Hi guys! finally I've updated thid story! I would have uploaded sooner but the website's not working properly... I've uploaded on mobile so no idea how it'll end up... a lot of you guys contacted me asking for the status of this story! thanks for that! This is not in the usual quality or the length... I'm getting there!

"You're telling me that Paul is in trouble?" Ash asked worriedly.

"Probably… He is fighting Team Rocket there with a bunch of trainers." Clemont replied worriedly.

"What is he doing? The Champion of the region is under Team Rocket it's no use fighting them" Ash replied but before he finished his sentence he was interrupted by James who seems to have a track of all their conversations.

"So you beat the champion and save the region is what you suggest?" James added walking in front of them.

"And Good Morning to both of you!" He exclaimed cheerfully.

"Oh James, your awake! Well about that, yeah" Ash replied.

"What if there were no Pokémon Championships?" James added.

"You're telling me that these regions will not have a Pokémon championship! That's insane! So the champions can do that?" Ash questioned, he hated a world like that… For obvious reasons that is.

"The governing body was overthrown by Team Rocket" Clemont spoke up.

"Wow I didn't know any of that… Who was the champion in Sinnoh before team rocket?" Ash asked.

"Take a guess"


"Yep" Both Clemont and James exclaimed.

"He was beaten badly… Very Badly" James said in anger

"That Monster didn't even show mercy… H-He killed Electivire in that battle that bastard" Clemont said biting his teeth.

The news hit Ash hard… This can't be it! He never did remember the world being so cruel. All he remembered from all those years ago was happiness and fun. He'd had it enough.

"We have to pay him a visit then" Ash replied.

"It's not easy Ash… Besides the tournament here is almost less than a month ahead, you have to train more and be ready for anything Giovanni throws at you" Clemont says to calm the trainer down.

"He's right Ash we cannot let anger get the best of us, Paul is trying his best we know that. After we finish the work here let's definitely pay him a visit but for time being this is all we can do" James added supporting Clemont.

"Okay… I-I just need some time alone… I'll be at the ranch" Ash left walking fast.

Both Clemont and James were looking at each other not knowing how to react.

"Will he be fine?" Clemont asks James.

"He will be… In fact he's going to bounce back with a plan" James reassured.

Ash starts to run with tears forming in his eyes.

"Why!" He thought.

"Why is this happening? Everyone are in soo much pain! Ritchie, Mom, Serena, Clemont, Paul and all they all have gone through soo much of trouble! If only I was there! If only I could have escaped from that island sooner" Ash stopped running and rubbed his eyes trying to control his tears.

"If only I was stronger"

"You are strong Ash" A familiar voice replied.

Ash looked in the direction of the voice; a familiar purple Pokémon was levitating next to him.

"You were strong enough to come back Ash… You're the only one who can save everyone; you cannot be in despair now" it added.

Ash wiped his tears away and pulled his hat down.

"Thanks Mewtwo" He said walking towards the ranch.

Back at Home*

"Where's Ash?" Serena questioned honey blond researcher.

"Well Ash said he… he wanted to b-be alone" Clemont said rather hesitantly.

"What did you do?" Serena cross questioned him.

"Nothing much Serena, I told him stuff from Sinnoh"

"Did you tell him about Unnova?" She asked.

"Not yet… I don't want him to get mad and go all out, Let him concentrate at the task in hand" Clemont replied.

"Okay I'll let him know" Serena said ignoring Clemont's protests.

At the Ranch*

Ash reached Professor Oak's ranch and jumped on the fence.

He came face to face with Bulbasaur, which was hanging out with Pikachu.

He asked the grass type to assemble everyone at once. For which it obliged and fired a beautiful solar beam into the sky. Soon the ground started shake lightly signing the arrival of his powerful Pokémon.

In a matter of minutes all the Pokémon's arrived and their usual bickering started. Pikachu noticed that Ash was silent, His cap covered his eyes. The worried mouse ran towards him and sat on his shoulder.

"PikaPi Pikachu?"

"It's nothing Pikachu"

"Everyone" Ash said in a commanding voice.

All the Pokémon stopped talking to each other and looked at their Pokémon trainer.

"I know I was not there for several years… I know you all could have been free but all of you waited for me… I-I thank you all" he said with tears falling from his eyes.

Some of his Pokémon were worried, what was wrong with him?

"A-And all of you…" he paused looking at his Pokémon "I need your help"

"We have a mountain to climb, I didn't know that this world is not a place like it's used to be, it's changed a lot… I need your help to make things right by defeating Team Rocket... Can I count on you all?" Ash questioned his Pokémon

Who looked at him like he was crazy! Duh obviously!

"Corphish cor cor Corphish cor cor cor fish Corphish (C'mon Ash we are always with you stop talking like you're crazy)" the water type yelled.

All the other Pokémon yelled in agreement.

"Thanks guys"

Anyways how was it? I will update the story soon and this chapter when the website's working correctly.

Until next time!