Stand by Me by Fullmetal Pyromaniac

Chapter one:

Elizabeth Lyones walked into the large white building that was the Britannia hospital and respite centre. It wasn't busy, there were plenty of empty plastic chairs. A light blue rug covered the floor and a woman sat at the reception desk typing on her computer. Elizabeth hoisted the rucksack higher up on her back and smoothed down her black skirt.

Her eldest sister, Margaret, noticed her actions as a sign of nervousness and gently placed a warm hand on her shoulder.

"It'll be okay, I can promise you that" she said gently.

Elizabeth nodded and went up to the reception desk, trying to ignore the aching in her legs and trying not to noticeably stumble.

"Excuse me?" Elizabeth said as she was joined by her two sisters.

"I'm Elizabeth Lyones, I've been told that I need to stay under surveillance in the hospice" The woman didn't look up, she just typed something into the computer.

"You've just turned fifteen, correct?" The monotonous receptionist asked and Elizabeth nodded.


"Your family is Margaret, Veronica and Baltra Lyones, your mother is deceased correct?"

"Yes" she mumbled awkwardly, not used to having her personal life barked at her. The receptionist typed something into the computer and picked up a sleek black phone.

She mumbled something into the phone, then seemed to have a full out gossip with the other person on the line. She finally noticed Elizabeth who was patiently waiting and muttered a good bye. The receptionist put down the phone and gave a tight lipped smile,

"Just go have a seat and Nurse Merlin will call for you when she arrives"

The three sisters sat on the plastic chairs, Elizabeth gave a sigh of relief at finally getting off her poor tired legs. Her other sister Veronica saw her relief but stuck her nose in the air and ignored it.

A few minutes passed and then Elizabeth noticed a young raven haired woman with a wheel chair walk into the waiting area.

"Elizabeth Lyones?" She said loudly and Elizabeth raised her hand. Merlin began pushing the wheelchair over when Veronica pulled Elizabeth up and dragged her to the chair.

"Excuse me, but my Ellie doesn't need a wheelchair, she can manage just fine on her own"

Elizabeth winced and tried not to wobble, Merlin smiled though it was clear she didn't mean it,

"I assume you're Elizabeth's sister. I respect your wishes, however on Elizabeth's file it said 'sometimes unable to walk' and I saw her stumble over here. So, Elizabeth would you like to give your legs a break and take the wheelchair?"

Deciding that the strong aching in her legs was more of a problem than her slightly annoyed sister, Elizabeth nodded tiredly.

"Yes..." Elizabeth said and Melin smiled again, this time it was more sincere. Elizabeth took off her bag and placed it on the handle of the chair. When she sat down Elizabeth breathed out and leant back.

The journey to her room was uneventful, she could hear her sisters arguing slightly down the corridor but chose to ignore it. Merlin wheeled her into a clean white room. There was a hospital bed and two tables, a TV and a bookshelf. A large window with white curtains paralleled with one facing the corridor.

Veronica and Margaret appeared a few minutes later after Merlin had gotten Elizabeth out of her skirt and top and into a white nightgown. Elizabeth lay on her bed, her silver hair falling over her right eye and down her back.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth," Margaret said, "We promised Father that when you were settled in we'd head home, we'll be back tomorrow and I'll bring Gil"

Elizabeth smiled and nodded,

"Okay, I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Give Father my love"

Margaret and Veronica each placed a kiss on their sisters forehead and then left. Merlin came in a few seconds later.

"So, How are you Elizabeth?" She asked, Elizabeth smiled and clasped her hands together.

"My legs are a little sore but I'm okay otherwise, I'm not too sure why I'm in here. How are you Miss Merlin?"

The older woman placed a hand over her heart and gave a warm smile.

"Oh, you're so cute! Just call me Merlin" She squeaked whilst pinching Elizabeth's cheeks softly, "You're just in to do tests and so we can keep an eye on your illness. I doubt you'll be in longer than a few months at the least"

Elizabeth nodded and Merlin wrote a few things down on her clipboard.

