EDIT-found some parts where I forgot to change the gender back to male (the was going to be a gender bend) whoops thanks to the guest who found that!

So I've started something new! I really wanted to do them in high school cuz I don't think I've done one like this!

This was original written as a gender bend but that has been changed! (If anyone would be interested in a gender bend tell me cuz I really want to write one)

"Yugi, Ryou could you two come here please?" The teacher an young women of about twenty five asked the two teens.

"Yes Miss. Franklin." Ryou asks. Yugi stands besides his shifting back and forth nervously.

"You two have been asked to give some new students a tour of Domino High." The teacher explains to the two in front of her. "You have to show them that this school is clean, academically oriented, and friendly. Do you think you two could do that." They nod.

"When are we going to be giving this tour?" Ryou asks as Miss. Franklin's short nails scan over the dates on her large desk calendar.

"Tomorrow morning at 7:15, oh and keep in mind these students will have their parents here as well." Ryou and Yugi nod, as Ryou turns to walk back to his seat Yugi ask the teacher something that catches him off guard.

"Miss. Franklin would you mind if Marik and Joey tag along?" Miss. Franklin sighs as she looks over at the two mentioned boys. Marik Ishtar is an interesting boy in Miss. Franklin's eyes the boy was about 5'7 with shoulder length blonde hair and intense violet eyes. He had moved to the United States from Egypt when he was in middle school, and was quite enough until he met Joey, Yugi, and Ryou then he became a pain in the ass.

Joey on the other hand Miss. Franklin found less interesting, he was about 5'10 with blond hair and warm brown eyes. Miss. Franklin's issue with Joey was that he was loud and always getting to fights. Sighing Miss. Franklin nods in agreement at least the two trouble makers would be someone else problem on the tour. Yugi smiles brightly as he walks back to his desk to tell the others the good news.

"So Yugi what was that all about?" Joey ask when Yugi takes his seat next to Marik.

"Oh well Ryou and I are giving a tour tomorrow and I asked Miss. Franklin if you two could join us and she said yes." Marik claps his hands happy at the thought of missing first and most of second period to give a tour.

"Yes!" Joey jumps a little in his seat. Missing class was one of Joey's favorite things. "So when is this thing starting?" Joey grins.

"It starts at 7:15, so we should all try to be here by 7:00." Joey and Marik frown at the idea of arriving at school any earlier then they have to. Ryou quirks a brow at the silence of the other two teens. "What is that to early for you two?" Yugi laughs at the matching frowns Joey and Marik are sporting and Ryou's smirk at his own sass. "Oh and you two try to look decent tomorrow." Joey sticks his tongue out at Ryou.

He is about to say something back but Miss. Franklin starts taking attendance so he closes his mouth. At the end of homeroom Miss. Franklin walks over to Ryou and hands him a piece of paper with the names and photos of the four people they will be leading around the school in the morning. Yami Atem, Seto Kaiba, Bakura Afkai, and Malik Brown.

(Across town)

Mrs. Atem was finishing her coffee when her son, nephew, and their two friends wandered into the dinning room.

"Morning boys." She smiles sweetly as they all take seats at the table and begin to serve themselves breakfast. Mrs. Afkai and Mrs. Brown came in a few seconds later and gave the group of boys a wolfish grin.

"Please do not look at me like that." Malik looks at his mother with a worried look on his face.

"What are you three planing?" Yami asks his mother as she also begins to grin.

"Well," Mrs. Brown starts, "We are all going on a school tour tomorrow." The four teens groan, it was all Malik's and Bakura's fault because they had to drive away their last tutor so now their mothers had it in their head that it would be a great idea to send the boys to Domino Public High School so they could meet new people and also see what life was like for those not raised as heirs to four of the largest fortunes in the world.

"Must we." Seto groans, honestly going to school would mess up how he ran his company and he was not pleased about that idea.

"Yes, you must." Mrs Afkia snaps. "Oh and your fathers will be joining us." Seto rubs his temples, Yami groans, Bakura and Malik look extremely up set. "Now the students giving us the tour are their top two students. Ryou Bakura and Yugi Muto." She reads the names off a letter the school had sent. "But there are going to be two others that are going to join us Marik Ishtar and Joseph Wheeler." She lowers the letter and glares at the boys as they groan again. "And you four are going to be perfect gentlemen to these students." The three women leave the room so that the boys can finish their breakfast in peace.

"Great." Bakura groans. "We are going to be lead around the fucking hell hole by two nerds and their nerdy friends." Yami nods in agreement. This was not going to be fun at all. Seto gets up from the table he has a compony to run, and this going to public school idea was going to mess up his schedule. pokes her head in the room before Seto can escape.

"Oh and boys! I really want you to do well there, please. I'm worried about the four of you, none of you have other friends your age. And Seto, hun," Now Seto was worried. "I really want you to find a girlfriend." He gave her a look which meant 'do you think I have time for that?'. But she took it as 'I'm gay as fuck'. "Or a boyfriend! I won't judge honey! I would still love you!" She hugs him and leaves the room.

