My eyes widened at his statement. I knew from that moment on I have inevitably played with lightning.

"It's impossible. I mean, isn't there any other way to determine who's the father?" I said, anxious. A baby with two fathers. Right. What would people say about it? What would my brother say about it?

"Like I said, a paternity test is impossible since they have the same DNA. So, No, I'm afraid there is no other way." Kyoya uttered as he wrote something in his black notebook of his again. I let out a dejected sigh,

"Could you tell us from the beginning how did this happen?" Tamaki asked, trying to be calm.

"You really want to know the details explicitly, Tono?" the twins smirked.


I sighed. Where do I even begin? "Um, it was our manager's birthday party. That's how I managed to get into the guest list even though technically I'm still underage." I started explaining, "and then I got offered a lot of drink, and I went dancing, and, um, actually, I can't remember, um, much of it, ahahah, stuff happens, I guess?" I grimaced. It's true that the booze made the memories all blur, I could remember some parts of how it all happened though, and how I came to realize…stuff. I'd rather not talk about it. Especially not to Tamaki. He'd make a fuss.

"Basically what happened is that we stick it in her-"

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT FROM YOU" Tamaki did all but screamed.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your petty commotion, Tamaki, but I haven't finished discussing stuff with Itou-san here," Kyoya said, and Tamaki immediately went sulking in that little corner of his. "I almost missed it, but you accepted Haruhi's offer." He stated coldly. It might sound a threat a little. You could never be sure with Kyoya.

"I did.." I said, it was a statement but it came out as more of a question. Goodness, that low-voice gave me the creeps…

"It's not normal to accept the offer to live under the roof of a person with the OPPOSITE gender out of wedlock, especially from a BOY you just met," Uh-oh…. "However, it is not as frowned upon to do so if the person who's offering has the same gender as you." He said, pushing his glasses to the bridge of his nose again. I could see malice in his grey eyes.. I've never met The Devil, but I was pretty convinced that the person who stood in front of me was his living embodiment.

"So, Itou-san, why did you accept Haruhi's offer in the first place?" he asked, didn't even bother to look me in the eyes.

"Ahah, what are you implying, mother? My daughter, Haruhi Fujioka, a girl? Pfffttt. He's the manliest man I know, isn't that right, Haruhi?" Tamaki said, clearly trying to cover up, but of course-

"She knows." Kyoya said. Damn. He's so straightforward in everything, to which I could only give them a half-hearted grin.

"Still," Kyoya continued. "I don't think it's wise to accept the offer to live together with the person you just knew, even if you are the same gender, no offense, Haruhi. I do think that you have to talk about this deliberately with your brother. After all, he's the only family you have left."

I squirmed. "But-" I tried to reason.

"We will accompany you home and wait for you in the process. It would be best to solve this problem as soon as possible." Kyoya said. "After all," he looked at my still-small stomach, "it is a growing predicament."

"Are you sure it's not better for us to come inside with you?" Haruhi asked.

"It's alright." I replied. "Kyoya's right. It is my problem, after all. I don't want my brother to think you all are bad influences. I have to toughen up and tell him about this." I gave her a smile.

"We'll be here waiting for you. Hope it all goes well." Tamaki patted me on the shoulder.

I smiled at all of them. Tamaki and Haruhi smiled back. Honey grinned and gave me two thumbs up. Kyoya's glasses glinted. Mori nodded. And the twins just stared at me with emotions I couldn't quite read.

I have to be strong. I told myself. I walked slowly and started taking the stairs. Each step felt heavier and heavier and everything seemed to move slower. I started sweating, and I felt my heart beating so fast, like it could leap to my throat and get out of my body. I finally reached my front door. Even though it was right in front me, I felt like it was so far away, the door handle felt so unreachable. I started thinking of different possibilities of how this was going to play out. There weren't signs that my heart would beat slower any time soon. I could hear it pounding in my ears. I gulped as I opened the door.

My brother, Ken, was sitting on the couch in our living room, wearing his reading glasses, bending forward to look at the papers scattered on the table, checking the accounts of our shop, I guess. Both his elbows on the table and his hands were buried in his dark brown hair. Suddenly, I was hyper-aware of our lilac wall, the vase, and the sound of the clock ticking. My heart kept pounding. Time seemed to go on agonizingly slow.

