Upon returning to her chamber, Sansa was greeted by someone she believed she would never see again. Lady was smaller then when she had last seen her, the direwolf no bigger then a small dog, as she played with the others. However, to Sansa, her presence meant more to her then imaginable, bending down to pet her, "How I've missed you Lady!", the direwolf winning in response. "Ghost? Ghost? Where is seven hells?" Looking up Sansa saw Jon approaching, clearly looking for the albino wolf who was amongst the others. "Oh, I apologise Sansa, I thought you would be with Jeyne Poole or Septa Mordane" Jon said, turning, clearly egger to get away. Goodness, how terrible she must have been to him when they were younger, how selfish and hateful she must have been for him to practically cower to get away from her, for, to this younger Jon she had never apologised for how badly she had treated him. "No, no, it's fine Jon, I just haven't seen Lady all day", "Oh right" he replied quietly, before turning and walking back the way he came, Ghost in toe. "Jon?" she asked, the sound stopping him in his tracks. As he turned, the expression on his face was one of surprise, probably due to her even directly addressing him at all, yet, she now realised how young he looked. For what was only a few hours before, Sansa had seen Jon; he was battle worn in his old age, his eyes constantly tired and filled with worry, and his death and resurrection had only amplified his brooding personality. But here he stood, his hair short and his face clean shaven, and she could see how much the wall had changed him. "I'm sorry", she said, attempting to put all her regret of those many years into those two words. "What for Sansa?" he questioned

"For everything".

Lining up with her family she noted Jon's and Theon's presence behind them. Noticing her glancing over, Jon offered her a small but rare smile, to which she reciplicated. But looking properly at Theon for the first time, she also saw how different he was too, in comparison to his older self. It was not necessarily his physical appearance that had changed much, although he was much cleaner then when she last saw him, but it was his mannerism. Opposed to cowering and shrinking into his own shadow, Theon held him self with confidence, almost arrogance, reminding her of how he used to be somewhat narcissistic before his encounter with Ramsey.

"Where's Arya? Sansa where's your sister?" Catelyn questioned. Arya. she had not seen her. She had not seen her in years. Sansa had lost count of the times she had regretted her poor relationship with her sister. Lost count of the times she had recalled all their stupid petty arguments, particularly the one over the incident with Nymeria and Joffery, and wished that she could undo them all.

At Arya bounding up to the line in her usual manor, wearing a helmet, Sansa could not help but smile. "Hey, what are you doing with that on?" Father asked, removing the helmet. Seeing her sister for the first time Sansa could not help but feel the need to hug her, to tell her she was sorry for constantly arguing with her, but this desire was interrupted by the loud clattering of horses' hooves.

The king's arrival was much like it was the first time. Although, this time around she saw behind the shallow smiles and falsities of Cerci Lanister, and the supposed handsomeness of Joffery, only to see the hideous people they really are. This time however, she noticed others in their company: Meryn Trant, a member of the Kingsguard, who repeatedly beat her under Joffery's orders, Sandor Clegane, one of the few people in King's Landing she could say protected her, and Tommen Baratheon, the future King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector or the Realm, nothing more then an innocent little boy. She remembered how the fist time around she had marveled and idolised the Prince and Queen upon their looks, yet had been repulsed by that of the Hound, although now it was almost the complete opposite. How deceiving looks can be to a naïve little girl, she thought.

Unlike last time, she now had a real purpose, to stop the events unfolding that led to her father's death, and hence everything afterwards. To do this she needs to prevent him, along with herself and Arya, going to Kings Landing. She recalled that last time her father took a few days to accept the position of Hand, that therefore gave her a little time, but she also needed to prevent other events. Bran's crippling for instance, along with her betrothal with Joffery.

As the King descended from his horse, after several attempts and with great effort, he approached the welcome party, and they rose on his command. The trivial jokes between her father and Robert once again reminded her of what a pathetic excuse Robert had been for a King, but then again, a far superior one then Joffery in her books.

"Where's the Imp?" Arya asked her. Tyrian Lanister, now she had not seen him in a while either. Last she heard he had escaped imprisonment for Joffery's murder and sailed across the narrow sea, to do what, she did not know. Technically their marriage had never ended, although arguably it never really began. Yet now, after all she had been through, after all the suffering at the hands of Ramsey, she had a new found respect, even likening for the man. For he was one of the few who were kind to her while at King's Landing, and despite his reputation, never once forced her to perform her marital duty, and for that she was eternally grateful. She had always felt somewhat guilty for leaving him at the Purple Wedding, leaving him to be charged with a crime she knew he was innocent of, and was secretly slightly relieved upon hearing of his escape.

The crowds soon began to disperse once the King and her father walked off to the crypts, and Sansa found herself following her sister, suspiciously in the direction of the training yard. For that was one relationship she could not wait to amend.