(Kay and Simone are talking in the Bennetts' kitchen)
Kay: I got a brilliant plan...
Simone: Oh God, not again!
Kay: ...to win Miguel.
Simone: Here we go again...
Kay: See, I was thinking of summoning evil spirits that will allow me to defeat Charity once and for all, and at the same time bed Miguel and Reese continously, every night.
Simone: Yes, I know... what's that your last plan? Hey, wait a minute, bed Reese?
Kay: Well... he knows all those gadgets and toys, so I thought he could - enchance - the expeirience.
Simone: Eugh. Anyway, how are you going to summon the spirits?
Kay: Duh, from the big evil book. Oh look, someone is slowly opening the door to signal us to stop with all our evil plotting and pretend we're talking about soemthing benign. So let's do it...
(John enters the kitchen)
Simone: Hi John.
Kay: We were just talking about Leo DiCaprio's new movie.
Simone: No, no, we weren't plotting.
Kay: And surely, our plan wasn't something about killing Charity with evil spirits.
Simone: Nor does it include Kay bedding Miguel and Reese.
John: Oh, okay then. Since you two are not plotting anything, I'll just grab a bowl of mum's tomato cake soup, and sit with you, and discuss Leo DiCaprio.
Kay: Actually... you better slurp that toxic thing in you, and check out what is your dad whispering to Ivy outside the house.
(they all go to the window) Simone: Yeah, see how they think no one can see them if they wear Rasta hats each. I suggest you go and see what they're talking about.
Kay: Yes, I am sure Ivy hasn't found a new way to blackmail your father into posing as my mum's husband.
John: I am sure what you say is true.
(John slurped up that soup and exited the kitchen)
Kay: Back to our plan.
Simone: Yes, back to your plan.
Kay: When it's done, Miguel will be mine.
Simone: No duh, Kay. I mean, you've crated like twelve dozen plans to win Miguel and get rid of Charity. And this one, JUST might work out.

But Kay was unable to complete it, because the powers of her wonderful mother stopped her from doing so.