~ Thursday Night ~

~ Rachel's P.O.V ~

So, tomorrow is the day that I'm going to get my brother and to be honest I'm a little nervous about the confrontation with my dad's. I'm angry with them for leaving me and for keeping my brother from me. How is even a fucking thought to just keep your children separated like that. Who are these men really because they aren't my fathers! I got to do what Tony said and keep the human side of me intact. Santana walked in and seen me deep in through.

"Hey babe what are you thinking so hard about?" I looked up at her confused.

"Sweetie I've been at the door for a few minutes. I watched cleaned that gun 3 times and I figured I'd make myself known." Santana said as I looked down and realized I was done cleaning and checking guns but was in my own little world that I started cleaning them again. I placed all the guns away in their special cases and sat them by the door.

"I was thinking about the mission. I think I was just a bit nervous and cleaned them more than once without noticing it." I said.

"Are you okay about tomorrow? Do you want me to run lead on this tomorrow?" Santana asked.

"No, I got it. I was just thinking about my fathers and how easy I thought it would be to talk to them and take my brother without trouble." I said.

"But..." Santana asked as if she knew there was more to it and there was.

"But I realized that those men are not the men I grew up with. Well granted with what limited time I did have with them; they weren't cold or heartless just neglected to be the fathers I needed them to be. The talk we will have will be a talk that should have happened a long time ago." I said.

"Okay get everything off your chest but remember that we only have a limited window and I hope they don't try anything stupid." Santana said and I had to agree with her.

"I know what you mean. Let's gets some rest because we have a long night ahead of us tomorrow." I said and Santana agreed and got into bed after putting her pajamas on as did I and I followed her to the bed, we got in and kissed before falling asleep.

~ The Next Night ~

It's 6:30 pm and my crew is starting to arrive and by 6:45 pm everyone has arrived, and we are all in the living room. Noah loaded up the car and just got back in the house.

"Everyone time for the last team meeting before the mission starts." I stated and everyone gave me their attention as I began to talk.

"Okay, so here we are it's time for us to start the mission. We will leave in 45 minutes. Everything is packed the equipment and weapons. Your names are on the gun so just look for your name and when we land. Now Quinn and Brittany you guys to follow through with the plans no matter what. The moment you have my brother you go straight to the car that will be hiding and go to the jet and set a timer on your phone for 1 hour. If the hours is up you take off.

Make him feel safe and loved if something happens to us. I need you to take care of him. Okay, now we approach this in guards up but willing to talk stance. Noah and Santana are with me. John and Mike, you guys Tony's trusted men and I will trust you as well. Mike will guard the front door and one will guard the back door. Tony gave me a satellite image of the house and there's only one back door and John will guard the back door. Dave, you guard the door. Quinn and Brittany, you know what to do. So, any questions?" I asked the room.

"This a rescue not a killing mission, right?" Dave asked.

"Yes, we have been instructed to talk to them the best we can. We are only allowed to kill when we are defending ourselves because they attacked first." I told him.

"Do we use our code names?"

"No, need to my father's already know all of you so no point. He doesn't know John and Mike so they can use their code names if they want to." I said.

~ 15 Hours and 52 Minutes Later ~

We arrive in Spain and everyone gets off the jet and we all grab our assigned weapon; I make everyone wear a bulletproof vest. John refuses and never wore one and won't start now. I wasn't about to argue with him if something goes wrong and he gets shot and dies that's on him. We all get into the black bulletproof SUV and we drive to the address of where my father's live. Once we arrive my fears, nerves, nervousness goes away and everything hits me tenfold. I get so angry that before we approach the door I turn to my crew and say,

"Take your safety off and get ready." They all do as I say, and the guards go to their assigned places. I knock on the door and my father opens it with a surprising look on their faces as Quinn, Brittany, Santana, Dave and I walk in.

"Rachel sweetheart you found us, but how?" My daddy Edward was always the nice one and the caring one.

"I am here to get my little brother and then we are leaving." With that said Dave, Quinn and Brittany try to go into the hallway that leads to the stairs but was blocked by my confused father Marcus.

