Inside of the ancient tool closet, the muscular form of a man lay sprawled face down on the hay covered ground. At first glance, the man appeared dead, but he was in fact alive. Injured, but alive. The blood around the gash on the side of Ali's clean shaven head,had begun to congeal. It was quite a wonder that he had not died from the heavy blows inflicted upon him earlier that afternoon. Ali remembered opening his eyes at one point, after being struck with the heavy pipe wrench. He also could recall hearing the voice of a male, calling out to someone. Then Ali had lost consciousness again.

Ali clearly remembered the man who had attacked him, and murdered his girlfriend of five years named Fox, along with his fellow comrade, Loco. He planned on avenging the both of them after he had regained his strength back. Fox's death angered Ali more than anything. In four months, he had planned on surprising Fox by asking her to marry him. He blamed himself for the loss of his gang. The two would still be alive if only Ali had agreed to just let those kids go. He realized that beating himself up over their deaths wouldn't help matters, and all that Ali could do now, was go after their killer.

Now, Ali rested inside of the dusty closet, in great pain, slowly regaining consciousness once again. He opened his eyes. It was dark, but a dim light shone in at the bottom of the tool closet door. Carefully, Ali pushed himself up from the ground, hay and straw on his bloody jeans. He needed to get to a doctor, although important matters had to be dealt with first. After, he killed the man who slaughtered his companions.

How long he had been in the barn, Ali did not know,but he could sense that night had fallen. He stood up carefully, leaning against a dusty wall , realizing that he wasn't as injured as Ali thought he was. But was he prepared to do battle with that hulking murderer? Ali honestly didn't care. All he wanted to do was take off the man's head.

As Ali prepared himself to exit the closet, a series of hysterical, terrified screams pierced his ears. The screams clearly belonged to a woman. A woman in great peril. Ali wasted no more time and rushed out into the barn to see the hulking man standing there, with his back to Ali. In the killer's raised hand, was a large machete. The maniac was preparing to slaughter an attractive young woman wearing a blue sweater. To Ali, she looked as if she had been through quite an ordeal. Her long disheveled hair shook around her shoulders. A fresh abrasion decorated her right cheek. There was hay and some dirt on her clothing. She cringed on the ground near another open tool closet, as her screams continued.

Ali rushed toward Jason, who still had no idea that the biker was behind him. A jumble of thoughts went through Ali's mind quickly. "How many people has this man killed? Why is he killing? Need to stop this crazy fool!"

Ali grabbed Jason from behind just as he was about to slash at the woman, forcing him around until the two were face to face. On the man's face now rested a hockey mask, to conceal his gruesome features. Ali could see the eyes behind the mask. They seemed to light up with fury. Ali felt a tinge of fear from those eyes, suddenly becoming distracted by their intensity, but the biker continued to stand his ground.

The big machete sliced through the air. Ali failed to react quickly enough and cried out in utter pain as his right hand was completely severed. He knew that this was it, as Jason stabbed him in the side, spilling more blood. Ali dropped down to the ground of the barn, thinking to himself about how badly he had screwed up. At the same time, he also hoped to himself, even while getting chopped up by Jason Voorhees, that the woman wearing the blue sweater would use this opportunity to either escape or kill him while distracted. Ali hoped for the latter.