Her head lolled to the side, as she slowly came too, vaguely recalling the moments leading up to her unconsciousness. It didn't take long for her to remember what Bo had done to her and the resulting stab in the back was almost just painful as the knife to her chest. Bo had willingly fed off her and even though she was happy she exhibited a great amount of self control she would have preferred a better solution on Bo's part. Knocking her out was cheap and immature she reasoned. She went to rub at a crick in her neck to discover her hands were tied behind her back. In fact even her ankles were tied, her body anchored to a cold metal chair.

"Hello Doctor." The Ash's familiar timber washed over her body with dread.

"Don't worry. You're safe for now….Your girlfriend's putting on quite the show."

He smirked and stepped aside giving her full view of what was going on. Bo! Dammit. There it was a Garuda in all its terrifying glory, fiery wings with talons protruding from his back. Even though she was upset with Bo for knocking her out watching her being attacked by one of the most powerful Fae to exist had her heart in her throat.

The room was full of spectators, light and dark Fae gleefully waiting for the first blood to be drawn. Bo was evading the Garuda's attacks so far but wasn't making any moves. It was making her increasingly more nervous. Bo would tire before it did.

"So how does it feel knowing your life was gambled away?"

She pressed her lips together. Don't answer him. He's just goading you.

"She won't win."

The Garuda swiped again and sliced the top of Bo's arm. Bo hissed in pain and grabbed at her injury. Seeing it had her gut instinctively calling out Bo's name.

It drew the succubus' attention over to her and their eyes locked. Bo looked sorry and disheartened, like she failed her.

"Come on Bo!" She yelled, desperation put a crack in her voice but it seemed to have the desired effect. There was a surge of life in the brunette. The Ash didn't like that .

He struck her across the face and she cried out from the contact. Bo saw it and the change in her was instant. Brown eyes turned blue and she channelled every last ounce of power in her.

It was breathtaking to watch.

The Garuda swung again and Bo didn't even try to dodge it. She grabbed onto a fiery wing and threw it back, causing the Garuda to stumbled backwards.

"None can stand up to my power." Bo's voice echoed hauntingly throughout the room. This was something else entirely. Even the Ash seemed a bit terrified but the Garuda quickly retaliated hitting Bo with a nasty strike to her chest.

She flew backwards hitting a nearby shipping crate and there was a definite crack. She hoped it was the wood. Bo shifted slowly

"Oh you shouldn't have done that." Bo said, but the impact had knocked her down a peg. That blue in her eyes was gone and as far as she could tell it was just Bo now.

Bo sprung back up. The Fae around her began to get more riled up cheering and screaming for Bo but most wanted to see her burn in the Garuda's flames.

None of Bo's attacks were working. She needed that Naga venom and she had a feeling there hadn't been enough time.

"The succubus is putting up quite the fight. But she's losing quickly what a mistake for you to put your life in her hands."

What? She turned towards him ready to see the lie but couldn't find it.

"Oh? You don't know. " He smirked and crossed his arms, watching Bo fight while he talked. "If Bo wins you're free but If she loses you die. She agreed to it, bargaining your life like it's her property…."

She took in a breath, slowly working past the tightening in her chest. Had Bo really done that?

"For what it's worth, your work has been greatly appreciated over the years."

Absolute sincerity, it was something the old Ash would say but he easily slid back into his new role. "But I'm afraid some dogs just have to be put down."

She felt her soul being crushed, like the universe was stepping on her heart with spike covered shoes.

Bo took another blow but she wasn't getting up this time. The shoe pressed against her harder.

"BO! Do something!"

She couldn't watch.

The Garuda pierced Bo's chest with with one of his fiery wings jutting out from his back. She'd never forget the agonizing sound of pain Bo made.


She jerked against her restraints. With that kind of injury she'd bleed out in minutes.

"Let me go." She growled towards the Ash.

"Not until it's over."

Bo clutched at her injury through big gasps of air but continued to fight .

Nobody in the room expected her to get back up. This was insanity! Bo couldn't keep this up much longer.

The Garuda returned for another attack and struck her once more lodging his wing into her side. Her stomach twisted with dread as more of Bo's blood dripped down onto the floor.


Bo gripped onto the Garuda holding him against her, pulling him closer. With each tug his wing pierced her further but Bo held on determined to best him. After what felt like an eternity Bo eased up on her grip and they both separated, Bo stumbling back on woozy legs. The Garuda exhibited a similar reaction, stumbling steps, followed by a choking sound. When he started convulsing she knew Bo had done it. The Naga venom! Clever Bo!

"WHAT?" The Ash stormed onto the floor. "Impossible!"

"I win…" Bo breathed. She was swaying on her feet and she knew there wasn't much time for her left if she didn't heal and soon. Those injuries were fatal.

