My Youth is Yours

He let his locker swing open lazily and sighed. If only the day would be over. Or at least for gym to end. He placed his books on the shelf he had and grabbed his gym bag before closing the locker and walking down the hall. As much as he wanted to dawdle, he knew better. The teacher had it out for him, and any other student who wasn't a part of a team. If he was late, there was no telling what he would make Sherlock do. Last time, it was a set of push ups. He was barely able to do it.

Sherlock arrived at the boys locker room, walked in, kept his head down, and opened his gym locker. He dropped his bag on the bench behind him and pulled his shirt off before folding it and setting it on the shelf in his locker. He pulled out the grey pullover that had been given to him at the beginning of the school year. It was the same as all the others, except this one was almost too large and almost hung off his thin frame. But he was too tall for any other size. HE quicky pulled on the matching grey sweatpants and pulled out his tenishoes.

Sherlock was sitting on the bench and lacing up his sneakers when he heard a familiar voice and many of the boys shouted in greeting thir friend. Sherlock looked up, pausing, and looked over his shoulder. It was John. He was smiling and laughing with his mates as he walked down the aisle to his locker. Sherlock watched him as he passed, and John looked at him with a kind smile and nodded in greeting before passing him and going to his own locker.

Sherlock rested his cheek on his bony knee as he continued tying his shoes. John was a kind boy, a hard working student, and a star athlete on the rugby team. Everyone loved him and wanted his attention. From what Sherlock could tell, John didn't let that affect him. It almost seemed like John went out of his way to be kind to everyone.

Sherlock had finished tying his shoes and stood, making his way to the exit so he could go stretch in the gym. It was the day before a rugby game, so the teacher, who was also the coach, would be running scrimmouge with whatever team members he had this class period, leaving the rest of the students to do as they pleased, as long as it was active. Sherlock may not have been bulky and he didn't have a lot of upper body strength, but he could run. He planned on running around the track. Just as he reached the door, he heard a quite insult.

"Freak." They mumbled under their breath to their pals. Sherlock's shoulders tensed and he could feel everyone staring at him. He pushed the door open anyway and walked out.

John watched him go, a concerned look on his face. He glared at the kid and tossed his towel at the kid's head.

"The hell was that for?" John asked the kid. He didn't know the kid. He kid was in the year below him. He took the towel off his face, looking at john.

"That kid's a queer." The boy said, shrugging.

"Yeah?" John asked. "Don't see how that's any of your concern."

"What's your problem?" The kid accused. "Mad I'm picking on your boyfriend?" He asked, standing.

"He's not my boyfriend." John stated, "but that doesn't mean I'm going to just sit by and let you give him shit." John said as he stepped towards the underclassman.

"John, let it go," One of his friends said, grabbing his arm. "He was just messing around." John backed off and went back to his locker.

"He's a right prick." John said under his breath.

This is a story inspired by the music video Youth by troye Sivan. Wanted to write a higschool au. Lemme know what you think. Just a heads up for my fellow lgbt people, some bullying will be involved, as you can tell.