Chapter 1:The broken pieces of something so simple.


She was rich he was poor. It was all sex. No emotions, no strings, nothing else. But why was she buying him things. Why did he feel something more? Were they gonna have something more? When his friends find out what has been happening between him and this girl it opens more of the pieces of a simple thing.


The room filled with heavy grunting and breathing. A young blond man having sex with a young brunette woman. The mood was just sex, just a need to be filled and nothing else.

"Ah fuck Jen!" The man grunted climax on it's way. "Don't you fucking stop Kenny!" Jen called out as she felt hers nearing as well. He flipped her so she was on top of him. The bed creaked as the pace quickened.

Screams came from both as their climaxes came one after the other. Kenny flipped her on to her back and got close to her face. "I say you need one more fucking release before tomorrow huh Jen" he plunged back into her making her cry out. The intense feeling made her eyes close and water as she let out screams.

Again they were nearing the end, as he quickened his movement lifting her left leg over his shoulder and pinching her clit. She arched and climaxed again her body shaking as he finished with her.

He collapsed on to her and twitched slightly. Jen just shook as her body calmed itself. "When can this happen again?" Kenny asked her as he laid out on her chest. "I'll tell you tomorrow" she replied breathing uneven.

"I guess I'll see you at school right?" Kenny suggested as he got up and put on clothing. "Yea...want me to drive you home? This house is pretty far from yours" Jen offered him. "Well are you sure? My neighborhood is a far cry from yours? And you have a pretty expensive car...I see that as a target" Kenny was skeptical. "Yea I've dropped you off before right?" She said pulling her jeans on and putting a shirt over her slender frame the top getting stuck on her boobs. "Hehe breath reduction sound tempting huh?" Kenny joked making her roll her eyes. "Let's go!" She said putting on a coat and grabbing her purse going out to the car to warm it up.

The radio played as they drove to the mckormick residence. He was on the poor side of the town, She was on the high class side. She had big money, he had pocket change. So why did they come to each other for this? Why was this so often?

He opened the window a lit a cigarette blowing the smoke into the cold winter air. "Can I have one?" She asked as they stopped at a red light. "Yea, here" he pulled on out and handed it to her. As she began driving he lit it for her. They smoked as the wind blew on their faces. "Want me to pick you up some food Kenny? You didn't really have anything" she asked throwing her finished cigarette out the window closing it. "Sure I guess..." he threw his out quickly closing the window. She pulled into a convenience store parking lot getting out.

Kenny relaxed enjoying his temporary warmth in the shelter of Jen's car. Since they met she gave him money for food or grabbed him something for food that he'd share with Karen. His friends knew her but didn't know that Kenny had anything to do with her. They started having sex like this last year during the 11th grade. She was 18 and so was he.

Able to afford it she bought a house away from her over protective family that paid for it's utilities and mortgage. Kenny still lived at home with the same stupid parents he wished never existed.

He jumped as Jen re entered the car. "Here I bought you and Karen sandwiches and water with some chips and some fruit" she handed him the bag.

"Thanks...Why do you do this?" He asked relaxing. "Because I want to" she said pulling out of the parking lot. He nodded and never pried. She wasn't like other rich people in Southpark. Money wasn't a ranking in human worth to her. He liked that, it made him stick around.

They arrived at his house making him look at the time on the dash board 11:00. He got out of the car. "Thanks for the ride...and the food" he said a smile on his face "Oh by the way text me the answer for the next time I see you again" he yawned. "Sure thing Ken" she said as he closed the door walking inside his trash house. His parents were passed out on the couch making him sneak by. He headed to Karen's room and saw her uncomfortably sleeping holding her stomach, she was definitely hungry. "Hey Kare she gave us food again" Kenny quietly said lightly shaking her.

Her eyes shot open and she smiled sitting up bouncing excitedly. He pulled out everything and Karen hugged him and dug in quietly. He smiled and was happy Jen thought of Karen too.

They finished and he tucked her in letting her keep the chips. He headed to his room, entering her stripped his shirt off and flopped on his bed.

He jumped when a text came from his phone in his pocket (which he pays for by working once a week) he reads a text from Jen. 'You get everything okay to your sister?' He smiled a little. 'Yea I did she really appreciated it for sure :)' he texted back. 'K goodnight :)' he yawned again and replied 'goodnight' he closed his phone putting it on the charger.

He looked at his ceiling and relaxed. This whole thing with this girl was like a cheesy movie. Rich girl helps poor boy, and he was finally getting used to it. He felt something for her, but this was just sex for now. No feelings, no strings, just sex. He fell asleep.