AN: This story was written in collaboration with the wonderfully fantastical hbarker! You rock!

Disclaimer: I do not own VA or any of its characters!


Lissa was worried. The object of her concern was currently seated at her dining room table. The other woman was studying her intently. Huffing, Rose asked, "Where are we going, Liss?" Usually she didn't have to ask, but could simply read her thoughts through the bond. However, currently Lissa was blocking Rose's attempt, wanting to surprise her friend. She knew how much she hated surprises, but Lissa figured this would be an exception. She might also secretly have wanted to irritate Rose enough for her best friend to show some sort of emotion.

"You'll see," was Lissa's only response, followed by a mischievous grin. Walking toward the table, she reached for Rose's hand, pulling her toward the front door.

Rolling her eyes, Rose responded, "Yes, Your Highness." She saw Rose try to smile at the title she knew irritated Lissa, but saw it didn't reach her eyes. Lissa, noting this, just sighed and closed the door behind them. Walking through the streets, they quickly made their way to their destination. As they neared, she saw the recognition appear on Rose's face. "You're taking me to the spa?"

"Yup! I've been so busy with the queen and school that we haven't been able to spend much time together."

"What do you mean, Liss? I'm around you like twenty-four seven."

Lissa groaned. "You guarding me is hardly considered spending time together. "

"But we are together when I'm guarding you."

Rolling her eyes, Lissa pressed on, "Just because you're there physically, doesn't mean we've been able to catch up!"

Once they reached the spa, Lissa checked them in before they were quickly ushered to the back. They would begin with full body massages. "You really know how to spoil a girl," Rose remarked.

Feeling unbidden emotion, Lissa replied wholeheartedly, "Rose, you deserve this. I'm not spoiling you, I'm giving you what you deserve; a token of my appreciation for you. I love you." She noted how Rose's only response was a quick nod. Lissa knew that in the past, a statement such as this would have Rose near tears.

They engaged in small talk before both were whisked away to their own private nirvana by the deeply relaxing massages. It wasn't until they had moved on to their nail treatments that Lissa decided to broach the sensitive subject. "So, how was your session?" To anyone that heard, they were likely discussing a training session, given Rose was a guardian. But she knew Rose understood the meaning.

Sighing, she shrugged and replied, "It was fine."

Lissa narrowed her eyes at her before pushing out her thoughts. 'Rosemarie Hathaway! 'You will tell me how the session went, and I mean it. You can't keep going on like this. I'm worried about you!'

"Later, okay?" Rose said quietly. Lissa barely caught the words as Rose grumbled, "Stupid one-way bond."

Once they were finished and outside, both agreed to go to Rose's apartment in guardian housing. This would give them the opportunity to hang out some more, as well as give them some privacy. Lissa suggested they pick up a pizza on the way, to which Rose agreed. It had only been recently that Rose's appetite had returned to at least half its usual level.

After arriving, Lissa closed the door behind her and quickly followed Rose to the breakfast nook, where she had set down the pizza. Turning to get some plates, Rose quickly placed them on the nook and went to the refrigerator for refreshments. Once everything was set, they began to get slices of pizza, eating in awkward silence. After eating her first slice, Lissa realized how silly she was being and decided to raise the subject of Rose's session once again. "So, how was it?"

Rose sighed. "It was fine, Liss. What can I say? You know how much I hate going to therapy." Rose wrinkled her nose in distaste.

Rose, at Lissa's insistence, had recently started seeing the court psychologist. Her depression after Guardian Belikov's, or, rather Dimitri's, restoration had become so severe, she had taken to not eating or sleeping well. The toll had not only been physical, but mental as well, leaving Rose an emotional shell. "I know Rose, but I'm worried about you. You aren't yourself!"

"What do you want me to do, Liss?"

"You could tell me what happened in the session," she suggested. While she knew what they had discussed in her session was private, Lissa needed to know that Rose was at least willing to keep going and trying to get better.

"Fine. We talked, or rather I mostly talked. She mostly asked questions." Sighing heavily, Rose continued, "I just don't see the point. How is me talking about my feelings going to change anything? On top of that, she gave me this ridiculous assignment."

Peaking Lissa's interest, she asked, "What's the assignment?"

"She wants me to start a journal and write out my feelings. She wants me to write as if I'm talking to the person or persons that I feel hurt me. Something about getting it out. She says it will help me 'find peace', her words, not mine."

"And?" Lissa prompted.

"And, what?" Rose mimicked.

Lissa rolled her eyes, "When are you going to get started?"

Rose shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I have to go buy a journal."

"Absolutely not, Rose! I don't want you to hold back on this!" Lissa then went to search the desk and found loose-leaf notebook paper. Thrusting it at her, she said, "Here, you could write your entries on these until we get you a journal!"

Rolling her eyes, Rose reluctantly took the paper from her hand, setting it on the table beside her. Obviously wishing to change the subject, Rose suggested watching some movies while they finished the pizza. By the time they were through, it was nearly 12pm, well into the Moroi night. Though Lissa had insisted on going home by herself, Rose, ever the vigilant guardian, made sure to accompany Lissa there and back.