
Ivy's heart hammered painfully in her chest. Her small feet pattered on the cobbled streets as she fought to outrun those who were pursuing her. There had been very few times in her short life, where the young woman had been truly frightened, but now anxiety coursed through her veins and forced her forward. She had been running for so long, that it almost felt like it was all she could do. Run. Hard and fast and out of harm's way.

It was midday, and the sun glowed gaily in the sky, though sadly such beauty was lost on Ivy. When she had entered the town (Market Chipping if the signs were anything to go by) a week ago, it had been a peaceful enough place. But now it was ablaze with reveling masses and crowded streets.

It was May Day in Market Chipping, and Ivy was in a perpetual hell.

Normally festivities and merry making were something to be enjoyed, but for the young woman, there was nothing merry about her current circumstances. And as she passed down another crowded street of people, she knew that even the happy party-goers before her, would be just as miserable as she was, if placed in her shoes.

Huffing tiredly, the small figure darted into a back alleyway. It was a dismal hope that the ones chasing her would give up, but she clung to it anyway. Perhaps if she left the bustling streets and got away from the May Day celebrations, they'd lose interest. It was all she could pray for at this point. She was too exhausted to run for much longer, and with the hot sun beating down on her back, her fatigue had caught up with her.

She scuttled anxiously down the solitary alley, the tall stone buildings rising up on either side of her, as she looked for a place to hide. There were plenty of spots where she would fit, but her assailants had proven they were excellent seekers.

Ivy was about to turn into an adjoining alley and hide in a rubbish bin, when she stopped dead in her tracks. For at the end of the other backstreet, one of her stalkers stood firmly. She swiftly spun back to go the other way, but found herself cut off there too. She was effectively trapped in a pocket of the alleyway. The young woman backed into the corner unconsciously, as she fought to think of a solution to her predicament. She could try to fight the three of them, but her chances of winning were slim. Even if she'd been willing to hurt them, she was far smaller than they were, and would surely pay the price if she tried to bite.

For several seconds, she waited, as they drew closer, and felt her dread grow. Two of the youth had rope nets, while the third had a large stick. She immediately felt a cry rise in the back of her throat, at the reminder of how that stick had poked her not an hour earlier. The hair along Ivy's back lifted as she bared her teeth and fought the urge to whine. She wouldn't give the devils the satisfaction of seeing her cry. At least not a second time that day.

"Found it," she heard one of the boy's crow, as they caught sight of her. "Make sure it doesn't get away this time!"

"You're the one with the stick!" Another protested, as they came to block the path completely, towering over the bristled Ivy. "Make sure to use it this time!"

"Yeah, but you have to catch it first!"

"Shut up and throw the net!"

Ivy gave a yip of protest as one of the nets was tossed in her direction. Though she was smart enough to try and evade it, in such a small corner of the alley it was impossible to get away. The thick layered net settled around her, as she fought to get free. Her feet kicked frantically as she began to gnaw on the rope. But as soon as she began to chew it, the boy with the stick smacked her muzzle, making her whine as pain shot through the roots of her teeth to her head.

The boy who had thrown the net, quickly moved to pick up the ends. The three of them, who were most likely around eleven years old, all guffawed at their newfound prize. And with each passing second, Ivy felt her hope die. They would most likely take her home and skin her. Or worse, keep her locked up in a cage as a neglected pet.

Several tears trickled down her muzzle as she openly cried. After trying for so long, she had finally failed. Her last chance to be free had been lost. She was lost.

"There you are sweetheart. I've been looking all over for you."

At the new, and infinitely deeper voice, Ivy and the three boys snapped their attention to the adjacent lane. The newcomer was a man- dressed in a stunning coat of red and blue, with a gem pendant swinging freely about his neck. His pale hair draped down, encasing a handsome face and bright blue eyes. He was truly beautiful, and had an air about him that demanded attention.

The boys exchanged glances of confusion, before the one with the stick spoke up. ". . . Sir? Who are you talking to?"

The blue eyes met Ivy's as he gestured easily to her. "I was addressing your beautiful captive."

"B-But why?"

The man smiled as he came to stand directly behind the youth. "Because she so happens to be a friend of mine."

Now the boys outright laughed, as the one holding the net swung Ivy pointedly. "You can't be friends with a fox!"

