Open, Gate of the Ghost King!

Now, I suspect that some introductions are in order. Hi, this is Catastrophe, Previously known as Jackie Frost or Luna Dragneel. Catastrophe, Cookie or Celeste is fine. Many chapters are being revised, rewritten and then reposted. Changes are being made to the characters, plot and quite a few other things. A few different ocs, a few new ones are being added and some are being deleted all together. Lex and Lucille are two of the OCs I am deleting, though I doubt they will be the only ones. I will include in another chapter the ocs I am now going to include, since they will not be in this chapter.

And of course, I also read fanfiction like the rest of you. The Demigods being keys thing isn't originally my idea, so I won't take ANY credit for it.

I do not own Fairy Tail or Percy Jackson. They belong to Uncle Rick and Sensei Hiro Mashima.

If I have something I want to note on at the end of the chapter, I will use an asterisk.

Chapter 1

It was a typical day in the guild of Fairy Tail. Loud, rowdy and in disorder; Natsu had thrown Gray into a wall, Cana was drinking all of the booze, Elfman was yelling 'Man' and jumping into whichever fight he wanted, And Lucy and Happy were hiding under the counter, trying to avoid getting hit by any stray bodies or furniture.

Suddenly, a member of the guild burst through the front door, shouting "She's back!" Everyone froze, and in the sudden silence, they could hear footsteps.

And not just any old footsteps.

They were Erza's footsteps.

That was all it took for everyone to get their act together. Natsu and Gray hugged each other, fear evident on their faces, their bodies trembling. Elfman took a seat, pretending like he had previously been in conversation with Lisanna, and not punching anyone who got in his way. Cana threw her barrel of booze and got off the table, acting very interested in her cards.

And Once again, the Guild Hall doors flew open. Everyone held their breaths, hoping that Erza didn't choose to pick on them today.

The Redhead looked around, her eyes searching for a certain, blonde member of the guild. "Lucy!" Yelled the knight, causing the celestial wizard to Jump, turning towards her. "y-Yes, Erza?!" She answered, a weak smile placed on her face. Erza stepped closer, then smiled triumphantly. "I got your birthday present! And I can bet it's better than Natsu's!" She declared, placing her hands on her hips.

July 1st, Lucy's birthday, had been a few days ago. Everyone in the guild of Fairy Tail had been racing to get a good present for their friend. Gray's gift had been a pen with ink that never ran out, so Lucy could freely write her novels. Natsu had gotten her favorite book signed by the author. This had also been Erza's idea, but once she saw Natsu had done the same, she went off on a job, insisting that she could not copy him. Lucy didn't know what the reward was, but Erza promised she would love it.

"Oh-! Erza, you really didn't have to go all this way just to-" Lucy tried, but Erza interrupted her before she could finish. "It's a new type of celestial key." Said Erza, her tone doing nothing to hide her smugness.

Lucy gasped, the shock evident on her face. "SERIOUSLY?! I didn't know there was a new series! I didn't hear anything about it from my spirits! Can you give it to me?! I mean- Please?" She added, realizing how her answer may have come off as rude, especially since Erza had gone on a job just to get her this key. However, Erza did not seem bothered with that fact at All. The knight simply laughed and handed it to her.

The key was pitch black, with a skull as the headpiece, and black Crystal in Its eye sockets. Lucy stared at it in awe. "Kinda creepy looking, ain't it?" Said Natsu, eyeing it suspiciously. Lucy glared at him, holding the key to her chest. "So? Don't judge a book by its cover!" Lucy scolded, scoffing at him. She wanted to test it out immediately, and looked at Erza for permission. "Go on!" Stated the Knight. "It's your key now, after all!"

Lucy smiled brightly, and cleared her throat, a serious expression taking over her face. "I call upon Thee, in the world of the Celestial Spirits! And now, I beckon you to my side at once! Pass through the Gate!" The moment she had finished, the room turned 10 degrees colder, and all the light in the room faded.

"The Hell's going on? I can't see a thing!" Yelled Natsu, as rowdy as ever. "Do you ever shut up?" Gray shouted back in response, and then the clunk of armor as Erza slammed both of them into her breastplate. "Quiet!"

