Transfers Student

A new student transferred into Beacon Academy. His name was Lelouch Lamperouge and everyone agreed that he was an enigma.

He was very handsome with raven black hair and amethyst purple eyes. He had a tall but slim figure with a touch of femininity that made him more alluring. Some of girls had gone so far as to call him the Black Prince. But their was something about him that made unapproachable. All of the students felt it just by looking at him they knew that he was someone who was out of there reach. So they silently watch him waiting for the day they would be able catch up to him.

Many things about Lelouch made him stand out from among his peers. He unlike the other did not work on a team; he instead would bounce around teams and only joining them if they were going on a difficult mission. Lelouch was also very infamous for skipping classes and still passting them with grades that students could only dream about. But the one thing that stood out the most was that he never participated in practice matches or for a fact that no one ever seen him fight, even on missions.

Rumors quickly spread about this and no one has ever dare to challenge Lelouch to a duel. It is said that he is so powerful that Ozpin has forbidden him from participated in practice matches for the safety of the students. In missions it is said that his presence is so scary that the enemy would spill all the information they have, even the color of their underwear.

Lelouch become more of legend then a student at Beacon Academy.

The staff at Beacon Academy really did not know what to make of Lelouch Lamperouge. He was exceptional one would only need to look at his grades to see that. What had shocked them was in the manner that he was granted entrance to the academy. He had beaten Ozpin in a chess match. This alone was enough to grab the interest of the other.

The teachers also noticed how the other students were around him. When he decided to bless them with his presence some of the other students seem to more attentive and work harder.

They kept a close eye on at first but realized that he was nothing more then a regular student and not a spy sent from another country. But even so his past remains a mystery.