Thank you all so much for reading. Enjoy!

Steve grabbed the doorframe, abruptly stopping his ride. "I'll take it from here. Thanks."

The orderly nodded and stepped away. "I have specific orders. You get 10 minutes."

Danny turned his head at their voices and gave his partner the biggest smile. And Steve's heart stopped. It took him a few seconds to recover.

With a burst of energy, he wheeled himself into the room, determined to hold it together. Danny was alive and looked much better. Though one good look told him his best friend was still high as a kite.

"Did you move your flowers to my side of the room, babe?" Danny blinked at him sleepily. His barely focused eyes were a little blood shot.

Steve shook his head and laughed. "So that's the first thing you say after almost dying?"

"Dying? What?" Danny's smile faded and his increased heart rate was announced by the monitor still firmly in place.

"God, Danny. I'm sorry." Steve was up out of his chair, ignoring the twinges of pain. He used the bedrail for support as he reached for his friend. He needed to touch him. "You're going to be fine, buddy. I was joking."

"But I wasn't?" He was confused.

It was obvious to Steve that his partner didn't have the full picture yet. He needed to tread lightly. "You had some pain, and you spiked a fever."

Danny closed his eyes and exhaled. He certainly sounded like he'd been through the wringer.

"Everyone was worried about you."

Danny opened his eyes again and for the first time, really looked at his surroundings. "Wait, this isn't the same room."

"No, they had to separate us."

"I've been thinkin they should do that for years." Danny's attempt at humor came out as a growl as he had to clear his throat.

Steve didn't laugh. He grabbed the nearby cup of water and helped Danny take a few sips.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Danny never took his eyes off his friend. "Use your words."

"You were - they weren't sure -"

"Hey, I'm okay. Right?" Danny tried to sit up.

Steve put his hand on Danny's shoulder, stopping any movement as he adjusted the bed. "Relax. I'll tell you more later."

"Wait, I'm not tired. I want to know now." The rush of adrenaline gave him woke him up a little.

Steve knew he had to tell him something. And he knew his bedside manner sucked. "You developed an infection at your incision."

Danny looked at his belly.

"Took them a couple tries to find the right meds."

"Huh. Seriously?" Danny's normally clear blue eyes were clouded with a mixture of drugs and puzzlement.

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"Arguing with you."

Steve closed his eyes and nodded. "I'm sorry about that."

"Sorry? Since when does arguing cause infections?"

"That could have been our last-"

"Stop." Danny waved his hand at his friend. "You said I was okay."

"But you might not have been."

"I could say that about you all the time, Steven."

This time Steve cracked the smallest smile. "I promise-"

"No, don't. You know how I feel about promises. And the first chance you get you'll be dodging bullets and bad guys again. Dragging our liver along for the ride." Danny grabbed Steve's hand which had been squeezing the life out of the bed rail. "Finish what you were saying. Why am I in a new room?"

"They didn't know what was going on. So they moved us both. No visitors for 24 hours."

"How long have I been out of it?"

"36 hours."

"I'm fine now?" Danny ran his fingers over his bandages. "My liver's alright?"

"Yea, you're gonna be fine."

"And you?"

"I'm fine, Danny."

"Should you be outta bed or did you escape?" The grin returned.

"I have an escort." Steve pointed toward the door.

Danny followed his motion and saw a rather formidable looking orderly standing there. He remembered him from before - he sighed - before his little episode. "Hi there."

"Good to see you awake, Danny." The guy gave him a wave. "Time to go, Steven."

"One more thing." Steve eased himself into the waiting wheelchair. "What I said about Charlie."

"It hurt." Danny didn't mince words.

"Not my finest moment. I'm sorry. I never meant to -"


"Okay? That's it? So that means acceptance is pending?" Steve tried to crack a joke.

Danny frowned. "No."

Steve was confused. "What?"

The grin returned. "No, you idiot. Apology accepted."

"Really?" Steve just about fell apart in that wheelchair. "Good, yea. I ... uh..."

"Of course. Why wouldn't I forgive you?"

"I haven't been easy on you."

"You're my best friend, Steve. It can't be wine and roses all the time."

Steve gave Danny a quick nod, chewing on his bottom lip, eyes watering.

Danny took pity on his partner and ended the conversation. "Go get some rest, babe. Please. You're a mess."

The orderly cleared his throat.

"See? He agrees with me." Danny gestured toward the staffer.

"Wait. The others-" Steve looked away. "They didn't realize."

"Hey, I don't care about any of that. You're alright and so am I."

They stared at each other for a minute. Steve grabbed Danny's hand and squeezed.

"I can't do this without you, buddy."

"Stop it. I'm not mad. We're good, alright?"

"I'm sorry."

Danny sighed and closed his eyes. "Steven...just stop. You're killing me. Shit, bad choice of words..."

Steve crumbled just a little. "I just...waiting for news... I didn't know if you were okay. I was was all my..."

"Knock it off." Danny snapped and then dissolved in a coughing fit. He held his stomach and glared at his partner.

"Gentleman..." They were reminded they weren't alone. Danny's nurse appeared behind the orderly, making it clear it was time to go.

"I'll stop in to see you in the morning."

"Doing laps already?" Danny smacked Steve's leg. "Wait, why can't I come to you?"

"Alright we'll take turns then. When you're ready, big guy." Steve kept a straight face. "You just can't bare to be away from me, huh?"

Danny rolled his eyes and turned to his nurse. "You know you're gonna have to put us back in the same room, right?"

She frowned and shook her head, continuing her work.

The tech kicked the brake on the chair. "Time to go."

"Alright, let's go." Steve settled himself. "Wait, hey Danny? You know what they say about absence?"

"I almost died. Enlighten me."

"Come on. Everybody knows this."

"Not in the mood for games, Steven."

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

"Jeez, did you steal that from one of your cards?"

Steve smiled and pointed at the table of get well wishes. "Nope one of yours."

"You read my cards? Seriously, get outta here. You're bad for my heart, you control freak."

"I love you, buddy."

"Yea sure. I hate you." Danny grinned.

Steve stopped his ride. "Danny, I mean it."

Danny sighed. "I love you, too, you goof. I haven't been the same since you stole my crime scene."

"You ever gonna let me live that down?"

"Nope. Not a chance." Danny shook his head.

Steve's whole face lit up. "Good."

Danny's nurse finally had enough. She signaled to the orderly to get moving.

"And that's a good night, boys. You can see each other in the morning."

Until next time...