From the shadows, A figure rose. The shadows then dissipated to reveal a teen. He had messy, shaggy black hair, obsidian eyes, pale skin, and a skinny, yet muscular build. He had a pitch black sword attached to a chain belt, Black jeans, a simple black t-shirt with a skull on it, and a black leather jacket.

The others stared at him, their heads tilted. He didn't look very much like a celestial spirit at all. In fact, had Lucy not summoned him from a key, they would have suspected he was just some regular mage. Lucy ended up staring at him for an uncomfortable amount of time, so He made the first move.

He bowed deeply, causing his hair to cover his face. "Hello, Mistress." He said. Lucy broke out of her awe-struck trance, lifting her hands up and shaking them dismissively. "Ah- You don't have to call me that! Lucy is fine. And you don't have to bow, either." The Ghost King nodded stiffly, and stood.

"What's your name?" Asked Lucy gently, beaming at him. He brushed his bangs away from his face. "Nico Di Angelo. Nico is fine." He responded, shrugging her shoulders. He glanced around at the other Fairy Tail members, who were still unabashedly staring at him.

Romeo was the first to speak up, crossing his arms over his chest. The young child seemed unimpressed. "How old are you, anyway?" He asked bluntly. "You don't look too old." Nico looked at Romeo, arching an eyebrow. "I'm 18.". He stated flatly. Lucy looked at him strangely. Spirits were typically far, far older than that- Maybe that was just his approximate age. She shook her head; No use dwelling on something like that, anyway! "Right, so onto our contract. When are you available?" Nico ran a hand through his hair. "Everyday, 24/7, whenever you need me." He answered promptly, staring into her eyes. It felt somewhat unnerving, like he was staring into her soul, somehow. "A-Ah...Okay...And are there others like you? I didn't hear about a new series of Keys, or anything of the sort."

Nico sagged, as if the weight of her question manifested physically onto his shoulders. "Yeah, I don't reckon you would have." He mutters, scoffing a bit. "This new 'series', as you called it, was dubbed the Greek Keys. There are 12 in total, including myself. Some more powerful than others, but all of them are equally strong." He says, and then sighed. "They're my friends." Lucy stared at him, then beamed brightly. "Oh! Do you have an idea of where their keys might be, then? So we can find your friends!" Nico shook his head sadly. "I don't. I'm sorry. If it's too much of a burden for you, you don't-" "Nonsense, it's really no trouble at all!" Interrupted Lucy, giving him another bright smile. She did want to help him, and she also found happiness in the fact that she was going to receive some new keys.

Nico blinked, a little surprised. Then he mustered up a small smile, bowing once more. "Thank you. I'll take my leave." He said, and with that he vanished into the shadows.

The guild was surprisingly silent once Nico Di Angelo had taken his leave. "I got a funny feeling about that guy…" Said Gray, frowning. He rubbed his chin, thinking. "He seemed so moody and depressed, such a downer…" Said Natsu, crossing his arms. Lucy smacked him in the back of his head. "That's my spirit youre talking about, y'know!" She said, glaring. "And he's probably just sad he hasn't seen his friends or something! Don't judge him!"

"However, Gray does have a point." commented Makarov. Lucy jumped about 10 feet in the air. She had no idea the master had even been paying attention to their discussion. "Something about him….He isn't a mage, but not exactly human, either. And after years of staying the same, why would the celestial world suddenly add 11 more keys?" He added, scratching the top of his head. Lucy frowned, furrowing her eyebrows. She knew That Master had a point, though.

"But Gramps, if hes not human, then-"

"What is he?"

Author's Notes

I had never actually planned on making this more than just an introduction, I just wanted to revise it because It wasn't that great to begin with. Chapters will probably become longer and more refined as I revise them before I begin working on new chapters. And as mentioned above There are a few characters/OCs I'll remove or change to suit the story. And obviously a lot of characters will seem OOC, since I could probably never envision the characters as good as Uncle Rick or Hiro Mashima. Each chapter will be edited and revised, then uploaded as soon as possible. I seem to at least have a muse for this, so it should be relatively easy for me to edit existing chapters.

And of course, I must figure out where the story will be going before I can actually keep going. Please be patient with me :) I have to figure out where I ORIGINALLY wanted the story to go, and then edit it to suit my current writing style and the new storyline.

Thanks, My Stars.
