I'm still here. So my posting plan is now once a week one of the stories (First Day, Slaves, or Fan Girls Murder) it will be on a rotation so next week Slaves will be updated!

"I hate you all." Bakura hisses as he looks over the fancy invitation on Yami's dining room table.

"None of us could do anything you, idiot. Yami's mother was not going to change her mind on this one." Seto snaps as he pokes at his now cold eggs. "Besides she's having them delivered so it's not like we are inviting them to this." Bakura sighs it's a small victory but it's the only one he'll get on this issue.

"It won't be that bad!" Yami's mother chirps as she waltzes into the room. "Besides Bakura, those are mockups the real ones have been sent out already so you can do whatever you want to those." Bakura frowns, destroying them had been the only solution to this issue.

"I thought you were going to have us deliver them in person at school today." Yami looks up from his book. His mother hums in agreement.

"I was but I realized that some of you." She gave a look to both Seto and Bakura. "Would simply destroy my little plan so I decided to destroy your's first." She smirks a Bakura's frown and Seto's annoyed indifference. "Now," She looks down at her watch. "They will be here around seven tonight. So I have a lot of work to do if tonight is going to be any good! Love you, Yami see you all tonight." With that, she walks out of the room. The three teens turn their angry glares on Yami, who is too busy trying to figure out what just happened to notice the anger radiating off the three.

Ryou pulls his friends aside the moment he sees them.

"Did you all get this too?" He holds out a burgundy envelope for the others to examine. "It was addressed to my father! Why would Yami's mother invite us to a dinner party?"

"I don't know about any of you but I think it's fucking weird." Marik nods in agreement to Joey's statement.

"It is a bit strange," Yugi mutters as he reads over Ryou's invitation. "This isn't going to end well is it?" Yugi asks as he looks up from the invitation.

"With our luck, it's going to be a flaming disaster." Marik smiles. "So what are we going to wear." Joey drops his phone at the question.

"Who said we were going?" Marik rolls his eyes.

"We are obviously going. Come on you guys we have to go!" Marik snatches the invitation out of Yugi's hands. "Come on free food and hot compony." He winks. Ryou sighs but nods in agreement and says.

"I don't think we are in a position to refuses. Besides this is a dinner to thank us for showing their sons around the school, so it should be simple." Ryou rubs his temples, with the luck of is friends this dinner party would be far from simple. Yugi nods, how bad could one little dinner be.

Yugi shifts uncomfortably in his grandfather's car as it pulls into a large circle driveway. He can hear his heart beating in his ears as the car pulls to a stop and a butler pulls open the car door, motioning for him to step out.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Yugi whispers to his grandfather as the butler leads them up the stairs of the mansion and into the foyer. Yugi holds back a gasp when they enter the foyer. With its large marble pillars that stand on either side of the room, the wooden floor that gleams with wax, and large twin stairwells. There is little furniture in the foyer but there is a lot of art that seems to be the same woman, Yugi notices that she bears a striking resemblance to Yami with her striking crimson eyes, tan skin, and jet black hair.

"Is that his mother?" Grandpa whispers as they pass through the foyer and into a sitting room. Yugi nods as he takes the seat across from his grandfather. Ryou's father is the next one to enter the room with Ryou trailing behind looking both concerned and furious.

"I didn't know your father was in the country." Yugi says as his friends takes a seat on the arm of his chair.

"That makes two of us, he just got back a few hours ago from a dig in Egypt." Ryou glares at his father as he examines the painting hanging over the fireplace.

"Why are you so pissed? You are usually pretty indifferent about your father being back." Ryou sighs.

"He wants me to move back in with him."

"So, he's coming back to Domino. That's great!"

"No, he wants me to go with him to Egypt." Yugi's makes an 'oh' face.

"What are you going to do?" Ryou shrugs. Yugi opens his mouth to say something but shuts it when Marik and his siblings enter the room.

"What's going on?" Marik asks.

"Nothing." Marik's eyes narrow.

"Don't lie to me I am not an idiot." Ryou sighs.

"I know you're not an idiot it's just that I don't think this is the place to tell everyone." Marik frowns.

"Fine, we'll talk about this later."

"Talk about what?" Joey asks as he takes a seat on the other arm of Yugi's chair.

"Something is bothering Ryou and he's not planning on telling us." Ryou sighs at Malik's over dramatic claim.

"I'm going to tell you guys I just don't think I should talk about it here." Joey studies Ryou but nods anyway.

"Ladies and gentlemen it is time for dinner if you all could just follow me." A maid says. She shows them to a dining room that is decorated like the rest of the house. A large marble fireplace is off to one side of the room with dark wood floor. A heavy oak table and chairs stand in the middle of the room. "They shall all be in in a moment. Please take a seat." She leaves them all to take their seats.

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