"Why does she keep thinking I'm gay!" Bakura and Malik laughs out loud at Seto's distress. Yami manages to hide his laughter, kind've.

The Next Morning

Ryou drives into the visitor parking lot at 6:50, he parks and turns off his silver Prius before he starts to put his shoulder length white hair into a ponytail. He is dressed in a light gray sweater and a dark purple corduroys with a pair of black dress shoes. He takes off his glasses and place his contacts into his large brown eyes. He waves as he sees Yugi's little red sport hatchback pull in next to him, Yugi's hair is also up except for the blonde bangs the frame his face. He is wearing a white long sleeve button up, a pair of black dress pants and a pair of black dress shoes.

"Morning Yugi." Ryou greets as he steps out of his car and swings his backpack over his shoulder.

"Morning to you too." Yugi yawns as he walk towards the main door to join Ryou in their wait for the boys and for their friends. "I hope they get here soon it is almost," Yugi looks at his cellphone. "Shit it's 7:14, and they are not here yet." Ryou groans as three large black suvs pull up. Both boys stand up straight as ten people get out of the three cars, smiling the pair walk forward and shake the adults hands as the adults introduce themselves and their sons.

"Good morning everyone I am Ryou Bakura and this," He gestures towards Yugi. "Is Yugi Muto." Yugi nods. "Now we might have to-" He is cut off by the sound of two motorcycles taring into the parking lot and stopping right in front of the group. Joey, who is on the red motorcycle, takes off his helmet and runs a hand through his hair. He flashes the group a smile as Ryou and Yugi take in what he is wearing. A green tank top ,which makes his eyes look like gold, over which he has a black leather jacket, dark ripped up jeans, and black converse.

"Hey guys." He flashes another smile as Ryou and Yugi frown, what part of dress decently did Joey not understand.

"Morning everyone!" Malik chirps as he hops off his purple motorcycle. He is in his usual cargo pants with a purple shirt that shows off his stomach.

"You two are late." Ryou lets out a sigh, hell he was luck the two of them showed up at all. Joey yawns and shrugs. "Never mind so this is Joey and Marik." He points at each of the teens and they wave back in response. "Joey, Marik this is Mr and Mrs Atem," He points at a couple the women has long black hair and is in every way gorgeous and the man is handsome. The couple nods at the boys. "This is their son Yami." The teen standing next to them was shorter then Marik, he was very fit, with crimson eyes, and black, blond, and crimson hair that stuck up. "This is Mr and Mrs Brown," He pointed at another attractive couple. "And their son Malik." Malik was almost as tall as Joey, with dark purple eyes, sandy blond hair, and he like Yami was also very fit. "And this." He nodded towards the last couple. "Is Mr. and Mrs. Afkia. And their son Bakura." Bakura looked like Ryou with long white hair, but his brown eyes were hard, he was also taller then he was and much fitter. "And lastly this is Seto Kaiba." Kaiba was the tallest of the teens with cold blue eyes and neat brown hair.

"So lets go and have a look around the school." Yugi held the door open as everyone filed in. Ryou and him point out the different rooms and explained parts of the schedule. About an hour into the tour the parents went off to the office so the eight teens sat in the empty cafeteria.

"So what do you think of the school?" Yugi asked once everyone had sat down. Yami stared dreamily at him, over the past hour he had decided the Yugi was going to become at least his boyfriend.

"It's lovely." He purred, Yugi flushes as he caught off guard by the response. Everyone else rolled their eyes. There was a few moments where the only should the could be hear was the ticking of the multiple wall clocks around the cafeteria.

"Bored" Marik stomps his feet a little to emphasize the point. Ryou rolled his eyes at Marik, even in the presence of strangers Marik was still Marik, Ryou sighed that was a skill which he had yet to master. "I'm also cold." Marik pouted.

"Well if you wore clothing today then maybe you wouldn't be cold." Ryou crosses his arms, he told everyone to dress nicely but did they listen no of course they didn't.

"Here," Joey throws his jacket at Marik and smirks as it hits the him in the face. Marik stomps his feet again.

"But I don't want to smell like you!" He throws the jacket back.

"What the hell is wrong with the way I smell!" Joey catches the jacket and sniffs it.

"What's wrong with how you smell!" Ryou groans, this was a common argument between the two blonds. "What wrong is that you smell like a cheap hooker."

Ryou face palms. Yugi looks at the four boys at the table, they mostly look confused except for Seto who looks a bit insulted.

"I do not smell like a cheap whore!"Joey lunges across the table to try and grab the other, but Marik had leapt out of his seat and was running in the other direction. "That's right you better run you crazy bitch!" Joey yells after him.

"Mr. Wheeler, I shall remind you again to please refrain from using such language." Principle Willows says as she glares at Joey over her glasses. Joey nods and lowers his head. "Good now, if you gentlemen." She sneers when she uses the word, so it is clear that she does not think that all three of the boy before her are in fact gentlemen. "Would be so kind to take these nice young men to your next to classes and sit with them at lunch, so they a feel for how this school runs."

"Of course Principle Willows." Yugi and Ryou say in unison.

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