Chapter 13

I watched as the clear water turned a vivid red. I sighed and looked over towards Demetri, who sat uncharacteristically quiet next to me. "Tell me a secret." I heard myself whisper to him looking back to the water. I felt his gaze n me but didn't look up. "I like the smell of apples. Green mostly. They have a certain sweetness to them." I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"That's a secret?" He smirked. "I use to love eating apples. Can't eat them now though." I rolled my eyes at him. "That's the worst secret ever." I huffed. "It's my secret." I grinned looking away from him. It was quiet for a moment before there was knock. Demetri met my eyes before leaving the room. "Wedding gifts." I heard a voice say. Someone new? "Put them there." I heard Demetri say. I heard a shuffle before it went silent again. "Well what is it?" I heard Demetri say. "The kings ask will you be leaving tonight or tomorrow morning?" The voice asked.

"Riley's getting dressed at the moment, when she's finished we'll leave. We'll stop by before we leave." Demetri responded. A second later the door closed and Demetri returned to me. "Take your time. I'll go pack some clothes." I nodded and he closed the bathroom door giving me privacy. I leaned my head back and took a deep breath. Looking up at the ceiling I frowned.

In 10 months, I will be officially stuck here. I felt tears cloud my vision. Pushing them down, I sat up and let out the water. I stood and flitted to the shower. Washing up quickly, I wrapped a towel around me when I finished. I sighed and peaked out the bathroom. I saw Demetri sitting on the floor by the closet with his phone in his hands. He looked up at me and smirked. "Get out." I commanded before he said a word. He snickered standing. "Yes ma'am. I'll put our bags in the car while you get dressed." He walked at human pace across the room. "Unless..." He paused smirking at me. I scowled. "Out!" He laughed before disappearing.


I had finally finished getting dressed and was standing in front of the mirror when Demetri came back. I heard him sigh before he was behind me. "No matter how bad things may seem, it'll get better." My eyes met his. "You're a very optimistic person." I replied. He grinned before turning me around. "One of us has to be, love. Besides, I did get this far." I rolled my eyes at him. He took a deep breathe before taking my hand. "Now let's go say our goodbyes so I can get you out of here."


Letting Demetri guide me through the halls, we stopped in front of a set of grand doors. Squeezing my hand, Demetri open the doors and lead me inside. "My kings." Demetri greeted. Aro was sitting on a desk reading some book, while Marcus and Caius sat across from each other of said desk.

"Ah Demetri, Riley. I see you two are getting fond of each other." Marcus grinned looking at our hands. Rolling my eyes, I let go of Demetri's hand looking away. I could feel them smirking. "Did you want something?" I ask. Aro sighed making me look back towards the trio. "Your human. He thinks you go to a school here. It has been decided that you can stay a week in Forks every month as long as you cooperate. When you return, you will pick the days." Caius told me. I nodded.

"When you return, you should be mated fully by then. No excuses." Aro added grinning. I rolled my eyes. "It's for the best dear one." Marcus stated standing. "Of course." I responded in a condescending tone. They in return rolled their eyes. "That's all for now, you can go enjoy yourselves." Aro beamed waving us off.

Demetri nodded and pulled me along with him. Stupid vampires. Bastards.


The ride to the airport was quiet. Demetri drove us there and loaded everything onto the plane while I was to stay to the side. Something about the male should carry things. When he was finished putting everything on the plane, I was "allowed" to board the plane.

Once seated and in the air I faced Demetri. "So what now?" I asked crossing my arms. Demetri smirked before copying my moves. "What are you talking about, my dear?" He replied innocently. I rolled my eyes. "Come on, i'm being serious here. What happens now?" He sighs. "Now, my love... we get to know each other. We spend a month on my island and relax. We'll have to... um, consummate our mating before we return though. When we return you're stuck with me." I sighed.

Demetri leaned closer to me. "Look, I understand you don't want me. I understand I'm not the one you want and being forced to do something isn't the best thing but can we at least try? I promise to be the best mate you'll ever have." I eyed the dark haired male in front of me. I sighed and looked out the window at the clouds. I felt Demetri move, "Get some sleep, we'll arrive in a few hours."