"What's going on here? Why are Quinn, Brittany and some guy here?" My dad asked walking into the living room to Noah, Santana and I standing there.

"They are here for Nathaniel and they are leaving." My daddy told my dad.

"Nathaniel isn't going anywhere. You might as well leave." I laugh a little and put my head down for a bit before I got my gun out and pointed it at them.

"No, you're wrong, you see my brother is leaving with us tonight. There's nothing you can do about it." I tell them.

"Oh, please like that's even a real gun. You hated playing with water guns." My daddy said.

"How would know my grandmother raised me, while you guys were off months, years at a time. Do you know how fucked up it is to literally not be wanted?" I said.

"Baby girl we do want you, Antonio forced to leave." I shake my head no.

"When I was 5 wondering where my fathers went, Antonio wasn't there. When I was 7 years old and won my first singing competition, my grandmother was there not you guys." I said.

"We have businesses to run. It wasn't personal sweetie, we had to do these things to provide for you."

"Pop-Pop was in the Army up until he was killed when I was 11 and he even wrote to me. I received a letter from my grandfather who was again in the fucking Army getting shot at every damn day. I received a letter every Friday. Asking me how my life was going, asking me about the difficult test I had that week, asking me was ready for middle school. Giving me tips and advice. He sent grandmother $100.00 for my school clothes when he called every Sunday at 7:30 pm our time, she told him we got the school clothes, but it will towards my book supplies. Every day I waited for a letter from you, a call, an email and never got one!" I told them.

"I'm sorry we have been horrible parents, that much that is true, but what makes you think you can come into my house and steal my son." My dad said getting angry. Which in turn got me upset because it's like he didn't care.

"So, everything that I just said meant nothing to you?" I asked.

"Listen you guys have these toy guns trying to play a grown-up game and it ends now! I am happy to see you, but you will NOT BE GOING ANYWHERE WITH MY FUCKING SON AND THAT'S OWN MY LIFE!" My dad said.

"THAT'S A LIFE THAT CAN BE EASILY BE TAKEN! WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE HOW MY REAL MY GUN IS?" I clocked it back and shot the glass on the table to the left.

"Quinn, Dave and Brittany go do as your told."

"Right away!" Quinn said as they head to the hallway when a large man stops them.

"You aren't going upstairs." Dave shots the guy in the leg, he falls to the floor. They rush upstairs and locate my brother's room and gets to work. Meanwhile with us downstairs we are still at a standstill.

"I don't want to kill you, please don't me." I tell them.

"You going to have too, that is the only way you are taking my son." My father said, I turn to Santana and ask,

"Can you ask for permission to kill?" Santana stepped outside and saw Mike holding his stomach.

~ Santana P.O.V ~

I go outside to make a call to my dad when I see Mike holding his stomach. He's been shot.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"There are 3 men that approach the house, one went to the back, the that one shot me and another man. The two men sneaked in the house. They work for your Rachel's dads. I'm guessing they sensed something was up and hired guards." Mike said.

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked.

"Yeah it just stings a lot but without this bulletproof vest I would be dead now." I'm happy Rachel packed and made all of put on them on. All but John. Suddenly Rachel comes outside and sees Mike.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" Rachel asks.

"Yeah, I'm good no worries. Thanks for the vest. I would be dead right now.

"You're welcome did you make the call Santana?" I call my dad and he doesn't pick up.

"Damnit voice mail." I hang up my phone and Rachel and I hear some commotion.

"Stay here, with Mike can help him up." Rachel told me.

"Okay stay out here." Rachel runs back inside.

~ Rachels P.O.V ~

I run back into the house and Noah on the ground and my fathers are gone. I rush over to Noah.

"What happened?" I asked.

"When you left to check on Santana, they rushed me and knocked me down and took my gun. I'm sorry."

"I'm going to go get the car and take it to the hiding place, you guys okay until I get back."

"Yeah just hurry, you got your gun." Noah nodded his head yes and with that said he rushed out the house to the stash out a mile up the road that, Tony had one of his people hide for us.

