

Hey there! Thanks for checking this out!

As the summary states, my muse has been hectic and I just want to write some drabbles or one-shots to help get it back into place when I can't write for the things I want to write for. This will likely just serve me as a distraction! But it's also to interact with my readers and see their creativity and write for the things they envision!

Though, I do have a few guidelines that I'd like to mention. Just a few!

1.) Not all prompts you leave have to be romantic! I'm willing to do platonic prompts, or plotcentric prompts, tragedy, angst, etc. The only thing I won't do is lemons, rip. But a prompt can be anything, seriously! A scenario, a setting, a song, etc.! Get creative, I'm ready.

2.) As far as ships do go, I'm down for just about anything. I'm not a big fan of Gakupo ships though, so I won't really do any ships with him aside from Lily, Luka and Kaito. Plus, I won't do Len/Meiko or Len/Luka. ;; Sorry! I'm also not the biggest fan of Len/Miku either, but I'm still willing to do them if I like the prompt enough!

3.) On the other hand, I love rarepairs, and am willing to write for any rarepair sent my way. Like shower me in rarepairs. Please. The rarest of the rarepairs. I need.

4.) I prefer shoujo ai/yuri and shounen ai/yaoi but I'm still willing to do ships that don't involve them!

5.) I love non-canonical family headcannons so much. Like, Luka/Yuuma/Ia as siblings, or Mizki/Tei as siblings. Shower me in those as well! Please!

6.) If you'd like, you can leave me extra details in your prompt suggestions, such as word max/min, genre, characters used, etc.! I'm totally up for ideas that make it very specific and solid! But I don't mind it vague either!

7.) Feel free to leave multiple prompts/pairing suggestions! I'll try to do as much as I can! And I'll try to finish the oneshot asap, it'll just depend on my muse when I receive it.

8.) Mutuals! /finger-guns/ I'm counting on you guys to leave me some really nice prompts, since you know me and my ships so well and are all so creative. But, it's just as well for new people! Don't be afraid! I don't bite, and I'm willing to take anything you'd like for me to write into consideration.

9.) I love poly ships. So much. Gumi/Luka/Miku especially. And Len/Kaito/Rin! And VY2/Yukari/IA! Don't be afraid to suggest poly ships, whether they be platonic or romantic! I just love them.

10.) I will do AUs but I won't do crossovers! And I'll also do songfics as well!

11.) Also, I'm willing to change my perspective (first, second, third) and tense (past, present, future) if you'd like!

If all of that was kind of too long to read, then I'll just leave a format below that you can use! All you really need is a prompt, everything else is optional.


Pairing (optional, but preferred- can be platonic or romantic):
Other characters (optional):
Time limit (optional):
Word max/min (optional):
Perspective (optional):
Tense (optional):


I think that does it! So, with that said and done, please go right ahead and give me your ideas and suggestions. I'm eager to see what you guys think of!