"No! I won't stand for this. Grab the doctor and lock her up."

Evony stepped forward.

"Hold on. She played by your rules and won. I think she deserves her prize don't you? "

The Ash's jaw twitched. He was livid and because she just happen be near him he took it out on her. A kick to her chest sent her sprawling backwards with a hefty oof.

Evony didn't like that just as much as Bo. She sent out a wave of flames singing the Ash's shirt and the two started their own battle. Amongst the chaos Bo rushed over to untie her. Light and Dark Fae were now lashing out, defending their leaders in what was turning out to be a very bloody battle.

"Lauren!" She panted. "Are you okay?"

The instant her hands were free she threw them around Bo's neck and pulled her in for a kiss. Bo did it...she was free. Bo melted into the kiss but quickly pulled away, gasping for air and tearing herself away.

"I need to heal…"

"Yes." She pulled Bo back in for another kiss.

"I don't want to hurt you "

"I trust you."

Bo's eyes softened but darkened just as quickly. They stood and she wrapped an arm around Bo's waist. The Fae were too busy fighting to even remember they were the subject of their brawl in the first place.

"Hey!" Somebody yelled. "Where'd they go?"

"Dammit." The Ash hissed. Evony smirked and wiped the small amount of blood from the corner of her lip.

"Leave it to a man to be distracted by a little bit of tussling and a pair of breasts."

The Ash sneered at her and she made her exit, signaling for the rest of her dark Fae to leave.

"Oh and I expect my winnings on my desk tomorrow!"

The Ash nodded bitterly and left in the opposite direction.

"Bo quickly. You need to heal."

"No….not here."

It was sweet but highly irrational, foolish, and life threatening in the moment. She didn't care if they did it outside by the dumpster! Bo was internally bleeding.

She stopped her in the hall, claiming Bo's lips in a greedy kiss. The succubus' eyes turned blue and she instinctively drew in her chi. The sensation had her leaning further into Bo. After a couple of seconds Bo broke away once more.

"Not here." Bo said again, softer, less panicked. She knew then what Bo meant. She didn't want their first time to be quick and degrading on the floor of some hallway or closet. It touched her heart. She didn't know if there was enough time though.

"Your injuries Bo…."

"I know."

Her back met the mattress softly, Bo doing her best to keep the moment about them and not her injury, but it was hard to do with Bo's weak and heavy movements.

"Whatever you need Bo..." She breathed meeting brown eyes, trustingly. She had never felt so certain about anything in her life. If Bo was willing to risk her life for her she could do the same. Bo looked pained as if she was fighting with herself and she had to guide the succubus down to her lips for a kiss. It was slow and tender but Bo moved away again, resting her forehead against hers, eyes closed tight, still fighting with herself. She could see the emotions washing over her and she needed Bo to look at her.

"Heal..." She held Bo's face in her hands gently imploring her to look at her. When Bo did her heart leapt out of her chest and she knew she loved her. It was the fastest conclusion she had ever made in her life. No scientific analysis, no research or tests, just certainty. Bo Dennis stole her heart and she had no intention of taking it back.

"Bo...Please." Her pleading eyes broke through Bo's resolve and the kiss that followed had her feeling impossibly weightless.

Bo eased into her feeding. Working up to it by planting kisses along her neck, and drawing the occasional chi from her lips. The entire process was sensual and exhilarating. Their clothing fell away sometime during the kisses, and her concern for Bo's health gradually alleviated when injuries were nearly closed. That's when she started to get a little more daring with the succubus.

Nipping and sucking hungrily on already well kissed lips.

"Lauren..."Bo breathed. Hearing her name like that did so many delicious things to her body. She bit back a moan and continued to possess her lips. "I'm sorry for earlier..."

"Don't be." She moved to Bo's neck, kissing the teasing span of skin there. "I understand."

She flipped their positions and Bo looked up at her in awe.

"You're so beautiful..."Bo replied. The sincerity behind the statement caught her off guard and she blushed deeply.

"So aren't you my sweet succubus." The blush remained as she realized she had called her hers but Bo didn't seem to mind. There was a small smirk on her lips that told her it was true.

They carried on well into the night, moving from slow to fast, and tender to rough. It was the perfect mix of give and take. When they finally stopped the exhaustion that hit her had her pulling the brunette into her for a place to rest her head. Bo wouldn't have it though, she wanted to be the one holding her and they switched positions. She smiled into the dimly lit room and slowly stroked the hand wrapped around her. The warmth surrounding her made up for her fatigue. She closed her eyes and felt the softest of kisses being pressed against her forehead. It was then she realized she had gained so much more than her freedom.

A/N: FIN! Thanks for reading! Reviews are appreciated and I hope you enjoyed it. Doccubus !:)