Chapter 1

Queen Clarion shivered as she glided down the long hallway into the heart of the Pixie Dust Tree for her weekly meeting with the Seasonal Ministers and guild supervisors. She struggled to ignore the deep discomfort that filled her but the constant tingle along her wings was unmistakable, an incongruous combination of burning and coldness.

"Is everything all right, Your Majesty?" She was instantly surrounded by her courtiers, their faces drawn with concern. "You're not ill, are you?"

Clarion forced a smile and, without glancing back, knew her wings held an unnatural gleam. "No, but thank you. I'll be fine."

It was a lie. That sensation meant only one thing and it was bad. Very bad. But the last thing she wanted was to worry her staff.

She took a deep breath to compose herself and, lifting her head higher, glided into the Meeting Chamber.

"But why wouldn't it work?" chimed Zarina's eager voice as Clarion entered. Since Zarina was, so far, Pixie Hollow's only Alchemist talent and therefore technically its leader, she was permitted to attend these meetings. She usually dominated them with her constant questions and new ideas, which Clarion found admirable. But Zarina tended to annoy the more hidebound Ministers and supervisors. "A lot of the Winter fairies are eager to see what the Mainland is like in summer. They can go to Fairy Camp and even experiment with Warm talents. Periwinkle wants to try out garden, while Spike and Gliss—"

Zarina instantly quieted. All eyes turned toward Clarion.

"We apologize for starting without you, Your Majesty," Hyacinth, the Minister of Spring said with a bow, "but Zarina here has some ideas about talent exchange that just couldn't wait."

Warmth filled Clarion as she gazed down at Zarina, who stood between Fairy Gary and Fairy Mary, her eyes sparkling with eagerness. Since her return to Pixie Hollow, she had created healing dusts as well as some that enabled the Warm and Winter fairies to visit one another's worlds without harm. Rumor even had it she was working on a cure for broken wings.

Although Clarion longed for Zarina to succeed, doubt overpowered her strong desire. She refused to reveal this to Lord Milori just yet since she didn't wish to raise his hopes unnecessarily. In all of Pixie Hollow's countless years, the only cure for broken wings was reserved for those fairies fortunate enough to have Arrived with a twin.

Clarion briefly mulled this over. Was "fortunate" the correct word? It certainly was for Tinker Bell and Periwinkle, but not always...

The uncomfortable feeling pulsed through Clarion's wings yet again. She cleared her throat and faced the Council.

"I'm afraid it's my turn to apologize. Something urgent has come up and I must cancel today's meeting." She struggled to ignore the disappointed expression on Zarina's face. Fairy Gary placed a comforting hand on the younger fairy's shoulder. "We will discuss talent exchange at a later time. I'm sorry. You are all dismissed, except for Lord Milori and Fairy Mary."

Puzzled mumblings hummed through the group as they filed out.

"Don't worry, Zarina," Gary murmured as they left the chamber. "You'll get your chance at the next meeting. Queen Clarion always keeps her word."

Milori hurried to Clarion's side once the chamber was empty, his brown eyes filled with concern. "You're shivering." Clarion gulped back a sigh as he pulled her into his muscular arms. "And your wings. The last time I saw them sparkle like that was…" His voice trailed off as if he couldn't continue.

She peered back. They glittered more intensely than ever, like fire sparks instead of pixie dust.

"It's her." Mary's voice was tinged with a mixture of fear and rage. "After all these years, she's returned, hasn't she?"

Still clutched in Milori's embrace, Clarion forced herself to nod. "I'm afraid so. There's no other explanation. I felt her presence since early this morning."

"Oh, what could she possibly want?" Mary tugged at her fingers.

"I wish I knew." Clarion reluctantly drifted away from Milori and glided toward the nearest window, which had a view of Spring Valley. Fairies and sparrow men fluttered about, tending to their talents: garden fairies painted flowers while animal talents herded butterflies, and water fairies decorated everything with glinting dewdrops. Pixie Hollow looked peaceful, running exactly as it should. She sighed, momentarily relieved. But how long would that last?

"No trouble yet," Clarion said, more to herself than the others. She glanced back at her wings, still harshly glinting like embers. "It's been such a long time. Perhaps she's changed."

"Not bloody likely." Mary crossed her arms and scowled. "Sunfrost has been cruel since the day she Arrived. Even after all this time, I still can't believe you two are sisters."

Clarion's chest tightened. Only the very oldest fairies and sparrow men knew she had a twin. Sunfrost had fled Pixie Hollow in a bitter rage ages ago, on the day of Clarion's coronation. Since Sunfrost was the only fairy to Arrive on the border between the Winter and Warm seasons, she was a combination of both and possessed two talents, frost and light. Because of this, she felt she was special and therefore destined to become the rightful ruler of Pixie Hollow, not Clarion.

Clarion turned to Milori but couldn't meet his eyes. Although the couple had never revealed this to anyone who didn't already know, Sunfrost was the one responsible for his broken wing.

"Queen Clarion!" Cinda, one of Clarion's personal attendants, burst into the room, her eyes wild. "I'm sorry to disturb you but a strange fairy is demanding to see you. She looks to be half Winter and half Warm and insists she's your sister."

Clarion tensed. She raised her head and straightened her shoulders in an effort not to show how nervous she was. She first had to find out what Sunfrost wanted even though she suspected it was bad. Determination to protect Pixie Hollow at all costs burned within her.

"Thank you, Cinda." Her voice sounded much calmer than she felt. "Please send her in."