so he allowed himself to think on how cute Peter looked when he was confused.

"I wish I had more time to explain but my magic has chosen you as my perfect match." Harry knew he had to be blunt but he also knew that this would hurt them both, "I can't be with you and I had hoped to avoid ever meeting... wasted dream now. When I allow Thanos to claim me it will be briefly painful but it should pass fairly quickly so long as we avoid any further contact." Harry may be a little pervert but he didn't want to cause his match any extra pain. He really had hoped that they wouldn't ever meet but there was no use crying over spilled milk but he could limit further interaction. Part of him still wanted to be selfish and just take one pleasure before he sacrificed himself for the second time in his long life but he knew that selfish part would disappear under Thanos and all he would be able to think of would be Peter in agony.

"Wait, I have a few questions." at Harry's nod he continued, " 1. Magic? 2. Perfect match? Like soulmates or something? 3. Why can't we be together?"

Even though he knew that he shouldn't Harry felt his heart leap at the thought of Peter with him, "1. yes magic, like wizards and witches. In my first life, I was born a wizard. 2. Yes like soulmates. 3. because I have to go be with Thanos."

"Wait, what? Be with Thanos? Over your soulmate, wow cold!"

Harry threw up his arms in exasperation, "there's no winning is there?"

Peter's sly grin melted away into a frown, "In all seriousness, do you really like Thanos over me?" The thought caused a pang of hurt in the half human's chest. "Wow, not even my own soulmate!"

Harry sighed again, "Peter, no. I hate Thanos more than anything." Tugging a hand through windswept locks Harry desperately fought the desire to go to Peter and offer comfort.

With a furrowed brow Peter approached the shorter man, "So why are you going to be with him?"

With another hand traveling through his hair, Harry finally broke into tears. He crouched on the ground in a little ball hugging himself in both fear of Peter's touch and self-comfort. "What choice do I have?"

It came out more like a whimper but Peter got the gist and grew infuriated, "You could fight him with us, you could fight for us!"

Harry knew that Peter didn't just mean fighting for life in the universe.