"The girls should be gone by now." I said to no one as I walked in hall there's a guy shot on in his leg. I go past him and he grabs my leg and pulls me back, I try and get loose, but he stabs me in my side with a knife, I manage to get my gun out and shoot him 3 times before he can stab me again. He's dead. I go upstairs and see Quinn has my brother in her arms, Dave is on the floor being held at gun point with a guy that is choking Brittany with a gun to her head and shouting for Quinn to let go of Nathaniel or Brittany will die. I get a clear shot and shoot the guy in the head. I hear my brother screaming.

"It's okay I'm your sister Rachel, these are my friends Quinn and Brittany, okay and we are going to keep your safe okay. Trust me, sweetie, everyone will be okay."

"Okay." My brother said.

"Go now Quinn, I'll stay here with Britt." Quinn took off running with my brother. I look at Britt.

"Are you okay?" I ask Brittany and Dave.

"Yes this vest is a life saver, we walked and Quinn grabbed Nathaniel and I was shot in stomach and dragged in the room and was held there as he had Brittany by the throat with a gun to her head."

"Yes, it just hard to breathe." In walks Santana.

"Where is John have you heard from him?"

"He's dead Rachel. He didn't want to wear the vest remember, so when the guy came around back in the guy shot him, but he managed to kill one guy, before he died."

"Damn okay, I killed the guy in the hall and this guy here."

"So how is Mike?"

"He's okay he called my dad and my dad sent my auntie. She was already here; in case she was needed." Santana says and then runs out the room and down the stairs. Confused Beth and I look at each other. Beth sees the blood on my shirt.

"You're hurt." I almost forgot I got stabbed to myself.

"I'm okay let's go." I pretended that I was okay, but I have to be strong right now. My dads are still missing. I hear shots being fired, Beth and I rush outside to see Santana pulling my brother from a flaming car and runs towards us as the car explodes. Quinn rushes out of the house.

"What happened Q I thought you were gone." I asked.

"I was downstairs on my way of the door when I got hit with something in my face, with my blurred version. I saw that it was your dad that hit me, and your other dad took your brother and ran."

"That's what I heard upstairs and that's why I ran down here I saw your dad putting your brother in the car, the car started up and I shot at what I thought was the tires and it was actually the gas tank area. Anyway, the car was smoking, and I saw flames and I rushed to get your brother out that God he wasn't fastened in. I got him and ran that's when the car blew up with your dad inside. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to kill him."

"It's okay we killed someone or shot someone today. Isa and Beth go on and get to the jet." Quinn and Brittany took my brother and got into the hidden car behind the house. They took off and when they did, something unthinkable happened.

"NOOO EDWARD! YOU BITCH, YOU STOLE EVERYTHING FROM ME!" My dad says as he points the gun at Santana's head.

"No, we didn't..." I begin to say but is cut off by my dad continuing to yell.


"Dad let her go, no one made you borrow money for Tony, that was you, you didn't pay him back, you got me taken, you got my daddy killed!" My dad looked at me with wide eyes.

"I did not kill my husband, this bitch did and now she will join him!" He was seconds from pulling the trigger when a gunshot sounded, and my dad drops to his knees and falls over dead. Both of my dads are dead. This mission went south quick. Noah rushes over to us.

"Where have you been? Q and Britt left already, so I know you delivered the car already." I asked Noah picking up my gun.

"Mike, Dave and I were helping my auntie with the dead bodies. John, and the 3 guards. I heard shouting and ran toward it and saw your dad with a gun pointed at my cousin's head, so yeah I took the shot and I'm not sorry about it."

"You get knocked out; I get stabbed and..." Suddenly I feel light-headed and faint on the ground everything goes black.

