This idea for a story came from It'sHardIKnow. It was my absolute favourite. I quickly became obsessed and wrote two whole chapters in one day. I have even decided to make this a long-fic. Thank you for the inspiration!

This story will later be rated M, when all the Eris lemons come along ;)

What everybody needs to know is that the characters in this story are the same as they are in the Divergent Trilogy. Same characteristics. Same appearance. They are only put in a different scenario.

Chicago is a normal city with no factions. Think of our modern world. It is like that. Some references from the books will pop up now and again.

I have decided to keep these characters in our modern world for the sake of references and humor. I mean come on, who can relate to choosing Dauntless at a ceremony and climbing up to ride a train in the same day? Nobody.

I really hope you enjoy this. I have never been so excited and relieved to write a story in my entire life :)




There is always a cold breeze in the kitchen. But it is impossible to close the windows. The heat radiating behind the door is too fierce. So they are always switching between opening the window and turning off the radiator. It is always either too hot or too cold. There is no balance yet.

Tris walks up to the window, slamming it shut for the tenth time today. Yeah, so they have also developed a system: leave the window open for an hour, turn up the heating for an hour. It has been like this since they bought the apartment. Christina always said that this is the reason why it came so cheap to them.

She smiles now, strutting into the kitchen and picking up a big bar of chocolate, "You still looking?"

Tris looks up at her from the newspaper in her hands, a small smile finding her lips, "I am... I am trying."

"Oh, you'll find something," she waves her off, ripping open the plastic packaging and shoving the bar of chocolate into her mouth. Tris' smile grows wider. She has always loved this about Christina- how she eats like a horse and fixes a wedgie at home, but puts on a sultry voice and starts to sway like a model when she is out. During both scenarios, she looks gorgeous.

Tris sighs, tossing the newspaper onto their kitchen table. Something that came free with the apartment, "Easy for you to say. You weren't fired last week."

"That was pretty funny though," Chrsitina smirks, chewing, "Never in my life have I met a person who thinks it is okay to steal food from a restaurant-"

"I wasn't stealing!" Tris sits up, "It was late and everybody went home and there was a ton of food left over in the kitchen," She gives her a pointed look, "You didn't complain, it was free food."

"Yeah but..." Chrsitina sucks her lip for a second, as if she is thinking. Tris speaks before she can.

"We're not the richest people in the world. We should enjoy freebies!"

"At the cost of getting fired? No way," Chrsitina turns to look at their wall clock (which came free from a friend. A friend who works with clocks). "I'm gonna be late for work. God forbid I get fired too. And then we are in a hole we can't get out of."

Tris raises an eyebrow.

Christina tries again, "And then we would be near a wall we can't scale." When silence stretches, she clicks her tongue, "And then we will be in a land we can't-"

"Can you please just go to work?" Tris laughs, forcing herself to pick up the newspaper again.

Chrsitina leaves within minutes, high heels on, lip-stick on point, her table waiting apron tied tightly around her waist. Tris can't help but feel envy towards her best friend. No, it is not a great job, no she did not love doing it... but it was better than doing nothing all day. She cocks her head to the side. Maybe getting fired was a good thing. Maybe something good will come out of it.

The heat from the radiator brushes softly against her bare arms. No. She has to keep the window closed. Only- she looks at the wall clock- fifty minutes to go.

Another good thing about being fired: now Tris is home all day, she can monitor the heat in the apartment. It was a nightmare walking into a jungle after a late shift with Christina.

With a deep sigh, she flicks through the thin pages until she finds the job section. Her eyes do a quick scan to find something she might like.

Pet groomer.

Personal Trainer.


She rolls her eyes. Some don't pay enough. Others she does not have the skills for.

The second scan starts to look more promising.

Waitress. (Obviously at a different place)

Bar tender.


She does a dramatic eye roll before doing a final scan. There has to be something that has good pay. Something.

One small box catches her eye. It has a border around it and all the letters are thick black. As if the newspaper is screaming at her 'Read it! Read it!


Full time nanny for one child. Non-smoker, non-drinker.

Preferably with experience.

$90 dollars per hour.

Tris almost chockes on her own tongue. Ninety dollars per hour?! Full time?!

Her heart sinks for a second. She needs experience. For fuck sake.

If she were to get this job, her problems would be no more. She would buy thousands of chocolates for Chrsitina. And no more freebies! She can buy normal stuff. Proper stuff. This is too good to be true. Probably is.

Her fingers hover above the phone next to her. It sits comfortably at its charging station, a green light flcikering across the top from time to time. What does she have to lose?

She grabs the phone, punching in the number with both of her thumbs as quickly as possible. There is a long beep. Holy shit, it's ringing. What does she say? How can she sell herself?

A husky male voice answers on the other line, "Eric Coulter speaking."

Tris licks her lips and clears her throat, "Umm... hi, I was just looking at your job offer in the paper and-"

Rudely, he cuts her off, "Can you see me for an interview tonight?"



"Erm, yeah sure. I mean-"

"Great. If you could just give me your number. I'll give you my address. Do you have a pen?"

Tris falls off her chair, scrambling towards the nearest writing device she can find. She writes down his address. Then, with a shaky voice she gives him her phone number.

"I will be waiting for you at seven Ms...?"

"Prior," she answers, surpring herself with the confidence of her voice.

"Seven o'clock, Ms Prior. Don't be late."

Soooo... how was the first chapter? Tell me in the reviews!