Cersei and Jaime came up behind Petyr, whose ears twitched whenever he heard their footsteps behind him. Petyr turned his head around and smirked as he turned back to stare across the ocean. "Come to me so soon, Cersei and Jaime?" He questioned towards the brother and sister duo as they stood a few feet away from him now. "Cut the shit, Littlefinger." Jaime responded as Cersei stepped in front of Jaime a little bit as she inhaled and exhaled her breathing before she parted her lips to speak. "Okay, Lord Baelish, time to reveal to myself and Jaime on what you know." She basically demanded of him as Petyr chuckled and turned around to face the two of them now.

"How about a glass of wine and some refreshments, hm? I have a feeling that we are going to need it." Petyr looked towards Jaime as he wanted him to go and get some refreshments. "I do not take orders from you, you little…" Jaime was cut off by Cersei's infamous glare as she fully turned to face him now. "Jaime, please." She practically pleaded towards him as Jaime sighed and went back inside to get the refreshments as Cersei turned back to face Petyr now.

Her eyes were locked on him as she stepped a little more closer to him now. Cersei was side by side, shoulder to shoulder of Petyr now as she stared across the ocean as well. "Your reign is indeed coming to an end, Cersei. Before you try to interject here, let me finish and tell you what's coming your way." Petyr said as it took Cersei with every fiber in her being to not interject or add her two cents. The gods above knew that she damn sure wanted to though.

"I went to Runestone after my brothel was ruined and did my bidding there, quickly gaining allies to get information about certain individuals. I even sent a letter to Sansa, who fled Winterfell at the time for her to meet me. She was with Brienne and she asked me about Ramsay's sadistic side, one of which I truly knew about. At that moment, I offered my services to her against but she rejected. Jon Snow…" Cersei cut him off right there and turned her head slightly to face him. "Jon Snow is dead, isn't he?" Petyr couldn't help but stifled a chuckle at her question then looked at her. "He was dead." Petyr said as Cersei gasped as her head lowered towards the grounds beneath her feet as she shook it in the process.

"What else?" Cersei asked of Petyr as he went back to stare across the ocean. "So, Jon Snow and Sansa managed to get a few of the other Northern houses to fight against Ramsay Bolton, who killed his own father and new mother at this point, in what was to be called The Battle of the Bastards. Sansa wrote to me in secrecy, basically begging for my services. At this point, I became the Lord Protector of The Vale after Lysa's horrible death through the moon door." Petyr breathed then looked towards Cersei. "My knights rode in and helped Jon Snow win the battle and the Starks finally have their Winterfell back with Jon Snow as their King and Sansa as their Queen. But Jon is embarking on a trip to claim what is rightfully his. I wanted the Iron Throne, Cersei with Sansa as my Queen." Cersei scoffed at that last part of Petyr's words, her gaze went over towards him now. "You will never sit upon the Iron Throne, Petyr." Petyr nodded his head as he turned to face Cersei now.

"Indeed you may be right but your reign will be questioned once she arrives." Lord Baelish commented as Cersei raised a brow at him, wondering to herself who this she person was. Of course, she just had to ask but before she did, Jaime returned with a platter of refreshments and wine as Cersei waved him off. Jaime looked at Cersei, whom was staring at Petyr before he turned heel and left. "Who is this she person you speak of, Petyr?" Cersei finally asked as Petyr smirked then grabbed Cersei by her arms. "She's the one who can survive the fire. She's the one who have conquered every single land she has crossed. She's the one they called The Mother of Dragons. She's a Targaryen." Petyr said as Cersei eyed widened and she gasped, her hand covered her mouth now.

"I thought they all were dead." Cersei muttered as she eyed Petyr, who shook his head at her little statement. "She's seemingly the last one along with Jon Snow." Petyr said as Cersei released herself from his grasp, not wanting to hear anymore as she smiled a little bit then took a few steps back. "Thanks for that valuable information, Lord Baelish. But I told you that if you were to spill it to anyone, I would make you suffer. Gregor…" Cersei said as Petyr basically trembled at the sounds of his footsteps coming up behind him. "Throw him in the dungeons." Gregor, so strong, lifted him over his shoulders and turned around to carry him to the dungeon.

"You will no longer reign, Cersei! Mark my words!" Petyr practically screamed as he was being chartered away from Cersei's presence. She stood tall once again and regained her composure as she turned to face the ocean; eyes squinted as she saw some ships coming their way. Frozen in her place, she couldn't move but she needed to find Jaime to warn him and get his troops ready for battle. Taken by the scenery and impending ships, Cersei managed to move again and went to find the commander of her army, Jaime.

Across the way, Jon and Daenerys stand beside each other. "Before we go to battle, we must have a little meeting with Cersei." Jon said as Daenerys looked up at him with a little smile. "You obviously have no idea how I work. I will agree to talk with her first but if she doesn't like what I have to say then she shall burn along with that brother of hers." Daenerys commented towards Jon, who stayed silent and looked ahead as King's Landing castle finally came into view to them both.