This is a short chapter, but I really like it. Plus, I really wanted to get another chapter out, and I think that what's going to come next is worthy of its own chapter in the story. Anyway, enjoy Chapter Four!


Chapter 4

A soft voice murmured in the darkness: "It sounds like it came from over here..."

Chara heard footsteps.

"Oh! You've fallen down, haven't you..." The voice was concerned now.

Chara felt someone gently nudging her into consciousness. Her eyes slowly opened and she saw a blurry white figure kneeling in front of her. The figure slowly came into focus, and Chara realized that it was a monster. But it wasn't a grown one. It was just a child. A child wearing a sweater very similar to hers...

"Are you okay?"

And a child who apparently cared for her well-being.

Chara groaned. "What do you think?" the fallen human asked with a hoarse voice. Oh, Jesus, my throat hurts. How long have I been down here?

The monster child looked a little bit hurt by Chara's blunt sarcasm.

Why did his expression look so familiar...?

But the child was quick to brush off the brash comment. "Here, get up..."

Chara was pulled up from the ground as the monster child put his arm around her neck and let her lean on him. The human was thankful for his aid, though she found it bizarre that this monster child was helping a strange human who had fallen probably hundreds of feet down a chasm and collapsed for God knows how long at the bottom. His weird kindness reminded her of someone...

But enough of that. He didn't even know who she was.

"...M-My name's..Chara," the girl struggled to get out.

The monster smiled. "Chara, huh? That's a nice name. My name is Asriel. Asriel Dreemurr."

"Oh. That's nice," Chara replied. "Wait. D-Dreemurr as in Toriel...Dreemurr? And...Asgore Dreemurr?"

"Oh, so you've heard of my parents. Not surprising," Asriel said in a tired voice, as if he heard this every day. He began to lead Chara across the grass clearing they were in as he spoke: "Most humans know what happened between us and them. you?"

Chara hesitated, memories of her father flooding back. But she answered, "Yes."


"Okay, good. I wasn't really looking forward to explaining and reliving the war."

Oh. I can relate, Chara thought bitterly.

The columns ringing the pasture seemed to go up and up forever. But she could still see the light, the opening far above her... So...far above...

Chara felt herself tilt backward, and suddenly there was something hard slamming against her back. She heard Asriel shout something, but she couldn't make it out: it seemed like he was yelling from a distance. Everything became blurry, and as Asriel blocked the light from her view, the blurriness soon faded to black.

Chapter Five is in the works! It probably won't be out soon, but you won't be disappointed once it is!

- Emerald Shine