Ivy felt the urge to throw up, as she was jostled to the point of being sick. But since she'd had nothing to eat in several days, she luckily had nothing to lose. Not that she wouldn't have loved to leave the terrible children such a heart-felt surprise.

"I assure you, that you can," the man interjected calmly, his intent blue gaze barely leaving Ivy as she dangled helplessly. "Now, I would appreciate it if you'd let her down. I think she has had as much excitement as she can take for an evening."

The boys made no move to let her go. Instead they clustered around her protectively. "We found her first! You can't have her!"

The blue eyes twinkled with challenge, as the man leaned casually against the alley wall. "Why don't we leave the decision to the lady."

Even as the boys called her a 'dumb fox', Ivy stared with wide golden eyes at the man, begging him with her expression to be saved. She pawed at the rope that ensnared her and whined softly.

The man smiled as he shrugged at the boys. "Looks like she's made up her mind."

Then with a simple snap of his fingers, Ivy was no longer trapped in the net. . . but instead, nestled firmly in his arms. She froze as his gentle hands came to hold her, fearing that she might have jumped from the frying pan into the fire. But despite her reservations, her body began to melt as he petted her and let her rest in the crook of his arms.

The boys stared at the man in shock. "H-How did you do t-that!?"

The man looked at them with a lifted brow, as they scrambled backward. The fear was clearly written on their faces as they ran away.


From his place against the wall, the man shook his head and chuckled. When they were out of sight, he turned down to look at the fox he had saved.

"I think monster is a bit harsh, don't you?"

Ivy met his gaze with her golden one. Once again her hackles rose, though he shushed her gently and flashed her a light smile.

"Now, now, sweetheart, is that anyway to treat your rescuer?"

When she continued to stare at him, he sighed. "I'm not going to hurt you. Not after going to the trouble of saving you from those young heathens."

Ivy found herself snorting at his word choice, which made his eyes twinkle again. "It would have been a shame to have such a beautiful lady, as yourself be harmed."

Ivy felt her heart ache at his words. It had been nearly a year since anyone had talked to her like a human being. A full year of hiding and running. 365 days since she'd been a woman.

At the sad expression that had taken over her, the man gently cupped her small, furry face with one of his hands. She looked up at the stranger again.

"Let me have a look at you, dear." After a moment of observation, he gave her a sympathetic look. "That's quite the curse you have on you, isn't it?"

Ivy's mouth fell open in surprise. He knew!

He laughed quietly at her shock. "You know. . . given time I could maybe do something to help you. I could maybe even find a way to break your spell . . . If you like?"

It was almost too good to be true, but Ivy was past such worries. If this strange, attractive man was willing to help her, she'd take him up on it. What else did she really have to lose?

The fox let one of her feet paw at him, as she bobbed her head up and down. He seemed pleased by her obvious agreement.

"It's settled then. You'll come with me to the Castle and we'll see if I'm able to break your curse."

Ivy nudged his hand with her nose gratefully, and he pet her behind her black tipped ears. As he began to stroll back the way he'd come, he offered lightly.

"Sorry, sweetheart. In the commotion, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Howl Pendragon."

Ivy felt her anxiety rear its ugly head, as he gave her his name. She had heard stories of the infamous Wizard Howl, who stole and ate the hearts of pretty young girls. . . But surely he wouldn't eat the heart of a fox. . . It'd barely be a mouthful for him.

"And what's your name," Howl asked, more to himself than to Ivy. Obviously she couldn't tell him, but it didn't stop the Wizard from thinking on it.

"How about a compromise," he suggested finally as they entered out into the crowded streets of Market Chipping. "Until I am able to learn your real name, I'll call you. . . Vixen?"

Ivy yipped at him in annoyance, and he barked a laugh. "Alright, Vixen it is!"

A/N: This was originally written as a Reader Insert commission for a friend over on Deviantart, but I decided to post it here too. This story ended up taking a life of its own, so I've decided to make it a 3-4 part story. So stay tuned for the next chapters! ^^

I've been a Howl's Moving Castle for years (the book before the movie, though I adore them both) and I'm so thrilled that I finally got to write something for it! I've always had a soft spot for Howl. :3

I hope you guys liked the first part!
