Jace and Clary dated for awhile in high school he got his big break to play in the NFL and left New York, Clary didn't tell him she was pregnant, now her five year old son was diagnosed with cancer and his wish is to meet his favorite football player. How will they react seeing each other? And has Clary told her son who his father really is?

Clary's Pov

"Mason how are you feeling today?" Tony asked Mason opened his eyes and struggled to keep them open.

"I'm okay." He whispered.

"What's the pain level at today my man."

"Seven." He said his breath was slow and even. "Mommy?"

"Yeah baby boy?"

"Am I gonna get my wish today?"

"Wish?" I asked and Tony Mason's nurse nodded.

"We talked about Make A Wish remember?"

"Oh yeah.. Did Mason finally make up his mind?"

"...Yeah." He said struggling to sit up.

"And what did you decide?"

"He wants to meet Jace Herondale, he plays for the Chicago Bears."

"J-Jace Herondale?" I said and dropped my head this was a joke right? It had to be a joke some kind of cosmic joke.

"Yeah mommy he's an awesome football player." He said and started to cough.

"Hmmm, never heard of him before."

"Because you don't like football."

"You're right, I don't." I said and he laughed.

"I'm hot." He said and I pulled his blanket off of him.

"How about we take the hat off?"

"I like it on."

"No one here will say anything about your hair, I promise." I said and he sighed but pulled his hat off revealing his bald head I leaned over and kissed his head and he smiled at me.

"Are you gonna be okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"When I leave?"

"Mas, you are gonna be fine you're gonna grow up and live a long and healthy life."

"I'm gonna die."

"Don't say that."

"Do you think my father cares?"


"That i'm dying."

"Mason he-"

"I know mommy, I know… I'm tired.." He said blinking a few times.

I ended up falling asleep in a chair next to him for a few hours and was awoken by the sound of crying. "Hey baby what's wrong?"

"My stomach hurts mommy." He said with tears in his eyes.

"Okay." I said and picked him up and let him lay on me I pressed the button for the nurse to come in and I something hit my arm.

"I'm sorry." Mason said and then threw up on me and I just kept him close singing softly into his ear so he wouldn't freak out. "Are you mad?"

"Trust me Mas you have done worse on me, i'm fine." I said and he reached up and touched my cheek.

"I'm strong." He said and I nodded with tears in my eyes.

"You are so strong."

"I don't want to die." He said when April the night nurse came in and looked at him she was a new nurse here and it was the second time I ever seen her she seems nice.

"Hey, that is not the kind of talking we want to hear is it?"

"No ma'am."

"You will beat this." She said and he nodded. "How about you go get cleaned up and i'll watch over him." She said to me and I nodded.

By the time I got back into the room he was asleep again with his Iron Man toy on his chest and a book next to him. I sat down and April looked up at me. "How long have you two been here at St. Jude's?"

"A month after his fourth birthday he was complaining his bones were tired I told him it was because he was playing all day, the next day he was still saying it was hurting and I got mad at him and told him he was fine, we went to a pool party and he had these bruises on his legs I didn't know how he got them so I took him to the E.R and they did so many test and the doctor came and said 'we are bringing an oncologist to talk to you' and my whole world fell apart and that's when they told me he had acute lymphoblastic leukemia, I didn't have the money to pay for hospital bills and treatments and stuff so they told me about St. Jude's and we flew to Memphis the next day and we have been here ever since."

"And Mason's father? If you don't mind me asking?"

"I never told him about Mason, he had such big dreams and a baby in high school would of definitely broke all the dreams."

"You are a really good mother." She said and tears came to my eyes she stood up and hugged me tightly.

"You have a strong amazing little boy and I will be here with you guys until he walks out that door cancer free." She said.

I laid down next to Mason on his bed and listened to the steady beeping of the monitors and was so thankful that I had my son for one more day I kissed his head and put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

Thank you for reading!