A/N: Yup. *points*

Chapter 10

The early morning departure from the ranch along with the added emotions of knowing what they were going home to played heavily on the family as the jet lifted off from Sacramento and their sleep the night before. Jack slept half the night with his parents. Aaron stretched out his long legs in the extra space of their usual first row coach seats and pulled Cait into one arm and Jack into the other. Mike, with his cochlear implants in Cait's purse on the top that didn't work well with jet noise, was already conked out. Matt pointed at him to Lauren. "Mom always says with them out he can sleep standing up." Lauren smiled. Matt pulled her into his arm to join the rest of the sleeping family.

The layover in Denver provide Mike and Jack a chance to expend some energy. They quickly found the video game lounge. Aaron, Cait, Matt and Lauren enjoyed a beer in one of the airport's lounges. They all met up a bit later to have some lunch together at McDonald's.

Like years past, Pete had dropped off Cait's vehicle at the Huntington Metro Station for the family to get home using the Metro from Reagan National Airport. Jack was sitting on Mike's lap as they drove home, wrapped in with him in the seatbelt. Aaron made the turn off Deer Valley Road into the driveway. Jack looked at Mike, shook his head and put it on Mike's shoulder. Mike pulled him closer. Lauren smiled at Jack, rubbing his chest. Aaron pushed the button to open the garage door.

Getting out in the garage, the boys and Aaron moved to the back to get their luggage. Lauren joined them to help with the backpacks and carry-on luggage. Cait dug out the keys from the bottom of her purse and unlocked the door. She entered and quickly shut down the alarm. The rest entered with the luggage as Cait put her purse on the kitchen island and looked around, shaking her head.

Jack shook his head at Aaron with tears already forming. Aaron rubbed his back. He looked at the rest. "Leave the luggage here for now," he said, "and follow mom." Matt and Mike looked at each other with a shrug and did what he asked. Lauren put Cait's backpack and carry-on on the island. Cait moved to the French doors and snapped on the light that illuminated the patio area and opened one door. All three boys looked at Aaron. He just pointed at Cait, getting them going.

At the doors, the boys all paused. Aaron allowed them the time to honor the area. Jack wiped away a tear. Matt pulled him into his strong arms. They all walked out the door. "Wow, that's new," Matt said. The fence around the pool was gone. It was replaced with a beautiful wooden fence that went around the whole backyard.

They looked to see Cait wiping a tear in the area where Beans and Mudgie always snoozed in the shade while the family enjoyed the pool. Jack buried his head into Matt's neck putting his arms around him. The rest noticed two large clear glass vases filled with fresh flowers in the area. There were two red roses lying on the apron. Aaron quickly moved around the boys and put his arm around Cait. He looked and kissed her, pulling her closer. He wiped away his own tear and then one of Cait's.

Matt rubbed Jack's back. "Bro; look." Jack did and Matt set him down on his feet. Jack walked up to Cait. She pulled Jack close to her and Aaron. Aaron surrounded them both in his arms. Matt, Lauren and Mike joined them.

Matt looked at Aaron. "Be honest with us dad." Aaron looked at him. Matt pointed at Cait. "Mom and Uncle Dave did their thing."

Aaron smiled wiping away one of Jack's tears. "You doubt that son," he smiled.

There was a beautiful cement maker embedded in the pool apron. Cait rubbed Jack's arm. "Read it Jack." Jack looked, wiped a tear from each eye and read.

This is the favorite spot where two beloved pets took their afternoon naps

while their family enjoyed the pool.

Even napping, they were always on duty to protect their family.

Mudgie 2002 Beans 2005

A father and daughter that lived together in life.

And crossed over the rainbow bridge of pets June 29, 2016.


Jack buried his head into Cait's stomach. Cait wiped her tears as she kissed his head. Aaron wiped his own and lifted Jack into his arms as Jack started to cry, pulling Cait to him that cried as well. The boys and Lauren cried together.

The tears finally shed, Cait pulled out the card in the first vase of flowers, wiping away a stray tear. Aaron rubbed her back. She smiled. "Of course they're from Lisa and Jamaal," she smiled.

Aaron set Jack down on his feet and pulled the card from the second. He read it out loud. "Your BAU family," he smiled. Jack smiled, wiping away tears.

Cait rubbed Lauren's back. "Let's get them inside before the heat tomorrow kills them." Lauren smiled, grabbing the first vase. Cait grabbed the second.

Jack looked at his dad. "What about the roses," he sniffled with Aaron holding him close. He wiped away another tear.

"I think Uncle Dave wants them there," Aaron smiled, rubbing Jack's back.

Matt pointed at the headstone. "You said one of the Marshall's sisters was a vet. She cremated them both?" Aaron nodded. "They're buried there?" Aaron nodded with a smile at his son. He looked at Cait and Aaron. "Thank you." Lauren hugged Mike with her free arm, holding the vase of flowers.

"They'll always be home," Jack smiled.

The family enjoyed a movie and a late night delivery from Sal's Pizza.