~ 2 Days Later ~

~ Santana's P.O.V ~

It's been 2 for damn days since the Spain mission. My dad killed his informant thinking he set us up. He should have known that Rachel's dad's had security. My dad was pissed because he thought it would be a simple mission. He feels guilty that Rachel got stabbed. He feels if he knew the right fucking information, he and his boys would have taken the mission and gave us something else. But he was proud that Rachel and I led our first team through a mission that was most likely a setup and emerged victoriously. It was hard. We got to the jet with 2 minutes left. Quinn was so happy until she saw a passed-out Rachel and got scared. But my auntie gave Rachel a sedative and she slept all the way home, my auntie cleaned the blood and stitched her up, I'm just glad she okay, my auntie said she would be very tired when she wakes. She woke up later the first night as if she had a nightmare. My auntie who has been staying with us to keep an eye on Rachel. Has been giving Rachel things for her nightmares. It's been 2 days; I hope that things change and get better. I miss my happy girlfriend.

"How is she?" I look up and I see my auntie come into the room.

"She's fine just sleeping. She got up earlier today and used the bathroom, but other than that she just been so tired. I know you would be, but I miss her." I know that she's right here next to me and not one of the family members that we lost in Spain. But I still feel like she still isn't here.

"You are just emotionally missing her, but she is right here. Now you must remember that pain and guilt last forever. Rachel and her brother Nathaniel lost their parents two days ago. Nathaniel doesn't understand why he can't talk to his sister, why is always sleeping. That's getting him sad. Your father, my brother has never, and I mean felt guilty about anything that has to with this family. If one of us were hurt, I would say it's a part of the job to get over. We are assassins and pain, getting shot, stabbed, beat up is a part of the job. But this was yours and Rachel's very first mission together and Rachel's first mission ever. Rachel made the perfect plan, and everything should have gone by that plan, but to walk in with unknown guards, your fathers being overly angry and ready to die and not chilling getting ready for bed. It's like they knew what going to happen and they prepared for it. Because how do 3 men suddenly show at someone's house at 11 something at night.

That doesn't happen. He feels like he walked you guys into an ambush, that almost got you killed, that got Rachel stabbed, Quinn with a broken nose, John is dead, Mike is hurt because John and Mike came in together much like Quinn and Brittany. Mike lost his best friend. We have a scared and confused 6 years old. So yeah, he killed his informant because he should have known about the guards or he gave them a tip. Either that betrays the family and he paid for with his life. There is a lot happening just be there for Rachel and father." My auntie tells me after she checks on Rachel and makes sure that her breathing is okay that she's not having a nightmare.

"Okay, I'll be patient. How is my dad doing?"

"He's doing better. We went to the shooting range this morning, so that's good because for the first two days he couldn't leave the house. I never seen him like that. It's like he almost lost you and Rachel, and he blames himself. But he up and moving around and going places so just have to take one day at a time."

"Okay. How is Nathaniel?"

"He's okay he still wants to talk to Rachel, but he's okay. I put a PS4 in his room with all the new games, I got him PS4 VR set, an iPad with Netflix, YouTube Kids, Hulu and Disney Plus. Plus, he has a mini fridge with fruit, waters and apple and orange juice so he's fine. Just been playing his game. He would let me when he's hungry and sleepy and wants a bedtime story. Other than that, he's doing just fine."

"What a lucky 6-year-old."

"I know right."

"We are going to do about school and stuff. He has to go?"

"I know I'm working on getting the papers done. Nathaniel and Rachel are now orphans. However, Rachel is now 18 years old as of 3 weeks ago, meaning that she can take care of her brother. I'm going to make her the legal guardian of her brother, so he won't get taken away by the state. We aren't related so he would go into foster care until one of us legally adopt him. So, it's far simpler this way. So, he will be homeschooled, and we will hire a therapist, a tutor, a personal trainer to help him stay active, sort of like PE."

"Okay that's good and he will go to New York with us."

"Yes, he will."

"No, he doesn't know about what we do does he?"

"No, he just knows that a bad man tried to hurt his sister and her friends that's all and that his parents passed away."

"I get it now that's why you got the therapist for him."

"Yeah, okay well it's 5:00 pm and I'm going to start on dinner." With that said my auntie left the room and I cannot help but think we have one more big mission, and that's killing Finn and Kurt. That is something that I have been waiting for to honest. I cannot wait to get rid of them, graduate, marry Rachel and move the hell away from Portland.