"Oh, you're home early. No shift at the café today?" He said.

"Yeah.." I took a seat at the single sofa to his right. He continued to look over numbers on the paper that I could not understand.

"Are you okay, Jessie? You look troubled."

"Actually, th-there is something I-I wanted to tell you."

"What is it? Trouble at school? Are you bullied?" My brother looked genuinely concerned. I felt bad having to break down the news to him.

"Ken," I said. He looked at me expectantly, his blue eyes piercing through mine. I heard my heart pounding in my ears again.

"I'm pregnant."

"Come on, Jessie. This isn't April Fools. It's not funny." Ken replied, removing his glasses, taken aback.

"I'm serious." I said, eyes down, defeated.


"It happened when I went to a club for my manager's birthday." Oh, no. My eyes started to get watery.

"You went to a club?"

I stayed quiet, not finding strength to answer anymore. I knew my brother was very disappointed in me. He had been working so hard..

"Who's the father?" he asked, anger seeping in his voice.

"I don't know them." I lied.

"Them? There's more than one? What the hell have you done, Jessica?!"

"They're twins! But I haven't seen them again since." I said, still not knowing why I impulsively lied. I did not want to add more fuel to the fire. If I told him I'd known them, my brother would be on a mission to find them. And then I won't know what he'd do. Maybe debate with them or their family asking for their responsibility. Perhaps I didn't want any of them to look bad. We were confused teenagers, always eager to explore, sometimes forgetting the consequences. Sometimes shit happens. It wasn't their fault, not entirely. It would be unfair for my brother, the only one left in my family, to blame them.

He sighed. "For God's sake, Jessica, I didn't work so hard for you for you to fool around-"

"Fool around? Is that what you think this is? Me fooling around? You know I don't actually want this to happen, right?" I raised my voice, words leaking with anger as his had been. I was hurt. For my brother to think…to think I had been…

"It wouldn't have happened if you used your common sense and didn't attend the party!"

I stayed quiet. He was right. I shouldn't have. I felt my vision started to blur as my eyes were filled with tears. My chest ached so much like I had an asthma attack and suddenly I had trouble breathing. I felt tears trickled down my cheeks and immediately wiped them with my arm. I saw my brother hunched on the couch, his face in his hands.

"We have no choice." My brother said, breaking the silence.


"We have no choice." My brother repeated, cutting me and ignoring my dumbfounded reaction. "We have to abort it. It's the only way that you can stay in school-"

"No." I whispered, shaking my head. "No." I told him again, this time firmer.

"Yes. Listen, Jessica, it's the only way so that you can stay in school and won't be expelled-"

"NO!" I yelled. "I don't want this- this child to not be given the option to live! My parents- Our parents were not given the choice to live, Ken. You have to understand! I don't know how far along I am and you can't take away its life like that!" I told him. My chest heaved and my eyes wide.

"I work so hard for your future, Jessica! You have to listen to me, otherwise your future will be jeopardized! It's all gonna be okay. We're gonna abort it, and you can continue going to school, and then you can go to University and study accounting-"

"Hold on. Accounting?" I asked him, clearly taken aback.

"Yes, Jessie. I've planned for you to study accounting. You can take care of the shop's accounts when you graduate, and we can manage it together-"

"Stop." I said, rubbing my temples as I tried to wrap what he just said around my head. "Ken, I know you work hard for us, I really do. But you always spend all your life planning. Do you ever stop and take time to ask yourself what is it that your sister wants- that I truly want?" I pleaded. "I take design as an elective, you know that right? I don't want to study accounting. I want to study graphic and advertising." I told him, feeling confident a little bit after talking about what I wanted to do in the future. I never intended to work at the shop. That had always been Ken.

"But you can't hide forever, Jessie! When your stomach swells, you can't go to school anymore, you'll be expelled! We have to abort it!" He pressed.