The next morning, Cait and Aaron let the getting back on east coast time mantra go. The family had a long day and spent too much emotion. They slept in, letting the rest restore their bodies and souls. Around nine-thirty, Jack crawled in their bed and huddled up next to Cait. She kissed his head as Aaron rubbed his chest. "Wait for it," he said. His stomach strongly growled.

Cait kissed him again with a laugh. "Gee, another news flash." Jack laughed as well. Aaron kissed Cait. She understood his message. We start to heal.

By eleven that morning, everyone was finishing cleaning up the kitchen from Cait's late breakfast. Dave opened the French door, sauntered in as usual and smiled at them. "Welcome home."

"Uncle Dave," Jack shouted and sped around the kitchen counter. He took one look and froze in his tracks.

Aaron followed Jack out and looked at Dave. "You adopted Max," he smiled. "For John, your hunting buddy that recently passed away." Dave nodded. "Good for you Dave," Aaron smiled.

"I need a hunting partner," he smiled.

Max, a big black lab, rose to his feet, wagging his tail at Aaron. Cait came around the counter as well. Aaron rubbed down the big lab. Cait smiled at Dave. "You've got a wonderful partner," she said rubbing down Max after kissing Dave.

Dave smiled. "John's ex-wife wanted no part of him. And I couldn't stand to see Max put in a shelter. Plus, I know how well he works in the water." The other three moved to join them with Jack quietly moving up.

Jack looked at the small yellow lab that was on the leash in Dave's left hand. Cait hugged Dave and rubbed Max behind his ear. Max nearly moaned from the love. Cait winked at Dave and looked at the anxious puppy on her feet wanting her own loves. Cait picked her up, releasing the leash. "My god, you're right. She's so small for eleven weeks."

"She's the runt of twelve pups," Dave smiled, rubbing Cait's shoulder as she held the pup close to her. Jack made a few tentative steps towards his parents. "She'll never be a hunting dog. Hell, she's lucky she survived at all, being that small."

Mike took the pup out of Cait's arms. The pup licked his face. Mike put his arm around Cait. "You need this mom."

"So you don't think it's too soon," Cait asked. Matt and Mike just shook their heads with a smile.

"They're both descendants of Mudgie," Dave smiled. "We had to move or they'd be gone in a month."

Jack walked up and rubbed Max's neck. "Hi you," he smiled. Max let out a deep bark with a tail wag back at him. Jack petted him more. Max nuzzled up to him. Jack pulled him close. Max licked his face.

Matt took the puppy from Mike. "Hi girl," he smiled, pulling her to his chest. He looked at Cait. "I agree with Mike; you need her mom," he smiled.

Cait looked at them. "Well that involves some buy in from you three. I work on Tuesday and Thursday's now. I'll do the tough love house-breaking. But I expect some back-up this time."

"I'm in," Mike smiled, petting the pup, now in Lauren's arms.

"Me too mom," Matt beamed. He looked at Cait. "Promise mom." Cait rubbed his arm with her huge smile.

Jack looked at Lauren. "Can I hold her," he whispered. Lauren smiled at Jack and handed the puppy to Jack. Aaron rubbed Cait's back.

Dave rubbed Jack's shoulder and knelt down to look him in the eye as Max made the rounds with the rest of the family getting lots of love. "Champino, I know how much you miss Beans. I do too."

"And Mudgie," Jack said.

"And Mudgie," Dave smiled. "But your mom needs someone to hold down the fort with her when the team is out."

Jack looked at him. "Uncle Dave, Beans and Mudgie, like mommy, will forever be in my heart." He patted his chest. Cait moved to Dave to rub his shoulder, winking at him. "I'll love them all forever. But our family didn't shrink. It's growing more," he smiled. "With Lauren and with them," he nodded at the two dogs. He looked Dave square in the eye. "I know mom needs her." He smiled at Dave. "And Max." Jack looked at Cait. "I'll help too mom." He paused and looked at the puppy again. "She's really pretty mom," he smiled, hugging the pup. Dave stood up and smiled at Cait. The puppy licked his ear in response. Jack giggled. He looked at Cait. "So what's her name mom," he smiled.

"Peanut," Matt smiled.

"Lucky," Mike suggested.

"Hope," Lauren added.

Cait looked at Dave, putting her arm around him. "What's the Italian word for beautiful," she smiled.

"Bella," Dave smiled back.

Aaron took the puppy out of Jack's arms and rubbed her neck in his gentle arms and kissed Cait's cheek. "Welcome home Bella," he smiled, petting their new family member.


A/N: And so a family grows. You wonderful readers of mine should know by now there is significance to every title of these Family stories. Each title is not random or a whim. I think long and hard before I choose them.

Thank you all for taking this roller coaster ride of emotions with me. I make no apologies. I felt I had to do what I did to grow as a writer by challenging myself with my favorite storyline. But I'll be honest. I shed as many tears writing this one as y'all did reading it. It was a tough journey.

Once again, the following and favorite alerts are truly appreciated. The reviews mean the world to me. They are feedback a writer needs to hear.

And to those of you that just took the time to read; thank you so much. I appreciate that gift as well. It is a gift of your time that each and every one of you took out of your busy day that I truly understand. That's why I appreciate it so much. Thank you all.

*Knightly bow*