"Well, that's all for now. If you need anything just press the buzzer and I'll be right along" and she turned to leave, before she did, Merlin paused in the doorway.

"Oh, I meant to tell you. I've got a few more patients, there's one a next door. I mentioned that I had a new patient and he was very intent on meeting you, so don't be alarmed if he pops over later" And the woman was gone leaving Elizabeth all alone.


Elizabeth was sitting on her bed, reading the latest book in her favourite series. She had been alone for at least an hour now, the sun was low in the now orange sky and the trees outside swayed gently. The mysterious person still hadn't appeared.

Sighing, Elizabeth closed her book and placed it on her bedside table, she stared out the window and thought about the days events. Veronica had been like that ever since Elizabeth had found out about her illness, she there was something that she didn't know. That was being kept secret.

Leting out another sigh, Elizabeth leant against the headboard of her bed and gazed at the outside world. It seemed so far away from her hospital room, even outside of it she was alone.

After being diagnosed, school was a drag. She was in and out of hospital so often that there was no point in going to school so her father got her a tutor and she wondered if that would stop since she was admitted to hospital.

She never really had any friends. There was Margaret's boyfriend, Gilthunder and Veronica's 'friend' Griamore, but they had never been anything else but like elder brothers to Elizabeth.

She pulled out her bag from under her bed and took out her phone. Elizabeth sent a quick text to her father and Margaret then put it in the drawer of her bedside table. She then picked up her book and began reading again.

When Elizabeth was about half way through the book, there was a knock at her bedroom door. Elizabeth turned her head to see who it was.

A boy that looked no older than she was stood in the doorway, he had messy blonde hair and wide green eyes. He couldn't have been any taller than Elizabeth was and he wore a white pyjama shirt with black pyjama bottoms. She couldn't lie, he was attractive.

The two stared at each other for a minute, both wide eyed. The boy lifted a hand and started walking towards her, taking a seat in the uncomfortable visitors chair.

"Yo" he said, holding out a hand, "I'm Meliodas, I'm the patient that Merlin mentioned, unless she didn't, in that case I'm your new neighbour. I'm just next door" then he gave a large grin.

Elizabeth shook his hand and returned the smile, "I'm Elizabeth, and yes, Merlin did mention you. I thought you weren't going to show up"

"Nah," he drawled, "I always keep my promises and I promised I'd come meet you. So here I am!"

There was a short silence in which Meliodas shifted slightly in his chair.

"So, since you're new here and your one of Merlins patients, I was wondering if you want to join my club?"

Elizabeth blanched. "Club?"

"Yeah, me and a few other patients started a club a few years back. Back when we were fourteen"

"Back when you were fourteen?" Elizabeth cut in, "how long have you been here?"

Meliodas waved off her question by waving his forefinger I front of her face and giving a sky wink, "Commandment one of the Seven Deadly Sins: Thou shalt not talk about thy ailment whilst in thy club"

"Ah, I'm sorry, that was rude of me" She apologised.

"It's no problem. That's our club. The Seven Deadly Sins, if you want I can take you there tomorrow so you can meet my friends. You'll have to join of course"

Elizabeth nodded eagerly, "I'd love to! I don't really have many friends so it'd be great to make new ones"

Meliodas chuckled and stood up. "I'd better get going, it's late and you're probably tired. I'll come get you tomorrow, is eleven okay?"

"Yes, it's perfect" Margaret said she'd visit at two, she'd be back by then.

"Okay, well goodnight, Elizabeth" and he turned to leave. When he reached the door, Meliodas turned around.

"I'm sixteen, by the way" and he left, closing the door softly behind him. Elizabeth's eyes widened, he had been here for, presumably, over two years. How ill was he?

Elizabeth pushed her rude thoughts to the back of her mind, it wasn't her business to ask. If Meliodas wanted her to know, he'd tell her. For now she should focus on being his friend.

She leant back into her pillow and stared out of her bedroom window, the moon was quietly rising and the stars were coming out. She turned off her bedroom light and closed her eyes. She dreamt of a blonde haired boy.

End of chapter one.