Lucy pov

For the past 6 months after lissanna came back every single person in the guild has been ignoring me, every one except lissanna. She is my only friend. Team nastu sometimes has to drag lissanna away from me. But Gray & gajeel sometimes talk to me.

Today was my birthday I went to the guild and instead of something nice a big fist hit me actually two fists. Erza and Nastu. I fell to the ground and a big scar of blood started to appear. I was crying my head off.


"What the hell" Gray, Gajeel and Lissanna cried out. Gray was about to attack the two , Lissanna stood in front of me and Gajeel was helping me stand up.

But before anyone could do anything Nastu said "Lucy we are kicking you off the team and we don't want to see you again". I was finished, done , I didn't care. I stood up and stopped crying. Dark energy floating around me. My friends stood back. My hair was turning black as night but I had white highlights at the ends of my hair. My eyes turned red as blood. And now my heart was as hard as stone.

Suddenly a spell can into my mind. And something appeared in my head. Agnalogia the Dark & Chaos dragon.

Lissanna Pov

Lucy changed. From light as the sun to dark as the night. Then she said a spell that shocked me. Lucy said in a calm voice "Chaos dragon slayer wing attack.." Then a dark flask of power flew into Erza. Erza was bleeding and down. Next Lucy said " Dark dragon slash " at the guild hall and it exploded. Luckily everyone was out side of it. And finally she said " Dark Chaos energy dragon mode... Volt of pain!" It shot right at nastu. But a tall figure stood in front of Nastu and took the blow. He fell to his knees and was surely down and not able to use his magic.

But my eyes shocked me when I saw who was lying on the ground. It was none other than...

OOOOOOH Cliff Hanger! Please save this fanfic somewhere! Will post soon