"Do you honestly think I never give it a thought?" I challenged. I took his silence as a sign to continue. "Of course I know I can't attend school anymore, which is why I plan to drop out. I will attend vocational school. I can work freelance as a graphic designer and waitress at the café to save up for labor. And then when the child is born, I can put them up for adoption. Trust me, it all will work-"

"NO! You listen to your brother now, Jessie, or you leave!" he insisted, standing up and looking straight at me, his nose flared in annoyance.

I gasped. "Fine. If y-you say so. If there's no ro-room for you to consider what I want. If I'm s-such a burden to you, then fine, I'll leave!" I said, lips trembling. My cheeks felt wet and I realized that my tears must have fallen again. Ken must've noticed I started crying because his expression softened.

"Jessie, I didn't mean-"

But I turned away from him to rush to my room before he could finish, gathering the rest of the important things I need to get away and stash them in a duffel bag I kept under my desk. I headed towards the door to leave when my brother grabbed me by the arm, effectively stopping me.

"I'm sorry, Jessie. I didn't mean that. I don't want you to leave. You're my only family." Ken pleaded.

And I hugged him right there, crying on his shoulder. He patted my head like he did when we found out that our parents passed away. I tiptoed and kissed him on the forehead. "I don't want to be an embarrassment for you. Trust me, just this once." I murmured against his shoulder. "I know you, Ken. You'd be stressed from how our gossipy neighbors would talk about why I get so big and question whether I'm pregnant or not. Too bad I actually am. And then they'll judge you and I know you'll try to talk me into, you know, again and I just can't. It's best if I'm not here with you for a while."

"You're right. I still prefer you to abort it before it's too late. I just want you to continue going to school, Jes!" he said. No more malice in his voice, only concern.

"Vocational School, remember? I won't ask you pay for the tuition fees or anything. It's okay. I'll live with a friend far from this neighborhood. She's waiting for me downstairs."


"Not….Ayumi. I haven't told her yet." I bit my lip, suddenly nervous again. Ayumi's my best friend, and she has a knack for...finding out things. I initially planned to avoid her for 9 months, just like what I planned to do with my brother... Hah. Why did I have to be such an escapist person?! Why couldn't I face what's troubling me most of the time? I wouldn't have the guts or the thought to come to my brother like this if it wasn't for Kyoya, clearly the sensible one out of the six boys. It still stung a little bit, to think that my brother would be less supportive of my idea, but it's not as bad as I thought.

"I'm sorry I won't take Accounting." I said, breaking the silence. I heard his chuckle filled the room.

"Fine, but when you're away, you have to text me, once a week, at least.." He said, releasing me from the hug.

"Okay." I sniffled.

"Maybe I can get you to study it for a graduate diploma."

I laughed, wiping my eyes before giving him my best smile.

The Host Club were fidgety when I came hauling an additional duffle bag with my rather puffy eyes, except, of course, Kyoya. He didn't really budge.

"How did it go?" Haruhi asked.

"My brother wants me to, uh, do abortion." I said softly. Tamaki gasped. But I quickly continued before he said something hyperbolic. "We argued, but it ended on a nice note. But since our opinion differs, I decide to go my own way for a while."

"Your brother has a point you know. It might be easier in the future if you carry on the procedure. The Ootori Hospitals are provided with the highest quality equipment if you ever reconsider your brother's suggestion." Kyoya stated.

"I know. I just don't want to have the option to live taken away from me. So I'm doing the same for this child." I replied, touching my stomach.

"YOU'RE SO PURE!." Tamaki cried as he squeezed me in his bear hug.

"Well, what are you gonna do now?" the twins asked, still a bit snarky.

"I'm gonna quit high school and go to vocational school instead where I can study graphic design, and maybe work to save up when the time comes for me to, you know," I said. I then turned to Haruhi. pressing my palms together in front of me, "I hope your offer still stands. I promise I'll help in any way I can. I'll take double-shift at the café, I'll pay rent. I'll help you do chores. I'll go grocery-shopping with you and I'll help you cook although I can't do much and I can bake you cheesecake on weekends because that's the only thing I can bake well, and cinnamon cookies. And I can give you foot rubs." I said as I looked at her with the most doe eyes I could muster.

"You don't have to do all that." She said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "My Dad worries about me being alone in the house these days since he works at night, he says I don't socialize much with girls my age anymore. I think he'll be thrilled. I think it'll do us good." She smiled.

I hugged her warmly. "You're really a wonderful person, Haruhi." I whispered in her ear.

"You take design as an elective at school, correct?" I heard Kyoya said, and promptly released Haruhi from my hug.


"I take it you're more or less skillful at drawing and familiar with softwares such as Photoshop and Illustrator?"

"I guess.."

"Can you do photography as well?"

"I'm not a professional but I think I can snap and shoot okay, yes."

"You bake cheesecake, you say?"


"Splendid. You can quit your long-hour shift work at that café now, and work at the Host Club. You'll take pictures of the hosts, make sure it isn't some amateur quality, and edit it according to the demand of our customers. You'll be in charged of our social media kit, take care of our website, and produce materials that will favor us in the eyes of our customers, such as a chibi drawing, or fan-art, or anything up to you. I won't limit your creativity. Bring your portfolio, photos you've taken, your design, logos, and any work you think relevant for this job tomorrow. Do not expect full paychecks, though, as I will automatically withhold it for your vocational school and hospitalization fee when you go into labor. You will however get monthly meal allowance and stipends deducted from your paychecks."

"What, you're just gonna allow her to manip our photos, Kyoya-senpai?" the twins snapped.

"If that generates us more profit you all lose for acting haphazardly- that includes you, Tamaki- then yes." Kyoya replied. He turned to me, and said. "You are to bake samples of cheesecake in jars tonight, and bring them tomorrow to the host club. Jar cakes are in trend among youngsters right now, I believe. I'll decide tomorrow if it's suitable for our customers' need. If it is, then I can stop supplying our cheesecake from our old vendor, which offers a relatively expensive price. I will decide the quotation for the price."

That's clearly monopoly. But I thought I shouldn't push my luck with Kyoya. I should be kissing his feet for "taking me in". His level-headedness in handling this situation and turn it around to his advantage was beyond me. Besides, I knew once I got big, I wouldn't have been able to waitress anymore, anyway.

"I think that's a very great idea, Kyoya." Tamaki said sincerely as he patted Kyoya on the back.

"Yes, I'll do as you ask. Thank you, Kyoya-Senpai." I bowed to him to make sure he knew he had my gratitude.

"Don't thank me yet. Of course, this offer only stands as long as you don't tell anyone who may be related to Ouran the nature or cause of your situation and Haruhi's true gender. I have to remind you that it may be quite difficult to have earnings for pregnant high-school drop outs."

Yeah. Thought so. And that's how I got myself tangled in this mess that's their bizarre extracurricular activity, The Ouran High School Host Club. I could only hope that the weirdness that'd ensue won't be too weird at all…


Firstly, I just wanted to say Thank You for everyone who's read, reviewed, followed, and favorited. I really appreciate it! So, um, well, sorry for the late update. I planned to update this chapter a month after the first, but things came up, so…

A few things to clarify, though: Of course, normally, it is not allowed for students to be pregnant in High School. But Vocational School, in Japan, and some parts of the world, are post-secondary education, and sometimes students can enroll without finishing high school in prior. And in post-secondary education, well, people are less concern and "care" less with uniforms, piercings, dress-code, etc etc. Where I'm from, people can be pregnant while undertaking a course in University, even though people are always gonna be talking about teenage pregnancy, whether the connotation is good or bad. That's what people do sometimes.. They talk. So let's all assume that in this fanfiction universe, people in Vocational School would be less nosy and judgmental compared to High School students, which is why Jessica decided to go there in the first place, okay?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and don't forget to review!

P.S: Next update may be late again plz don't bash me :") but expect it before November ends. Or December… PROCRASTINATORS UNITE. I will be preparing an essay for a scholarship I want to apply for in the meantime so please pray for me. Thanks for all the support. LOVE YOU~

P.S.S: Do you guys think I should make a separate chapter for what happened at the club? : the rating might not stay at "T" though... Give your opinion in reviews!